
Mo's Dilemma

Mo is an extremely beautiful woman who is extremely professional in whatever she does. However she lacks one thing a man. The man she has been crushing on for years hoping one day he will notice her. When Mr right Strode into her life in the form of contract marriage Her crush had already noticed her and he has vowed to himself to have her for himself at all cost haven fallen heads over heels in love with her. Caught in between two men who will do anything to have her. There begun her Dilemma. Who will she choose? Her temporary husband or the man she has been crushing on for so long?

TEMRACH · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mo's Crush

After work that Friday evening, Mo was heading home suddenly she thought to herself, "why should I go to that boring house anyways" She turned the vehicle and headed to the Mall at Ikeja popularly known as Ikeja City Mall. This Mall has different shops like Clothe stores, Electronic stores, Food stores, Cinema, Cafe shops and Clubs.

Mo decided to window shop as she has alot of time to cool off from the day's steam. As she was window shopping at Pep store she made a mental note to get something nice for her Niece.

Mo got so bored that she went to coldstone to get some ice-cream. While she was enjoying the feel of the creamy and chocolate flavours on her tongue she was so caught up in what she was doing that she did not notice a tall figure standing in front of her. When He spoke, She felt like she was hearing things. She ignored the voice and kept on licking her ice-cream, at this point He tapped her she was so annoyed at the rude interruption that She looked up at the stumbling block in front of her only to see that it was the man of her dreams that was in fact standing in front of her live and fresh.

Mo's eyes grew so wide, she could not believe her eyes She was speechless for some seconds then she had to compose herself instantly such that her surprised expression seems like a flash, but the expression did pass the notice of the keen gaze watching her.

Mo had known Jasen like forever, he had been her Idol since their teenage years. He owns a multi millions naira business. Being a successful business woman herself she has always wanted to marry a successful business man who is doing way better than she is and who can be a role model to her. Mo had been crushing on Jasen since she was fifteen years old, twelve years down the lane, her crush seemed to have been one sided with no hope of Jasen reciprocating it in anyway. Jasen was looking exceptionally handsome, such that his face looked like a face that pops out of a fashion magazine, a face that looked like that of a rock star, he looked so good that Mo's heart practically melted. This particular evening his casual outfit makes him look appetising with his jeans tightly fitted around his thigh and his tee-shirt fitting perfectly over his broad shoulders. When Mo stood up to say hi he towered over her some few inches taller than her because she is a tall woman herself.

When Jasen saw Mo sitting at Coldstone alone he was surprised to see her as he was going into the Mall to shop for some Groceries he needed since his fridge was almost empty. He just walked up to her and has been standing in her presence for like some thirty seconds before she finally looked up. He noticed the surprise in her soft beautiful almond shaped eyes. Her eyes...coffee brown eyes keeps drawing him in until she said Hi before he snapped out from the sea of her coffee brown eyes.

"Hi" Mo smiled, trying desperately to hide her excitement, Jasen just looked at her and smiled nodding his head, his eyes asking her questions as he looked around them. Jasen said "hey Mo it's so good to see you here, what's up? I know you to be a very busy woman". "What's a lovely beautiful woman like you doing here at this time"? Mo said "I just came here to have some me alone time, I derive inspirations from all of this, I can't just sit in my office and get inspired you know? And I will be really bored if I go home that was why I decided to take a break".

They spoke for a while before they finally said their goodbyes. Jasen went to do his Grocery shopping while Mo finished her Ice cream went home. When she got home she had to finish up a particular Clients' dress she cannot afford to disappoint, one of her prominent Client.


Hello Dear Reader, am sorry I have not been updating as I should, some things happened during the last week that was why I was not able to update you but am here now please take my story as it comes in like a snail.

Am a new writer and please ignore my mistakes, this is my first story and guess what it's an original. Lagos Nigeria is my world background as am a Nigerian and has never been abroad.

I love Web novels stories I wish I can write as great as they do. But please bear I love you.

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