
Cultivation Theory

The group glanced at each other in confusion, similar thoughts in each of their minds.

Timothee, being young and brash, spoke what everyone was wondering. "Is that it? What about green and blue, even purple?"

Rella opened her eyes, confusion evident in her features. "What are you talking about? I've never heard anything like that."

Timothee scrutinized Rella, his mouth agape. After a moment, something seemed to click in his mind as a large grin stretched across his face. Nodding sagely, Timothee mumbled, "I see, I see. So that's how it is." He continued mumbling, but it was too quiet to make out.

Now, it was Rella's turn to show a confused expression. Looking throughout the room, she could see pondering expressions on everyone's faces. "Am I missing something?"

Jaime looked at Rella with a weird expression. After a moment, he lifted his arm, showing the tattoo on his wrist. "See this tattoo?"

Rella gazed at the beautiful tattoo on Jaime's wrist, becoming slightly mesmerized. "Yes, it's a beautiful mark."

Jaime nodded. "It is something we all have. Honestly, I thought they were linked to our talents, but it seems like I was wrong." Jaime shrugged.

Frowning, Rella pondered something as she stared at the tattoo. Silently, she looked around at the people in the room.

Cain was sitting on the bed, next to a distracted Timothee. Catching Rella's eye, Cain lifted his sleeve, showing the glimmering rainbow on his wrist.

Rella didn't need Timothee to show his tattoo. She could see the bright blue infinity mark on his forehead.

Aisha was sitting next to Timothee on the bed. When she caught Rella's gaze, she lifted her hand, showing the green tattoo on the back.

Finally, Rella looked at the blonde girl seated beside herself.

Jenna smiled, slightly lifting her shirt and showing off the blue tattoo below her cute belly button.

Rella's heartbeat quickened, looking at Jenna's bare stomach. 'What is happening to me? Why do I keep getting flustered?'

Looking back to the handsome brown-haired boy beside her, Rella studied his pondering expression, wondering what he was thinking about.

Jaime's expression was serious for a few moments before reverting to his always carefree smirk. "Bah, thinking too hard won't change anything. Eventually, we will figure things out." Jaime stretched his body out. "Well, I'm kind of curious now. How does one cultivate?"

A sweet smile showed on Rella's lips. "I'll show you. Even if you don't know your talent level, it's fine. If you can cultivate, you at least have a colored talent."

Rella began showing off her cultivation technique, closing her eyes and breathing strangely.

Everyone in the room could feel strange but familiar energy flowing toward the girl's figure.

In Jaime's eyes, the image of a certain ice princess overlapped with Rella, making him sigh in his heart. Rella was a pretty girl, but she couldn't compare to Wendy. The only girl who maybe stood any chance was Jenna. Although, Jenna had a more doll-like beauty, looking like a perfect object. Wendy was a mature busty beauty, something Jaime was quite fond of.

Watching Rella's performance, everyone had differing thoughts. But, all of them knew one thing–this was similar to the technique Wendy showed.

Timothee laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe I should've paid some attention."

Aisha's curiosity was overwhelming, pushing her to try Wendy's technique. She gently crossed her legs, sitting on the bed as she began breathing in the rhythmic way of the technique.

After a few moments of experimenting, Aisha could feel a cool and comfortable energy wrapping around her.

Focusing her mind, Aisha drew the energy into her body. At first, it was only a small stream, but it was soothing. She could feel something in her body being gradually filled by the energy.

The energy entering her body allowed her to better understand the shape of what she assumed was the 'chalice' within her body. She could feel a small vortex within her body, drawing the energy into her chalice.

Feeling the vast space within her chalice, Aisha became curious. "I wonder if I can increase the speed of the vortex?"

Putting her theory into practice, Aisha pushed the speed of her vortex, making it swirl faster.

Like water from a broken dam, the energy poured into her body at an unprecedented rate. The empty chalice began filling rapidly as her vortex devoured spiritual energy.

After only a few moments, Aisha could tell that her chalice was filled to the brim, threatening to overflow.

Following what she remembered from the manual and an innate instinct within, Aisha focused on the liquid in her chalice, forcing it under her control. Aisha swirled the energy according to her will, forcing the liquid in the chalice to move.

Aisha felt something similar to small tubes that hungrily dove into the chalice, devouring the liquid within. The tubes began spreading the absorbed liquid throughout Aisha's body.

Aisha could feel the 'tubes' pumping energy through her, strengthening her body, her veins, her organs, muscles, bones, and even her brain.

Despite her body being forcefully enhanced at a rapid rate, Aisha didn't feel any pain; it actually felt extremely comfortable. It was so comfortable that Aisha couldn't help but moan out in pleasure. Fortunately for her, she was fully entranced and not able to see the expressions on everyone's faces–especially Timothee's.

After only a few moments of the energy enhancing her body, Aisha's chalice was once again empty. The hungry tubes seemed to sadly draw back as their meal was gone.

With a sad sigh, Aisha's eyelid fluttered open, showing her dark eyes to the world.

Aisha looked at the varied expressions surrounding her.

Jenna and Jaime both had sly smirks, clearly amused by something.

Cain was staring at her in awe, like she was the most fascinating thing in existence.

Timothee had a disgusted expression on his face, scrunching up his nose. Aisha thought that he looked quite adorable at the moment.

Rella had the funniest expression of everyone, her jaw practically on the floor. She was frozen, looking at Aisha like she was an alien.

Aisha awkwardly cleared her throat. "Ahem, sorry. I got curious."

Jaime's grin grew, nodding his head. "Seems like you got the hang of it~"

Jaime snapped Rella back into reality. She jumped up onto her feet, rushing Aisha. She stopped her face inches away from Aisha's, studying her features.

Aisha was comfortable in her body and had thick skin, so Rella being close didn't bother her. Aisha's eyes were drawn to the red lips mere inches away from her own. A thought flashed through Aisha's mind, but she pushed it away.

After a few moments, Rella pulled away, still giving Aisha an intense look. "I-I've never seen anything like that. You almost fully drained the spiritual energy from the air around us! On top of that, I can now feel your cultivation, and it's no less than mine!" Rella was shocked; she couldn't help but mumble. "It might even be more than mine…"

Jaime thought of something. "Hey Aisha, try touching the tattoo. Like Timmy did earlier."

Aisha nodded, tapping the infinity symbol on her hand.

The green color flashed as a transparent window appeared in front of her vision.

Player Name: Aisha Vermont

Alias: None

Cultivation: Elementary, 3rd level [Mid]

Talent Level: Green [Bright]

Location: First Circle, Northern Continent

"Wow…" Aisha couldn't help but mumble. She tapped the back of her hand again, making the small window disappear. Tapping it again, it reappeared, again, and it disappeared.

"Well, that's one mystery solved," Aisha mumbled.


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