
Modern Family: I want Freedom

My name doesn't need to be known. I died as someone who didn't enjoy life. I missed everything. Luckily God gave me a second chance in another universe. In that universe I decided not to give a fu*k about the rules. I decided to do what I wanted to do and enjoy life. I was assisted in that as I got a system, which rewarded me with various character templates of people like Neil Caffrey, Sherlock Holmes, Lupin, and many others. Watch me live my life to the fullest as Ethan Alvarez. The main universe will probably be Modern Family with many other TV series or movies mixed in it like Brooklyn 99. You can recommend various movies or series and I will try to build them into the novel. The universe will not be supernatural. If you want it to be supernatural I can try to add it. You can not only choose the TV series or Movies but also recommend various templates for the MC. A little introduction about the MC is in the first chapter. (author here: I really overdid it at the beginning, but it will get better after the first 7 chapters(at least that is what I think and hope))

burakku · Movies
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70 Chs

Phil is in the hospital?!

It was about two months after the sleepover. I had my birthday in between and drew another template. It was the template of Gina Linetti.

Not a good template like Neal or Lupin.

The world began rolling again and I received a call from Haley. She asked me to quickly come over.

I drove towards the Dunphys and rang the doorbell.

"What are you doing here Ethan? Did Haley invite you over?", Claire opened the door and asked.

"Yes. Haley told me about Phil's back problem. Seems to be hurting.", I said seeing the painkillers in Claire's hand.

"Ok. Come look at it. Maybe you know something"

I followed her upstairs and saw Haley in the room with Phil.

I quickly hugged her.

I looked at Phil and quickly realized what the problem was.

"Phil, you don't have back problems-", I wanted to continue but was interrupted.

"HA! See I told you, Phil. Ethan has the same opinion", Claire said victoriously.

"I wasn't finished. He probably has a kidney stone. He should get driven to the hospital as soon as possible.", I said in a serious voice.


I heard two voices sounding disbelieving and anxious.

It was Haley and Claire.

"Yes, I have seen this condition once", I said.

Claire looked at me seriously. She thought for a moment but decided to trust me.

"Okay. I will drive him.", she said.

I quickly carried Phil downstairs and walked into their car.

I searched for the hospital they were going to and made a quick phone call.

As soon as we arrived there I saw the president of the hospital coming over with two doctors and a few nurses.

"Hi, Mr. Alvarez. This must be the patient you said", the president said.

"Yes and please call me Martinez in front of them", I said seriously.

"Of course sir", he replied with a smile.

We quickly walked into the hospital and got Phil checked.

He was delivered into the VIP ward and was scheduled to be soon operated.

After we entered the room Claire was curious and asked.

"How did you organize such a luxurious ward and that seemed to be an important person at the beginning?", she asked a little interrogatingly.

"Money rules", I told her.

"Speaking of which. Who are your parents? I have never seen them. Are you the secret son of the Beckhams? No, the name doesn't work. Maybe a fake name.", Claire said continuously. Speaking of the Beckhams. She loved them.

After Phil was pushed out to get operated Claire left with him.

"Thanks, Ethan. If it weren't for you I wouldn't know what could have happened.", Haley kissed me and hugged me for quite a while. She seemed emotional, which was understandable.

The operation didn't take long and soon everyone arrived.

Jay brought Alex and Luke, who weren't at home when the incident was with him.

After about three days of check Phil was released again.

After everything was done it seemed Claire had accepted me.

I smiled knowing that my relationship with Haley would be way easier now.