
First day of School

After the fight, they both return the sword to each other and now are thinking how to apologize for what they did to each other the other night.


Lan Wangji made the first move. It took a lot of courage to do so but he did try his best.

He went and told Wei Wu Xian, " Wei Ying, you still have to do your punishment. After the lesson tomorrow, meet me at the library pavilion." He whispered this to the younger's ears.

The others who were watching thought that Wangji is making a silent argument with WuXian because of the younger's face. He looked terrified.

" How many rules again Wei Ying? If I am not mistaken it is 4? Entering Cloud Reccesses after cerfew, Bringing Alcohol, Bribing the law inforcer, and talking behind people's back." Lan Wangji said with a smirk.

" Wait Lan Zhan I did not talk behind people's back because you are there it's not counted. Even if I didn't know it was you. It's not my fault, we didn't see each other for 5 years and I barely recognize you since your face change a lot." He said and after he made a face that I sense he is up to mischief.

He clears his throat and continued, " Not my fault that Lan Zhan became more handsome." He teases with a flirting tone.

" Shameless." I responded.

My ears turned red. I was embarrassed but somewhat flattered. Wei Ying thinks I'm handsome. I smiled inwardly. I decided to tease him back.

" Too bad, this handsome face would bring you to your punishment tomorrow. I know you would enjoy. You could see my handsome face tomorrow." I smirked.

" La...Lan.... Z..Zhan. I was told you are a walking iceberg. I know I really didn't believe but the way you tease me right now I can say you are one of the mischief maker here. Why punish me?" Wei Ying whined.

" I don't care and you must do your punishment tomorrow if you don't want me to add your punishment." I said and went down.

Wei Ying still stayed there. I heard him say he screwed up and I chuckled a little without knowing my brother saw me.

" Really, love can make people change. See my cold, emotionless brother suddenly smiled. Wangji should I greet my brother-in-law? I miss him so much. The engagement proposal is also ready just tell us when do we need to send it to Lotus Pier, everything is ready. Want to send it now?" Brother teases.

" Xiongzhang!" I said with a knitted brows and I slightly raise my voice.

Brother just chuckled and pinched my right red ear.

" Wangji just don't lie, I know you like it. See your even blushing. I really like it when my little brother blush."I rolled my eyes and walked away. I don't like to hear more teasing from my brother.

I went to Jingshi and read the notes I have made. If I am not mistaken and if uncle still holds the same impression on him, tomorrow he would be kicked out of the lecture hall because of his theory on resentment energy. Will that still follow. In this time only Xue Chonghai manage to use resentful energy. Though it did harm his body, Wei Ying is different. I don't know why but resentment would never harm his body.

While thinking all the possibility, I heard the bell indicating its 9pm. I directly change to my night robes and sleep.


I woke up at a normal time and did my morning duties. I went to the dining hall to eat.

Disciple from the Lan and other clans are avoiding me. Why wouldn't they? People are still obviously afraid of me as usual because of my strict and introvert personality.

This is still the case in the previous lifetime, atleast, thanks to my Wei Ying, my attitude is a bit bearable now. I can now express my self a little.

I sat down in a table I always sat and eat with my brother who arrived ahead of me.

After breakfast, I went first to the library to prepare it for Wei Ying's punishment later. After that I went to the lecture hall and sat down quietly and properly.

* 3rd person POV*

Wei Wu Xian was together with his two idiotic friends. Nie Huaisang was talking and giggling with him.

" Wei-xiong I just want to asked, after the competition yesterday did Lan Wangji threatened you? You looked terrified after he whispered something to you." He changed their topic.

" Well partly no?... He didn't threatened me somewhat but what he said made me afraid. Well it's still my fault. Who would have thought that he was the one who caught me the other night sneaking emperor smile here in cloud reccesses." Wei Wu Xian whined.

" What you sneak emperor smile here? Did you know it's prohibited?" Jiang Wanyin asked aggressively.

" Well I don't know alcohol is prohibited but I know arriving after cerfew is...but if I also don't come back jiejie would be worried so I enter even if it's already late." He smiled awkwardly.

" Then? Second Young Master Lan saw you?" Nie Huaisang asked.

" Well yes... but I didn't know it was him. He also didn't introduce himself."

" But you are really close right to the point that you can use the other's sword." Nie Huaisang commented.

" Well we never tried exchanging swords before. It's my first time to hold Bichen. Suibian is lighter compared to Bichen." Wei Wu Xian replied.

" Suibian?" Nie Huaisang asked curiously.

" His Sword. I know it sounds crazy but my brother is really crazy." Jiang Wanyin answered.

" Jiang Cheng I'm not crazy." Wei Wu Xian pouted.

" Let's get in now the lecture is about to start." Nie Huaisang said as they reach the door of the Lecture Hall.

They went in and sat on their chair. Wei Wu Xian saw Lan Wangji who is sitting seriously in his chair. An idea pop up in his mind and directly get a human shaped talisman and pass his spiritual powers to it. The talisman directly moved and went towards Lan Wangji. It climb unto Wangji's robe and now are clinging on his hair.

Wangji, knowing who is the owner of the talisman, took it and looked at the owner of the talisman and glared. The owner of the talisman is now waving his hand towards Wangji.

The others who are watching specifically the Jin and Nie disciples also the other Lan and Jiang who don't know the relationship of their two young masters were shocked.

" Young master Wei is really shameless. See now he is bothering Second Young Master Lan. Look at Second Young Master Lan's face he looked so pissed." A Nie disciple said.

" Yeah... Let me guess Second Young Master Lan would punish him later for disturbing him. Just looked at later." A Jin disciple said.

" But Young Master Wei is really gorgeous right. Even if he's a man he possesses woman beauty." Another Nie Disciple said.

" Right. Don't you know Young Master Wei received many wedding proposal like almost everyday, but he reject it all. I believe Young Master Wei already has a lover since sometimes when we are training Young Master Jiang would come to him and give him a letter after that he would read it and then blush. I even caught Young Lady Jiang teasing him saying they would send wedding proposal already." A Jiang disciple said proudly boasting his young master.

" Really. I wonder who is that lucky woman who made the greatest flirt of YunmengJiang blush." A Jin disciple said.

" Yes...but you know if he is a girl I'm sure he would be a madam of a great clan, because even if he is a man other man is already drooling over him." A Nie disciple said.

" That's true...but we are cultivators having a cultivation partner of the same gender is uncommon but it did exist." A Lan surprisingly joined the gossip.

" Huh? Is that true?" Another Jiang disciple, who is closer to the Lan disciple asked.

" Well it is recorded in some history of Lan Clan Members. Since Lan disciple only loved once, we don't look at the gender may it be male or female as long as they love each other they would be accepted." The Lan disciple explained.

" Wow I never thought of that, but they couldn't produce a heir if it happened to a sect Leader right or a Sect heir?" The Jin disciple asked.

" Well yes, but there is a theory that if two very strong cultivation partner reaches the highest level of cultivation they could produce a young one. Unfortunately no one has able reach that level and prove the theory." The Lan disciple replied.

They wanted to continue their topic but Grandmaster Lan already arrive so they have to keep quiet.

During the discussion WuXian became bored and slowly he began to sleep.

Wangji notice that WuXian is now sleeping he looked at him and thought, ' history does repeat. Why is this not included in the butterfly effect.'

He looked at Huaisang hoping he would wake WuXian up. Unfortunately Huaisang is also drowsing.

Now, Grandmaster Lan already notice that WuXian is sleeping during class. He slammed the scroll and called, " Young Master Wei."

Wei Wu Xian stand up and responded, " Here I am."

" I'm sure young Master already knows what I'm talking about that is why he had the confidence to sleep while I am discussing. So now Young Master Wei may I ask you are yao, Demons, Ghosts, and monster the same thing?"

" No. Yaos are formed from non-human beings. Demons are formed from living humans. Ghosts are formed from dead humans and Monsters are formed from dead non human beings." WuXian replied immediately.

" Yaos and Monsters are often confused. Tell me how are they apart." Lan Qiren continued.

" Easy." Wei Wu Xian said confidently. He then pointed the tree to be seen outside the window. " For example, if  that tree outside was tainted by energy of your principles and it would cultivate into a conscious being then cause trouble then it becomes a yao. If  you took an axe and chopped it then leave the dead tree trunk, and if this would cultivate into a being then it would be a monster."

" What is the profession of the founder of the Nie sect?"

" Butcher."

" The Heraldry of the LanlingJin sect is a white peony. What kind of white peony?"

" Sparks Amidst Snow."

" Who is the first cultivator who focuses on the growth of his clan rather than his sect?"

" The founder of the Wen clan, Wen Mao."

" As a young master and head disciple of the YunmengJiang Sect you must have memorize this with all your heart. So don't be too proud that you answered this correctly. Last question, there is an executioner, who had a wife and children, but he has killed many during his lifetime. Unfortunate as he is, he suddenly died in public and was hanged publicly for 7 days. Due to the resentment that build up within him, he became a resentful ghost and kill people. How could we deal with him?"

WuXian stops and think about the answers. The others who also don't know the answer began to open their books.

" Close your book and think about the answer."

" Wangji you answer." He said seeing that WuXian couldn't answer.

" There are three steps release, suppress and eliminate. First one must use his family's gratitude and fulfill his last wish, releasing him from what haunches him. If that fails, it is suppressed. If his crimes were unconscionable then it is completely removed. No mistakes shall be allowed." Wangji answered straightly in a monotone voice.

Lan Wangji was hoping that his Wei Ying would not anymore add the resentment part but he is mistaken.

" Grandmaster Lan, may I ask something?" WuXian asked which made Lan Wangji tremble.

" What is it?" Grandmaster Lan replied his inquiry.

" I have doubts, release often comes first but what if what the ghost wants is to kill someone?"

" Then suppression and elimination follows." Wangji said.

" What a waste. I didn't answer not because I don't know the answer but because I'm thinking of the fourth path." Wei Wu Xian said proudly. Now Lan Wangji already knows what his Wei Ying will say. He already prepare himself for his uncle's reaction.

" Fourth path? I never heard of that." Lan Qiren uttered.

" Since the executioner died in such a horrible way it is understandable that he became a resentful ghost. Also during his lifetime, he manage to kill many people. So why not dug the grave of those whom he killed and use them to kill the vengeful spirit."

" The core of exorcising demons and ghost is to liberate. You want to use evil to exterminate evil? You have a good idea but your drifting from the human norm Young Master Wei."

The way Lan Qiren answered made both Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang speechless. Well thanks to Qingheng Jun, Lan Qiren don't hold any grudge for Wei Wu Xian and now WuXian is treated with respect just like a year before Wei Wu Xian died.

" Grandmaster Lan, spiritual energy is energy, resentful energy is also energy. Why can't we use resentment?" Wei Wu Xian inquired.

" Wei Wu Xian, Resentful energy harms the body and mind. Most of those who use resentment suffers backlash from it. The last one recorded being Xue Chonghai. Until now no one manage to use resentment properly. I hope you yourself don't follow this unorthodox path." Lan Qiren responded with gentleness in his tone.

" I really won't follow it Grandmaster." Wei Wu Xian smiled and sit again.

Grandmaster Lan continued discussing. Before ending the class he spoke again, " Wei Wu Xian I guess you and wangJI had an unfinish business, right?"

Wei Wu Xian looked at his best friend before answering, " yes Grandmaster."

" Wangji and WuXian please proceed to the library after class and the rest proceed to your quarters. I hope no one would disobey the rules."

The others continue to discuss what Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wangji's unfinished business. May it be the one yesterday when Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wangji use the other sword or they fought because Lan Wangji and Wei Wu Xian were draw and many other reason they can think of.

From the far corner where no one notice there is someone who is staring at them while walking to the library.

" Lan Wangji I won't let you get the apple of my eye. Wei Wu Xian, the second lotus is mine and would never be yours. I hope you are really just friends Lan Wangji. I am a bad enemy." The person said.

" You would be mine sooner Wei Wu Xian." The person smirked.


Who do you think it would be?

Sneak peak not an OC but an original character.


Hello guys sorry it took about 5 or 4 days before I update well as the new year comes new responsibilities also arrived. Also Christmas break just finish and we're back to class...

I hope you like this chapter though it's a bit boring.

Don't forget to vote.

Keep safe and Smiling.😁😁😁