
Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core]

Leos Klein was never a religious man. In his past life, he was an atheist and remained one up until the day of his death in Phobos. But he knew of faith, understood their significance to others and knew what they preached and represented. He knew of sins and virtues, of afterlives being dependent on how good or bad of a person you were in life. And he knew of reincarnation, of the soul transmigrating across time and space to be reborn as someone else. So when he said he hoped that death would bring him to a better place in his last moments, he hadn’t expected this. DISCLAIMER: I am not the author of this fanfic, I just found it on AO3 and wanted to share/repost it on this site. You can read this at either Questionable Questing or AO3 if you want, I will be posting new chapter here. The author is Slug_Sling Also; check out my own fanfic, Halo: Gravemind’s Guide to Survival in Warhammer 40K.

Kais_Imperium · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 50: Duty and Indulgence

"A coffee house…?" Mylene Rafa Holfort blinks at the report in her hands. "Is that like a teahouse?"

"Apparently so, My Queen." the bespectacled Academy instructor nods, white hair and mustache immaculately groomed. "According to Young Bartford, he has decided to arrange something similar to a teahouse owing to his, and I quote, 'pettiness at not being allowed to have a day off' and his 'dislike of such stuffy settings where no-one can actually relax'."

"But… is it not the purpose of teahouses to provide people with a setting with which to relax in?" Mylene blinks again.

"Yes, My Queen." the instructor nods again. "When I said that, he paused and sighed– and articulated that it would be a less formal setting, barring individuals of appropriately high rank. He insists that any that participate holding the rank of Viscount and below do not refer to each other by titles and instead speak to each other by name. A breach of protocol and proper social etiquette, I pointed out, but one he was adamant with– even going so as to make it the only way to gain entrance into such an event in the first place."

Mylee stares at the man, then looks back at the report.

A loosening of social norms, some would argue too much even, but… the ridding of titles and social standing was change. Good change, in the direction that the Kingdom's founders envisioned when they first made this country; at least according to what she had been informed of by her husband's late parents.

A democratic republic rather than an absolute monarchy, where power lay with the people and not a single person or position. A nation of freedom rather than stifling social classes.

It would be treason to suggest such a change in the first place, and civil war even if the Royal Family agreed with it. And though the plan allowed for such a drastic event, it was supposed to be limited and controlled in a more stable political environment with two or three factions at most. With how her son's idiocy threw it all out the metaphorical window…

"And this is restricted only to students?" Mylene asks.

"Yes, My Queen. He initially wanted it to include the likes of Earls, but I persuaded him to lower the prerequisites." the instructor nods. "He has cast quite a big stone into the metaphorical pond, no need to cast another big stone so soon."

Mylene hums and flips through the report, skimming its contents twice until she's satisfied.

When she next looks up to the gentlemanly instructor, she's smiling.

"Continue monitoring him and keep me updated on his situation." Mylene orders. "I trust you can keep up the good work you've been doing thus far, Lucas."

"Yes, My Queen." the man bows.

"You are dismissed." Mylene nods and watches him go. Then she turns back to the report sent to her by Marquis Frampton and shakes her head at it. "Now let's see what bushfire needs to be put down now…"


"Have I told you how beautiful your eyes are, Elisha?"

"For the nth time, yes Raymond dearest." the brunette giggles. "Not that I mind the compliment but please do remember that I have other body parts to compliment besides my eyes."

"Ah, yes, my mistake. I do apologize for it. Allow me to talk flowery about your gentle hands and how they weave art with humble cloth and thread."

Leon watches the same scene play out all over his coffee house as the various young men whose loyalty he earned flirt and make kissy faces with their fiancees, who genuinely enjoy the attention. And not just them either, some of the engaged upper nobility also join in, and many are the giggles and laughs he hears echoing through the little place.

The part of him that grew up in Holfort understands– being able to make public displays of genuine love and infatuation for their significant other is rare, at least officially. Having someone and being able to show just how much you care for them, as well as being free to speak about them without being slapped down by someone of higher rank simply out of jealousy, is a godsend.

But the part of him that's seen, lived through, and made history, can't help but but find all of it annoying. Not because he doesn't like it, but because it's so damn obnoxious.

"They could at least learn to be original with their lines, damn it." he grumbles. "One person says something and it's filled up the whole room not five minutes later– it's stupid."

"I would agree in most circumstances, but this is a special one. Many of them lack experience in interacting with the opposite gender, if Olivia is to be believed." Angelica tells him. "While it is expected to possess some experience in the simple act of talking to another man, talking to a woman is different."

"What Angie's trying to say is that it's their first time talking with an actual woman– cut 'em some slack." Clarice laughs. "It's not like they have your natural charm and charisma– they don't have the sort of experience you do."

"I fought in two wars." Leon points out. "How does that translate to knowing how to talk with women?"

"Oh, many ways." Clarice nods, almost eager. "You know what you're worth, for starters; a woman will curb their act around men that don't just nod and go with whatever they say."

"I suppose that is not an incorrect statement." Angelica concedes. "There is also your lack of compromise when it comes to things that matter."

"Right, that too." Clarice nods. "You being able to stand your ground with arms crossed and not giving a fuck is attractive– women like a man that holds his ground. Some moreso than others."

"W-What is with that look?" the ducal daughter blushes. "You cannot be implying that I have some kind of attraction to men like that!"

"Girls, please," Leon cautions. "No causing a ruckus– I don't want to have to kick you out."

"What? C'mon Leon, we even dressed up for this!" Clarice gives him a little spin, the hem of her maid uniform's skirt flaring outwards. "See?"

"I still think it emphasizes the chest a little too much, though." Angelica huffs, picking at her own maid uniform. "I would much prefer one of those suits."

"Oh, come on Angie!" Clarice giggles, moving in to hug the younger girl from behind and resting her head on Angelica's shoulder. "Think of poor Leon here, stuck with arranging everything and making sure it's a success– without any pay, too!" her arms come up and tighten around the younger blonde's waist. "Don't you think he deserves a reward~?"

"...w-well," Angelica coughs, face flushed as she glances at Leon. "I-I suppose it's fine to indulge every now and then."

"Right?" Clarice grins. "Come on Leon, how do we look?"

"There is nothing I can say that can further emphasize how good you both look in that." Leon nods, grateful. "But I'll say it again that you didn't have to pitch in and help– I'm doing well enough with Lana that I'm not short-handed."

It had come up after Leon broke the news of him practically being strong-armed by the Academy faculty into doing something during the Academy Festival– with him not doing anything being something that would cause a significant enough upset in the Academy as to disrupt the recently stabilized status-quo among the students. And when Leon said he didn't care about the status-quo, the faculty gave him a copy of a permission form signed by the principal allowing for another after-party with burlesque dancers; paid for by the principal himself.

Regardless, after telling the girls about him being coerced into hosting another event, Clarice brought up the idea of helping Leon and Livia had been happy enough to immediately throw her lot in, Angelica only tagging along because her friend was joining. Only then did Clarice show off the maid uniforms.

"Well, we're here anyway so we might as well~" Clarice giggles. "Oh, and here comes Livia!"

"One super sweet mocha with milk and a plate of sliced lemon cheesecake!" the commoner girl chirps, setting the drink and snacks down in front of Leon with the slightest wobble. She hugs the tray close and gives him her best smile. "I hope you enjoy it!"

"I will, thank you Livia." Leon smiles. "You look well at home working here– it's really refreshing."

"I used to work as a barmaid at the local inn back in Freycross. I learned to take orders and deliver meals with a smile there." Olivia smiles. "Everybody knew who I was so they made sure to not do anything bad."

"The more you talk about your hometown, the more I want to see it for myself." Angelica muses.

"It sounds like a really swell place, if nothing else." Clarice nods. "Whaddaya say, Leon? Wanna play chaperone?"

"After I finish with whatever recompense duty the Queen assigns me for my breach of conduct during the duel." Leon nods. "Unless you girls would settle for a squad of my boys keeping tabs from a distance."

"I'm sure they are good people, but we wouldn't want to impose." Olivia beams.

"Indeed– they must have other matters to attend to." Angelica nods.

"Besides, it'd be boring if it was anyone else but you." Clarice smirks.

Leon sighs, but he's smiling all the same. Yeah, he should have guessed they would have wanted him to keep them company– it's not like they trust anyone else like they do him, and that's mostly due to the things he's done for them.

//"You know they have more personal reasons for wanting your company over anyone else's, right?"// Hustler One chimes in.

"Hard to miss that implication with the stunt Clarice pulled." Leon snorts internally. "I'm not that dense."

//"Yet you keep dancing around the issue."// the A.I huffs. //"Just pick one, and spare the others the wasted time. Or take all three– my spies show that multiple lovers is not out of place in Holfort."//

"...you realize that we're planning what's essentially treason to the crown."

//"...ah. And both the Redgraves as well and the Atlees are quite loyal to the Kingdom, if nothing else."// Hustler hums. //"You know, given their respective fathers' positions in the government, they could prove to be–"//

"Too risky to be worth the effort."

//"That was quick."//

"I have a better understanding of human nature than you, and they're not the best spies. Besides, they're feeding me all the info I need to make decent decisions anyway, there's no need for that."

//"I suppose given your track record I shouldn't question you about this. Very well, I will accede to your judgement."//

"Thank you. Any luck on our mystery blip?"

//"Nothing yet. But there is–"// Hustler pauses. //"Leon, one of the gynoid maids is picking up a commotion outside your venue."//

Not long after that, one of his Ravens speed-walks to him and hands him a paper napkin with the words 'trouble, outside, orders?'. He looks at the runner for confirmation, who nods.

"Excuse me girls," Leon says, getting up out of his chair. "Something's come up that I need to handle."

"Does it involve beating someone up?" Clarice perks. "I can send Donny to help."

"I doubt it, but if things do come to blows then my boys and I can handle it." Leon pats her head. "Angelica, Livia, try to rein Clarice in if she does anything stupid."

He leaves the trio and follows his man to the door.

"Sitrep." he orders once they were out of earshot of the three girls.

"A Baronet's daughter came up and started asking for entry. She looked too frazzled to actually read the sign with all the rules posted outside." the Raven tells him. "Davian took her aside into an empty hallway when she started to raise her voice to stop her from making a scene. We sent a runner to notify a teacher of the situation."

"Good." Leon nods. "Lead the way."

He's brought out of the coffee house venue and led down a hall where he runs into a teacher brought in by the second runner. They corroborate the reasons for being here and proceed forward to an empty hall where Davian stands with a girl with frazzled dark blue hair. She spots him, and Leon sees the glint of desperation in her eyes as she all but wrenches herself out of Davian's hands and rushes to the reincarnate.

"Lord Bartford!" she cries before all but throwing herself at his feet. "Please! I seek your succor!"


She introduces herself as Carla Fou Wayne, the second daughter of the Wayne Baronetcy.

Originally serving the Olfreys, they hadn't resisted the Redgraves and their fleet when they arrived to dole out justice and were justly rewarded by the Duke with a choice– swearing into the service to one of the Redgraves' allies or enough Dia to move somewhere else and start over. Her father chose the latter and moved to the Kingdom's western territories to try and seek out a better lord to serve.

It hadn't intruded upon her studies, so things were smooth sailing up until a few weeks ago when her father's letters reported troubles from the western border lords– a few outright going silent. He had told her that a Royal Army force would be dispatched to see the issue as she was sent back to the Academy, but…

"T-That was weeks ago…!" Carla sobs into her hands, as Leon watching her as the teacher does their best to ease her worries. "I've– I-I sent several letter since a-and I haven't gotten a single reply… I-I'd pay an adventurer to go and check but my money is…!"

"I'm sure your family is doing well, Miss Wayne. It's likely your father is just tied up with other matters and simply hasn't found the time to write." the teacher says. "Moreover, there's still the time between deliveries to manage account for…"

Leon weighs his options as the young woman sobs. He could turn down her request– a Viscount turning down a Baronetcy asking for help has no impact on the reputation. Sure, there would be rumors, but nothing that would seriously put his image at risk.

But at the same time, he's also the same person who made a fool of four Founding Heirs and got a prince disowned. He also very nearly killed that same prince, so some would wonder why he'd turn down something as simple as checking in on a Baronetcy. And besides, it really is a simple-enough request…

"I have a royal order to go on campaign to handle whatever issue the crown's facing at the moment, so I cannot personally go and check on your family Miss Wayne." Leon tells her. "But I have people in my service that I can send in my stead. Will that be good enough to satisfy you?"

"Y-Yes, that would be more than enough thank you…!" the girl gets back up again and the teacher has to stop them from lunging at Leon's feet. "I-I am indebted to you, Lord Bartford! P-Please, if there's anything you would want me to do in return, I would gladly accept!"

"For now, I'd like for you to calm down." the reincarnate smiles as Davian hands her something to drink– a glass of warm water. "The teacher's right, maybe you're worried over nothing."

"B-But my father's letter never come later than four days! It's been well over two weeks since my first letter since the summer break ended and now…!"

"Drink the water, Miss Wayne." Davian tells her. "It will calm you down."

"R-Right…" the girls nods. Leon watches her drink as his thoughts race.

"Do you have any ships you can scramble to the Waynes' island?" he asks Hustler.

//"I have a few– one of the ships I've bought and refitted is ready for a shakedown voyage. I can have it stop by the capital for supplies before sailing west."//

"Do whatever you need to do, but go in locked and loaded just in case." Leon tells it. "I have a feeling that my campaign will be taking me west– to whatever this problem is."

OG author's note: A/N: Many apologies, Armored Core 6 took up most of my time. But I've just about played through the entire game by now so it's all good.