
Modern Family: Living the Chef Life

An aspiring chef hit by the almighty caucasian semi-truck gets sent to ROB. He convinces ROB to send him to his favorite TV show "Modern Family", with some cheats and of course no system. ROB says sure and sends him on his merry way. Watch as this chef becomes the best of the best as he aspires to be while dealing with the sitcoms shenaniganery. Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my OC's. Also to reiterate, there would not be any systems, however he would get slight help in this situation. MC is twins with Hailey.

Jin_K8po · TV
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10 Chs

Pilot (Part 1)

Author's note: MC looks like a young less attractive Jensen Ackles.

"..." : Means talking

- (insert name): If I have nothing to write after, its just an indication of whose talking.

'...' : Thoughts.


3rd POV

The sun has propped itself to a beautiful height in the early mornings. A two-story house with a grayish exterior decorated with trees and shrubbery bustle with morning laziness. A booming motherly voice could be heard faintly from the inside as she calls her children to start the morning.

"Kids! Breakfast!... Kids?!" - Claire

A blond haired woman of late 30s peeks her head out from the corner and a man with a blue jacket plays a loud video game behind her.

"Ugh, Felix, Phil would you get them?" Said Claire

"Yeah, sure, woah excuse me there buddy let me get the snack here, just a sec honey." Phil said, propping the door open to take a green apple from the fridge.

A boy of no older than 15 is prepping a breakfast sandwiched between Phil and Claire. He looks more focused in his cooking, but is still able to navigate his way around the kitchen without unnecessary disturbance.

"Dad, can you move please, pan's hot." Said the boy, shooing away his father to the other side of the kitchen where a solid marble counter is littered with clutter.

"Kids!" - Claire

Claire turned to the still open fridge door and spills a bowl of oats she is carrying. She throws her hands up in the air while exclaiming, "Oh, come on!"

Phil realizes his blunder, and starts to mutter, "That is total-"

"Okay, jus-" Claire's hands pressing against the sides of her head overwhelmed with the series of mistimed events.

"Great now I have to clean that up Dad, thanks." Said Felix, glancing over quickly at the sight of the tragedy known as the spilled oats.

"Kids, get down here." Exclaimed Phil.

A brunette girl vaguely of the same age with Felix walks by with her eyes glued to her phone.

"Why are you yelling at us when we're way upstairs? Just text me."

"Behind you, Mom." Felix grabbed the broom and starts to sweep the mess with a deafening defeated sigh. He had hurried over to the closet where the lifeless sweeper was. The bacon he was cooking was about to be done, and this just adds to the eventual result of the bacon being overly crispy.

"All right, that's not gonna happen. And, wow, you're not wearing that outfit." Claire sternly said, examining Hailey's outfit with a sense of motherly purpose. She had realized Hailey's skirt had been too short.

"What's wrong with it?" - Hailey

"Honey, do you have anything to say to your daughter about her skirt?" - Claire

"Sorry," Phil distractedly peered at the side of the kitchen counter having been booted out of the way. "Yeah, that looks really cute, sweetheart."

Hailey thanked her dad, before Claire ordered her to change it. "People know you're a girl. You don't need to prove it to them."

"Mom, please move." Felix moved behind Claire and lightly kicked the fridge door closed swinging until it reached a soft thump.

A smaller human child moves through the hallway encountering Felix holding a broom and the dustpan. Both looked at each other with a friendly nod, acknowledging the presence of the other. It was amicable with sibling energy, the air could change from toleration to hostile in any given moment, however, it remained fine.

"Alex, take the bacon off the pan and move it to the plate." - Felix

Felix observed a curious scenario in front of him. Between the railings of the stairs was a boy no older than 9 had his head peering through the two descending banisters. With a deep familiarity with the situation Felix took a much needed breath, he took the waft of the bacon he had cooked.

"Dad, Luke got his head stuck in the banisters again." - Alex

"I got it, where's the baby oil?" - Phil

Claire answered until she streamed to a different one, "It's in our bedside table- I don't know. Find it." She manages to squeeze out a few gritted words. She turns and moves collides with the fridge door again.

"Oh, come on." She must've had a bout with one in another timeline.

"Felix, baby oil?" - Phil

"Bedside table." - Felix

"Thanks." - Phil


[Claire and Phil's commentary]

"I was out of control growing up. There, I said it. You know." Both chuckle at the truth of the sentence.

Claire looks up with the explanation of what she just said. "I just don't want my kids to make the same bad mistakes I made." She purses her lips and looks beyond the camera lens, and Phil attentively listens to what she had to say.

"If Haley never wakes up on a beach in Florida half-naked, I've done my job." - Claire

"Our job." Phil interjects to correct Claire of her previous statement.

"Right, I've done our job." - Claire


The crowd is a mismatched pessimistic one, filled with stressed out soccer moms and worn out dads, all vying for a little bit of relief watching a soccer game between children. A loud mouthed Latina woman in a tight shirt and jeans screams something to the field and coincidentally as a collateral, everyone else's eardrums.

"Vamos, Manny, kick it! Kick it! Don't let him kick it!" Screamed Gloria, her motions of kicking a soccer ball making her high heels become a hazard for the children playing.

A chubby kid wearing orange is half-predicting the path the ball was about to go to. He moves to the correct spot, but gets ankle broken like a James Harden crossover.

"No, no. He tripped him, Jay. Where's the penalty?" - Gloria

The man in question is sitting in a lounge chair, sunk into it like the fucking Titanic. Embedded towards the truly bottomless stretch of his regal lounge chair, wearing a tracksuit that most see in a Zumba class for old people. Tiredly he says, "Gloria, they're 0 - 6. Let's take it down a notch."


[Jay and Gloria's commentary]

"Hmm. We're very different." Gloria says, swiping her finger between Jay and herself. Think of the classic hand motion of the "Me and you? Let's do this." before they get their asses kicked by a villain.

"Jay's from the city, he has a big business. I come from a small village, very poor, but very, very beautiful. It is the number one village in Colombia for all of the…What's the word?" She turns to Jay expecting the answer to flow out, connected to each other like that one Disney song. "We finish each others…"

"Murders." - Jay

"Yes. the murders." Says Gloria in a proud manner.


"Manny! Stop him! Stop him! You can do it!" - Gloria

Manny distractedly sees a blond girl on her bike. The teen seductress rode on the bike path and stared at Manny. Or her brother, it didn't matter who she looked at, because Manny had taken her eyes off the game and honed in on her. In that moment everything stopped and the stun icon used in Pokemon moves appeared above Manny's head. Despite the groans and cheers of the crowd to kick the ball, Manny turned a 180, ogling the teen, giving a tiny wave as she departed and rode on.

"Dammit, Manny! Coach, you gotta take that kid out!" Exclaimed one frustrated soccer mom.

"You wanna take him out? How about I take you out?" - Gloria

"Honey, honey." - Jay

"Why don't you worry about your own son? He spent half of the game with his hands in his pants!" Gloria was getting heated from a soccer game, played by children.

A sleazeball trucker dad steps near Gloria to her right. Crosses his arm and coolly tries to play coy. "I've wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks. I'm Josh, Ryan's dad."

Taking off his shades while he says his phrase, pretending to be a little cooler and sexier to attract Gloria. If he were to smile a little brighter, you would've thought he sprinkled his teeth with bioluminescence.

"Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett, Manny's mother." - Gloria

"And this must be your dad." Showing the baby pearls again, hoping on the off chance that he was right.

"Her dad?" - Jay

"Yeah." - Josh, Ryan's dad

"No, no, that's funny. Actually no, I'm her husband. Don't be fooled by the…" Jay, to assert dominance, tried to stand up. His support gave out on him and he struggled to get up. The Titanic was sunk and is trying to get up again. Alas, by the notion of Jay's back, the struggle to stand up was real.


A plane that is about to take off sits at the ramp, waiting for takeoff. Sounds of jets and streamline aircraft filled the background. Settlers who had just boarded the plane were starting to make themselves comfortable. A ginger man is lovingly carrying a Vietnamese girl, her eyes looking up at him with wonderment and delight. Her baby arms were reaching up to him.

An elderly woman who's sitting on the row over calls over to the child and her father. "Oh! She's adorable."

"Thank you." - Mitchell

"Hi, precious." - Elderly woman

"Hello. Hi. Hi." - Mitchell

She starts blowing raspberries towards the child. Saliva spewing out from her lips. They would need to clean that aircraft thoroughly, and maybe bless the child.

"We just adopted her from Vietnam and we're bringing her home for the first time." - Mitchell

An older black gentleman couldn't help but comment, "Oh, she's an angel. You and your wife must be thrilled."

A larger, bubbly gentleman struts in and boards the plane. His hands flowing about with precarious vigor. With him carrying a lime green bag with toys and such, needed for the baby. Cream puffs sandwiched between delicate pieces of paper, being held in the balance of his hands.

"Sorry, sorry. Daddy needed snacks. Hi." - Cam

The older gentleman and elderly lady look in disbelief about this new revelation. Their mouths agape. The couple who had adopted a child, was gay.

"So, what are we talking about?" Cam asks while panting. Mitchell looks around uncomfortably and notices the discrepancies in the way they were being looked at. More like ogled.

[Mitchell and Cam's commentary]

"Ah… We have been together for 5..5 years now. And we just decided we really want a baby, so.. We had initially asked one of our lesbian friends to be a surrogate…" Cam smiling and nodding at all the statements made by Mitch.

"Then we figured, they're already mean enough. Can you imagine one of them pregnant?" He asks while flailing his arms around.

"No, thank you." As they both shake their heads side to side agreeing with disdain.

"You saw that right? Everybody fawning over, Lily and then you walk on and suddenly it's all, "Oooh SkyMall, I gotta buy a motorized tie rack." Says Mitchell, while Cam is surveying the area to confirm what Mitchell was saying.

"All right, I'm gonna give the speech." Mitchell handing Lily over to her other daddy.

"You are not going to give the speech." Disagreeing Cam says.

"Why?" - Mitchell

"You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours." - Cam

Mitchell agrees with the rationality Cam brought and understood what a blunder that would be-

"Honey, honey. Look at that baby with those cream puffs." A lady lovingly exclaims to her husband.

Offended, Mitch turns to the woman and addresses her previous comment. With the rest of the flight passengers an unwitting collateral in one of the best speeches given by a gay man, inside an airplane.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. But this baby would have grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us "cream puffs." And you know what? A note to all of you who judge, hear this…" -Mitchell

Cam tries to interrupt the confrontational speech by calling out Mitchell's name, to no avail.

"Love knows no race, creed, or gender. And shame on you, you small-minded, ignorant few…" - Mitchell

Cam taps Mitchell's shoulder to show that Lily had been hungrily looking at the cream puffs Cam had brought earlier in the flight.

"We would like to pay for everyone's headsets." - Cam