
Mo's Dilemma

Mo is an extremely beautiful woman who is extremely professional in whatever she does. However she lacks one thing a man. The man she has been crushing on for years hoping one day he will notice her. When Mr right Strode into her life in the form of contract marriage Her crush had already noticed her and he has vowed to himself to have her for himself at all cost haven fallen heads over heels in love with her. Caught in between two men who will do anything to have her. There begun her Dilemma. Who will she choose? Her temporary husband or the man she has been crushing on for so long?

TEMRACH · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Family Dinner 2

Mo walked into the kitchen and saw both her mom and her sister gisting, they were talking about her, she stood by the door entrance. Her sister and her mom were oblivious to her presence.

Ajoke Mo's Mom, was saying "Tomilola you need to talk to your sister, she works too hard a young lady isn't suppose to be workaholic.

Before I could talk to your sister it took me a while, before I could reach her on the phone, if she hadn't called me back how would I have told her about dinner today"?

Mom! Tomilola spoke,

"You have to cut her some slacks".

"what do you mean cut her some slacks?

Look at you, you got married in your early 20's and you've made me a proud grandmom.

I know that if not for your masters degree you pursuing, you would have made me a grand mom for the second time.

I don't understand why Mo is taking too much time?

She is so engrossed in her legal career and that her so called fashion house".

Mo walks in having a poker face on.

"Mom that so called fashion house makes lovely dresses for you.

That fashion house, if I remember clearly, made the dress you wore to your glorious women association party".

" I remember how you were so happy after the party and you gave me an earful of how everyone was praising your dress, you stood out at the event, you even got the best dressed award.

All thanks to Mo's fashion house, I don't want to start mentioning so many event that Mo fashion house has adorned you in."

"am just surprised that you will say - so called fashion house".


"You know how important that fashion house is to me. Am just amazed that you will talk it down like that".

Tomilola spoke to Mo trying to caution her manner of speaking to their Mom.

"Mo we respect what you do, you don't have to be disrespectful to Mom in any way. Am sure she doesn't mean it that way".

Tomi faces her Mom.

"And Mom am sure your words hurt Mo".

"Mo, Mom was just expressing her concern, so you can't blame mom really!

You have to focus on your personal life too because everything has to be balanced. Mom was just being concerned about you".

Ajoke had a worried scowl on. "Mo when did you come in, we never expected you to come this early, I was just been concerned about you, that was why I was complaining to your sister about you. Anyway start cutting this carrot for the fried rice we are making".

The three women got busy with the dinner activities. They made Fried rice, Jollof rice, coleslaw, grilled turkey, fried plantain, grilled Tilapia fish, pineapple smoothie, chocolate cake and chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

The women finished cooking and went to freshen up for dinner which was at 8:00pm prompt.

Just about some fifteen minutes to 8pm Mo's father Durojola stepped into his and Ajoke's room.

He found Ajoke beaming from ear to ear.

Ajoke noticed that Durojola was staring at her so she told him that she was glad Mo came came home to dinner.

"I have missed my daughter so much, am glad she finally came home"

While Ajoke was speaking, she prepared her husband's dinner clothes and laid them on the bed. As soon as she was done talking, Durojola stepped into the bathroom to freshen up.

As Mo laid on her old bed, she was suddenly teleported into her past, she saw her childish self bouncing on the bed happily and naughtily.

She saw herself calling her Mom, who was busy arranging her freshly washed clothes into her wardrobe. She heard her Mom scolding her. "Mo stop jumping on that bed right now I will call ojuju for you" .

Mo saw her teenage self writing a secret love letter while sitting on her old chair and writing on her old desk to her crush then in secondary school.

Remembering those days, Mo still finds it hard to believe that she was that reckless during her growing up years. She began to ponder where that carefree, lively girl had gone. That girl that does not think before acting, that girl that acts on impulse.

As Mo had this many thoughts running through her mind she did not realise when she dosed off on the bed.

Mo!.Mo!! Mo!!!

Mo heard her name from a distant place and was wondering who was calling her incessantly.

Tomilola had to shake her to wake her up.

Mo woke up to realise it was her Sister calling her after all, and she had dosed off.

Tomilola said to Mo, "Girl it's time for dinner everyone is ready except you. Mo responded" OMG! I did not realise when I dosed off. This room just enchanted me and brought back old memories".

"I will hurry up now. I will be down in Ten minutes"

"You had better be" was Tomilola's response.

Tomilola went down to inform the rest of the family to give Mo ten minutes to join them and then dinner can begin officially.

Mo freshened up changed to the dinner dress she came along with, did a light makeup and then she rushed out of the room in fear of keeping everyone waiting longer.

Hello good morning. Its 00:49am here where I am right now. Am sorry I haven't updated Mo's Dilemma in a while now.

I hope you are staying safe during this COVID-19 period? Please wash your hands regularly and stay home.

I need you safe and healthy to keep reading my story and many others here on Webnovel.

I love you dear Reader.



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