
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

Revireuu · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Temporal Secrets 2

Sorin ascended the spiral staircase to the second floor of the core library, surrounded by more towering shelves adorned with books and ancient scrolls.

For the next 45 minutes, he moved methodically through the labyrinth of knowledge, skimming through pages. The air hummed with the collective wisdom of generations, yet none of the texts seemed to hold the specific answers he sought.

In the "Celestial" section, he pored over dusty books and scrolls describing the 'intricate' details of celestial bodies and their influence on magical energies, hoping to find insights into the celestial forces shaping his magical abilities. However, the pages revealed more questions than answers, leaving him perplexed and slightly annoyed.

 "How is this in the core library?" Sorin complained. All the knowledge he skimmed through in this section were simply nonsense that gave no answers. They were as useful and informative as astrology during the medieval period in his previous life. Which, was basically pointless and idiotic. How the medieval people would link illness and disease to the stars was beyond him.


"I guess it makes sense. The essence of an Arcanist is to craft theories and create ideas, considering how this world is still underdeveloped." He murmured to himself. "At heart, an Arcanist is a scholar that seeks the truth of the world and to unravel the mysteries of the arcane."

Next, he ventured into the "Alchemy" aisle, where books promised mastery over the transmutation of magical properties in spellcasting. Yet, despite the vivid descriptions about alchemy and the transformative energies it used, the elusive connection to his unique affinity remained out of reach.

Sorin then turned to the "Soul Resonance" section, curious about it's information of the soul. An Arcanist's most important aspect is the soul, evident in how it holds the Mana Cube inside it and how it links to spellcasting. Enticed by the idea of unlocking the deepest secrets of the soul, Sorin explored texts that delved into the symbiotic relationship between an Arcanist's consciousness and their magical prowess.

With each book he perused, Sorin discovered new information about the soul. The soul was a topic Sorin hasn't really delved in, only having information about it in the novel and through some of his lectures. After looking through a few books, Sorin found himself at the crossroads of knowledge once again, his answers slipping through the fingers of understanding. The intricate dance of words seemed to mock him as he returned each tome to its designated place.

All the knowledge he has read about so far didn't prove very useful on his path as an Arcanist. Only the information relating to the soul proved somewhat useful to Sorin.

As 45 minutes waned, Sorin stood amidst the silent expanse of the second floor, With a contemplative sigh, he closed the last book, gently placing it back on the shelf. The journey through the library was coming to an end and Sorin hadn't found anything to help him on his comprehension of time.

'The library is too vast. I've only explored a small fraction of this place. Perhaps I might have to make a few more trips here before I find anything related to time magic.' Sorin pondered.

As Sorin prepared to depart the core library, he noticed a book at the corner of his eyes.

His eyes caught a glimmer of something unusual—a lone book. It perched inconspicuously on a shelf, having the entire row to itself.

Intrigued, Sorin approached the solitary book. The dust on its cover hinted at years of it's undisturbed rest.

With a slight sense of curiosity, Sorin extended his hand to retrieve the ancient book.

As he pulled the book out of the shelf, he gently brushed it with his hand, clearing the years of accumulated dust, to reveal the title.

"Harmony of the Arcane Mind?" Sorin read out.

Opening the book, Sorin found that its contents were inscribed in an elegant manner, a language that to him, seemed to represent the very core of arcane understanding. "Hoh? This book seems interesting."

Within these pages, a profound narrative unfolded, weaving together the threads of consciousness and magic.

In the sanctum of Sorin's thoughts, the concept emerged—It was the idea that spellcasting was an intricate symphony. Spellcasting transcended mere commands to become a harmonious confluence of the mind and the arcane. Every symbol summoned by your will became a resonant note in a celestial composition, a 'melody' conducted by the arcanist's consciousness.

The book delved into the ascent of the mind, portraying spellcasting as a journey where consciousness soared beyond the limits of ordinary cognition. Through the ethereal Tiers of the Mana Cube, the arcanist's mind navigated the vast tapestry of arcane knowledge, weaving intricate spells with the threads of thoughts.

Symbols were not mere tools in this arcane symphony, they were melodies, each carrying the weight of profound significance. The Arcanist, akin to a composer, learned to craft intricate compositions that harmonised with the underlying laws of magic.

"That's an interesting perspective in spellcasting... Using music to represent how symbols worked, and how one needed to harmonise them together. When done perfectly, the spell is 'fluent' and smooth, significantly boosting the overall effectiveness." Sorin contemplated.

After pondering a little over the words of the first few pages he had read, Sorin continued unravelling the information inside the book.


A couple minutes had passed.

At this moment, murmuring to himself, Sorin was casually reading out the contents of the book.

"In the tapestry of the soul, the mind whispers intent, and the unseen currents respond in kind, for the dance of creation knows not the boundaries set by mortal perception. As the unseen currents intertwine with the whispers of the mind, the dance quickens, echoing through the veiled corridors of possibility, where the soul's whisper shape the tempo of creation."

Enveloped in the wisdom of the book, Sorin found himself murmuring almost involuntarily, his voice a mere breath that mirrored the rhythmic cadence of the cryptic sentences before him. Each word seemed to draw him deeper into the arcane dance described in the ancient book.

His fingertips grazed the delicate pages and his gaze was fixated on the words, as if seeking to unveil the very secrets etched in ink.

The perplexity etched on his face mirrored the complex revelations that unfurled before him. The words seemed to weave through the air, revealing many answers, whilst also giving him many more questions.

Just as he teetered on the brink of entrancement, a subtle jolt of electricity disrupted him, snapping him back to the present.

Slightly startled, he had felt a sudden surge emanating from the badge nestled in his pocket, the badge given by Vivian.

"My time at the core library has ended..." Sorin pondered. 'This book is truly interesting. Whoever wrote this book was definitely a powerful individual. The knowledge contained in this book is very comprehensive, which would require someone to have a deep amount of experiences to create such a book. Even with my knowledge of the novel, the information inside the book was near cryptic and sounded like a load of nonsense. However, behind all those complex words, was a sense of truth and a seemingly deeper meaning...' He contemplated.

After placing the book back into where it had rested previously, Sorin departed from the core library. He hadn't discovered any information regarding the Cerulean Cube or the time element, however, Sorin's heart didn't waver. It was merely the first exploration of the core library, he could still always come here every week or two.

At the very least, he did come out of the core library with some benefits.

He had garnered more knowledge about the soul and discovered an interesting book that gave him decent information about the mind.

Sorin swiftly left the core library, exiting out of the place he had previously entered from. Sorin noticed that the two guards that had inspected Vivian's badge were switched out for two different people. 

They exchanged a subtle nod of acknowledgment at Sorin, and Sorin reciprocated with a courteous nod in return.

Sauntering back to his Academy room, the moon dangled like a celestial orb amidst brooding clouds, casting an otherworldly aura that engulfed the campus. 

The magical crystals, positioned throughout the Academy, shimmered with heightened brilliance, dispelling the darkness and turning the surroundings into a captivating spectacle, aiding the students of the Academy.


Arriving at his room, Sorin completed his usual routine of freshening himself up before spending a few hours refining his Mana Cube.

Sorin noticed that the Mana Cube was approaching the intermediate stage. He deduced that his Mana Cube would be ready for his advancement once he uses up his second high grade crystal.

After completing his daily refinement of his Mana Cube, Sorin quickly got ready to sleep.

Sorin lightly remembered that interesting book he had read. It had created an impression on him through the way it had been written and the profound meaning behind it. 'unseen currents intertwine with the whispers of the mind, the dance quickens, echoing through the veiled corridors of possibility, where the soul's whisper shape the tempo of creation... Such complex words.' Sorin thought.

For some reason, these words seem to almost resonate with him, but he wasn't sure why.

As he closed his eyes, the world dissolved into velvety blackness, his senses gently surrendering to the quietude of the night.




Sorin swiftly opened his eyes before sitting up, feeling perplexed.

He did not wake up in his comfy bed, but rather, a world of complete black and inky darkness.

Swiveling his head around, Sorin felt as if he was in the abyss, a vast void devoid of any discernible form or end.

The darkness seems to stretch out infinitely.

"Where am I?" Sorin softly uttered.

Standing up, Sorin felt somewhat anxious and intrigued.

With a deliberate gesture, Sorin raised his hand, meticulously examining the intricate details. Each line and contour seemed vividly real, a meticulous exploration in his quest to unravel the boundary between the tangible and the elusive realm of this world. "Hmm. Despite this place having the absence of light, I can clearly see all the fine details and colour of my hand." Sorin pondered.

With the same raised hand, Sorin lightly pinched himself.

"...Given that my pain receptors are active, it seems unlikely that this is merely a lucid dream..."

Sorin contemplated on the current predicament he was in, unsure of what to make of his situation.