
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

Revireuu · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Whispers of Ambition

Sorin prepared to depart from his dormitory. After dressing up in warm and casual clothes, he made his way to the designated gathering area that the Academy had announced.

As Sorin made his way through the corridors of the Academy, a pervasive tension hung in the air.

The students he passed, their youthful faces etched with concern, moved with a singular purpose, all converging toward the designated gathering area.

Recent events had casted a veil of trepidation over the entire Academy.

Beyond the Academy's confines, Sorin emerged into the night, where the moon reigned supreme in the obsidian sky.

Its radiant, silvery glow bathed the world below, casting a breathtaking, ethereal light that enveloped Sorin's visage in an almost surreal luminescence.

However, beneath the enchanting allure of the moonlight lay a frigid coldness.

The coldness of the night air pricked at Sorin's skin, enveloping him in a ominous yet strangely comforting embrace.

The contrast between the moon's enchanting radiance and the biting chill created an ominous and eerie atmosphere.

Sorin walked at a leisurely pace, caught between the irresistible pull of the moonlit spectacle above and the lingering unease that permeated the Academy.

He couldn't help but ponder what awaited them at the designated gathering point.

As Sorin came closer to the area he was suppose to be at, he took in the sight of students from all three years, clustered together. Their expressions ranging from anxiousness, fear and concern as they conversed to the people next to them.

Towering over them, professors stood atop a stone podium that had seemingly been erected for this very occasion. 

In the midst of the gathering students, Sorin's sharp eyes detected a figure that stood out from the rest. This girl, with her striking presence, appeared to be in search of someone, her gaze sweeping the surroundings with a fervent longing.

A few moments later, her eyes had finally found her target. The girl's expression transformed instantaneously, from an anxious search to a radiant, joyous smile that could rival the moon's glow. She moved with grace, navigating the crowd as if she were born for this moment.

With a sense of urgency tinged with familiarity, she called out to Sorin, "Sorin, over here!" her voice barely audible over the chatter and commotion of the surrounding students.

After closing the distance, Nevery, her eyes bright with concern, initiated the conversation. "Sorin, I was really worried about you after the attack. I couldn't find you anywhere."

Sorin gave a small nod of acknowledgment. "Yeah, it got pretty chaotic in the field training. But I managed to find a way back."

"Well, you are very resourceful, Sorin. I've noticed that about you in the time we've known each other." She spoke.

Sorin thought a little about what she said before responding, "When things get tough, you have to think on your feet, right?"

Nevery smiled, her gaze reflecting genuine relief. "I'm just glad you're okay. It was rather 'scary' out there. I was with Alice's group, and she's the reason we made it through."

Sorin raised an eyebrow, "Alice huh?"

'That must be how she survived in the novel.' Sorin thought.

"You know her, Sorin?" She asked.

"Well, yes. A recon team managed to find me in the forest, so I was safely escorted. Alice was a part of the team. Her reputation it seems, wasn't exaggerated as she easily dispatched the Dark Arcanists." Sorin answered.

Their conversation continued, with Nevery leading the conversation and Sorin sharing bits of his experience. Sorin was careful not to reveal too much about his small adventure.


As the moon slowly reached its peak, casting a silvery glow over the clustered mass of people, a resounding snap echoed through the night. It carried with it a surge of potent Mana, enough to silence the entire crowd. All eyes turned towards the source of the power.

After the area had become completely silent, a commanding voice rang out, seizing everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen of our Arcane Academy,"

"Tonight, under the silvery gaze of the moon, we gather not merely as a collective, but as a community brought together by shared trials and ambitions. In recent days, our sanctuary, this cradle of knowledge and power, has witnessed unforeseen challenges."

"Dark Arcanists sought to sow discord and despair within our ranks. I stand before you, not merely as the headmistress, but as a fellow seeker of arcane truths, to address these concerns and unite us in purpose."

"We mourn the loss of those whose potential was tragically cut short by malevolent forces. Families and individuals who have been inflicted the brunt of this injustice will be compensated, their sacrifices acknowledged and remembered in the annals of our Academy's history. Their suffering shall not be in vain."

"However, as we gaze upon the path that stretches before us, let us not be defined solely by our losses, but rather by the resilience and determination that courses through our veins. In the face of adversity, the indomitable spirit of an Arcanist shines brightest, and it is this spirit that shall carry us through the darkest of times."

"The Millith Magic Academy is an institution founded on the principles of enlightenment and empowerment. But as we move forward, a subtle transformation will take place."

"It is not the untrained masses who emerge triumphant but those who adapt and excel in the crucible of change. Our beloved Academy shall embrace the characteristics of meritocracy, where the strong shall find rewards aplenty, and the less gifted will be guided towards the path of strength."

"While some may view these words as mere rhetoric, those with discerning eyes will recognize the shift, a shift that has already begun. Our methods may evolve, but our commitment to nurturing the talents of every student with great potential remains unwavering."

"It is in times of upheaval that greatness emerges, and it is together, as one united front, that we shall rise above our current challenges."

"So, let this message resonate within your hearts tonight, my fellow Arcanists, for we are the architects of our destiny, and our future shall be written in the annals of triumph."

"Together, we shall conquer the shadows that seek to envelop us, and together, we shall become the shining stars of our beloved Academy."

"Onward, with unwavering resolve and relentless pursuit of knowledge towards the Arcane way!" 

As the powerful words of Millith, their headmistress, washed over everyone present, it was as if a spark had been lit in the hearts of every student.

The heavy air, thick with worry and anxiety, seemed to lift, replaced by a palpable sense of unity and determination. Millith's eloquent speech had ignited a fire within them.

Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, their voices raised in unison, resonating with newfound fervor. Each student, their faces once marked by uncertainty, now beamed with optimism and resolve.

They understood the gravity of the challenges ahead, yet they also embraced the opportunity for growth and achievement that lay before them.

The transformation was striking. What had started as a gathering of worried individuals had morphed into a spirited assembly, united by a common purpose.

The students of Millith, once hesitant and disheartened, now stood together, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead, with determination and unwavering courage.

Sorin observed the crowd with a subtle frown gracing his features. He couldn't help but admire Millith's cunning.

Her speech had cast a beguiling spell over the majority, using flowery words that resonated with their hopes and dreams. Yet, beneath the surface, hidden within the eloquence, lay the true essence of her message.

'This woman is truly cunning!' Sorin mused silently.

'All her flowery words sounded sweet to everyone's ears, but the majority seem to have missed or completely ignored the profound implications concealed within her message.' Sorin's sharp mind saw beyond the facade, recognizing the shift in the Academy's philosophy that Millith subtly hinted at.

Sorin's analytical mind worked quietly as he pondered Millith's carefully crafted speech. Her words were masterfully veiled, each phrase seemingly inclusive and beneficial for every student. Yet, Sorin could discern the hidden meaning.

Sorin dismantled one of the sentences when she said "our commitment to nurturing the talents of every student with 'great potential' remains unwavering." 

Taking out all the flowery words she said previously and after, this sentence becomes self explantory.

Sorin realised that this sentence was cunningly phrased. By emphasising "great potential," it implied that not everyone had such potential, subtly acknowledging the existence of inherent disparities among the students.

Millith's words were a symphony of deception, designed to rally the masses while preserving the underlying principle of survival of the fittest.

Sorin admired her abilities, even if he saw through the illusion she had woven. It had helped that he had already known the true nature of the Academy, or who knows, he perhaps could have been an unsuspecting student that was in for a rude awakening later on.

As he continued to watch the enthusiastic crowd, Sorin knew that while many cheered with genuine optimism, they remained oblivious to the forthcoming changes that would soon challenge their very existence within the Academy.

Sorin then began thinking about Millith, who Sorin remembered in the novel to be an eccentric and cunning individual. Sorin frowned at the thought of this troublesome woman.

'I best be careful around her.'

As the crowd began to disperse, Sorin had already made up his mind to leave and return to his room.

Just as he was about to slip away unnoticed, Nevery reached out and gently tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, Sorin," she said with a warm smile. "Why don't you join me for something to eat? It's been quite a day, and a meal might help us unwind."

Sorin appreciated the gesture but shook his head politely. "Thanks, Nevery, but I'm feeling a bit tired, plus, it's basically midnight. I think I'll head back to my room and get some rest."

Nevery nodded understandingly, her smile unwavering. "Alright then, Sorin. Take care of yourself," she said before continuing with a mischievous grin, "and if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." She said before leaving.

'I forgot assassins need barely any sleep,' Sorin thought.

With that, Sorin made his way back to his room.

As Sorin was walking, he was arranging his next set of plans.

'With the rift opening soon, I need to get as strong as quickly as possible. Great wealth is generally accompanied by greater danger. This phrase heavily applies to that place. I only have a couple months. It's best I try to promote my Mana Cube stage and learn spells that would assist me.' 

'But before anything else, I should put that tier 4 treasure I acquired to good use.'