
Mo's Dilemma

Mo is an extremely beautiful woman who is extremely professional in whatever she does. However she lacks one thing a man. The man she has been crushing on for years hoping one day he will notice her. When Mr right Strode into her life in the form of contract marriage Her crush had already noticed her and he has vowed to himself to have her for himself at all cost haven fallen heads over heels in love with her. Caught in between two men who will do anything to have her. There begun her Dilemma. Who will she choose? Her temporary husband or the man she has been crushing on for so long?

TEMRACH · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Fashion House

Morenike Coker thought to herself, how am I going to get Madam Jane calm? Oh my gosh I still need to sew the zip to her dress. Thank God I stayed up all night to make her dress. Imagine I had thought the day would go as I planned. This Lagos traffic and Court proceedings can't really be predicted. Thank God I got to the fashion house early enough.

Morenike Coker is a young lady who hails from the continent Africa and a Country Nigeria and a Yoruba Lady by tribe and Culture. He friends fondly call her Mo. Mo who is based in Lagos Nigeria is a successful fashion designer by midday and as well as a Legal Practitioner by morning.

Surprisingly when Madam Jane came to the office she was as calm as ice. She was as calm as the clear waters on a very good day.

"Madame Jane am so so sorry for delaying your clothe".

Madam Jane patiently listens to Mo's talk knowing fully well that Mo was a Professional at her tailoring skills and has never disappointed her before.

"I had to go to court this morning and you know how this people are now the SANs came to court today, the court was filled to the brim. I barely had a place to sit myself". The Court Session really took time.

"I was hoping to go to court move my motion and then rush down to Mo Fashion to complete your clothe as you well know that I hate to disappoint my Clients".

Madam Jane replied " Mo I trust your expertise and I know you are not usually like this but please be fast with the clothe as you can see I have done my makeup and am running late for this wedding." I don't want my niece having the impression that I won't be able to make it for her big day today which is her wedding" . "I really don't understand why she would want to get married on a thursday and would request for a low key wedding. When we have more than enough cash to throw such an extravagant wedding that can shut down Lagos for three good days".

Madam Jane said with all Pride and smiles making her face look radiant and removing five years from her age making her look younger than her age.

Mo responded to her comment "maybe her husband isn't that rich and he is being mindful of his spendings having falling in love with a girl from the high class such as your niece" as she struggles with the Clothe on the sewing machine due to the heaviness of the fabric.

Madam Jane rolled her eyes " you don't know my niece she cannot date just anyone, I have seen her ex boyfriends they are super rich guys" . Mo said "maybe they have broken her heart countless times" . "Madam Jane you called them ex boyfriends so you really can't tell what love can do" Madam Jane made a mental note have a talk with her niece after the wedding since she has been out of the country for a while now and only just arrived few days ago for the wedding.

Madam Jane has been one of Mo's influential Clients in which she does not like to disappoint. Mo would rather put other Clients Clothes on hold to make Madam Jane's Clothes because she respects her so much. Asides being her Client Madam Jane has honored Mo several times while she was in the country for her fashion shows and she also trust Mo's capabilities as a Lawyer thereby she consults Mo despite having her family lawyer.

Mo has a soft spot for Madam Jane.

Mo has a three bedroom flat fashion house and has several stylist working with her but Madam Jane always specifically ask Mo to be the one to made her dress. Although Mo's Stylist are Professionals but there this care and professional touch Mo herself gives to your clothing that is amazing.

Mo finished the Zip and hands over the clothes to her stylist to take Madam Jane to the fitting room to check out her Clothes. When Madam Jane wore the Cloth it felt like international ready made outfit just for her alone. The dress highlighted all her curves. She looked awesome in the outfit.

Madam Jane transfered the sum of fifty thousand Naira to Mo for the dress, she signaled her driver who was standing by the entrance to start the car and left to her niece's wedding.

Mo heaved a heavy sigh of relief signaled her assistant to assemble the Staffs for an urgent meeting.