
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

10. Companion

Amidst their journey through the wild and untamed forest, they found themselves heading towards an area infested with various menacing creatures. Among them were packs of Wolfhounds and lurking Imps, but the most intriguing and unique encounters were the ancient Tree Spirits, awakening from their long slumber.

These majestic beings were colossal, with towering bodies and long-bearded faces, exuding an aura of wisdom.

Astorn, overconfident and unable to assess the situation, made a grave mistake. Believing the creatures posed no threat, he impulsively decided to confront the Tree Spirit.

"Do you think I'd just stand here in the face of such a formidable monster?" he boldly exclaimed, brandishing his long sword. "I won't let this opportunity slip away!"

Liu Han tried to intervene, pleading for caution, but Astorn's rash actions had already set events in motion. With a swift swing, he managed to cut off one of the branches, which was the creature's arm.

The Tree Spirit, previously calm, let out a distressed scream, its demeanor transforming into a rampage state. Astorn took this as a triumph, taunting the creature further. "Is that all?"

Unbeknownst to him, the Tree Spirit's limbs were not common. The severed branch quickly regenerated, splitting into two extended, agile tendrils that swiftly wrapped around Astorn, constricting him.

Cursing as his breath tightened, Astorn struggled to break free. Liu Han acted fast, delivering a powerful kick that chop off the monster's limb as it was forced downwards, creating a deep fissure in the ground. However, the creature's regenerative abilities proved astonishing, as the stump sprouted back to life.

Undeterred, Astorn continued his assault, slashing at the encroaching tendrils. But each severed part would regenerate almost instantly, rendering his efforts futile. Liu Han realized that using his skills hastily would not suffice, and instead focused on evading the creature's relentless attacks.

"This is all in vain!" Astorn called out with frustration, still trying to fend off the branches. "I'm running out of stamina!"

Liu Han wanted to help him, but another one of the Tree Spirit's arms swung down at an incredible speed, narrowly missing him as he stepped back.

With his skillfulness, Liu Han leaped and ran along the branches that led to the Tree Spirit. Its other branches attempted to intercept him, but he managed to dodge them several times until his hands started to heat up, emitting steam.

Gathering strength in his tightly clenched right hand, he hopped once more directly in front of the creature, unleashing his ultimate skill. "Gale Force Punch!"

A powerful blow of wind erupted, almost throwing the Tree Spirit off balance, but it wasn't enough. Even Liu Han's strongest skill only managed to bring the monster's HP down to 70%.

"Is it because I didn't hit its head?" Liu Han murmured as he found his feet entangled by roots, slamming him forcefully onto the ground.

"You damned bastard!" Astorn shouted, attempting to reach the black-haired man lying motionless on the ground.

Liu Han felt his body crushed and immobilized, as a notification appeared before his eyes [Hard Impact: Stunned for 10 seconds]. This seemed to be the end for him as the Tree Spirit prepared its hand to strike downwards at him.

As the sharp branch descended swiftly, Liu Han had already surrendered himself to his fate, but the impact of a metallic object jolted his eyes back open. Before him stood Astorn, swinging his longsword upward, cleaving the wooden branch instantly.

"Firebolt Wave!" He shouted, swaying his weapon again, but this time downward, shattering the regrowing branches into several pieces with the wave generated by his skill.

The wave, a mix of electricity and fire, reached the Tree Spirit. Though it didn't cause significant damage, the burn effect merged into its body. The creature let out a scream that echoed throughout the forest.

Upon waking up again, Liu Han attempted to analyze the situation, drinking a potion that boosted stamina regeneration. "Here, have some!" he offered.

Astorn quickly gulped down the liquid. "Now what? It seems our attacks are useless."

The young man with messy black hair scanned his surroundings and noticed some peculiarities. "Astorn, please divert its attention. I need some time to devise a plan."

"I hope it works," Astorn replied, peeking back briefly. "The creature's attacks are excruciating, even with just a graze."

"Believe in me!" Liu Han's determination exuded confidence in Astorn.

"Alright... I'll do my best then!" With wariness, Astorn refocused on facing all of the Tree Spirit's attacks.

As the valiant Knight, Astorn, struggled to fend off the relentless onslaught, Liu Han noticed something unconventional about the Tree Spirit's branches that pierced the ground — they seemed unable to be pulled out. Moreover, there was a hole atop the monster's head, housing some sort of life core within.

This revelation stemmed from Liu Han's ultimate skill before, which pierced through the body of the Tree Spirit, inflicting an impressive 30% damage. It appeared that hitting that core was what caused such significant harm. Without that precise strike, Liu Han's attacks might have been far less effective.

"Astorn, try to parry its downward strikes!" the young man with black hair called out, preparing to launch his assault.

"Huh?" Astorn, who was focused on the branches before him, got distracted.

"Direct their attacks towards the ground!" Liu Han shouted, running to draw the monster's attention toward himself. "They won't be able to emerge again!"

As Liu Han demonstrated, Astorn understood and managed to deflect several of the descending limbs, causing them to burrow into the earth without resurfacing — absorbed into the ground.

"Could it be because it's a tree that's supposed to be asleep?" Astorn muttered as he marveled at Liu Han's idea.

However, the Tree Spirit's numerous branches remained after they had been severed constantly. Slowly but steadily, Liu Han and Astorn utilized their stamina not for attacking but for defense. Liu Han showed remarkable agility, deftly evading the branches and effectively ensnaring them into the ground.

"Now's the time, Astorn!" Liu Han exclaimed, glancing at the brown-haired man who had tamed the last of the monster's limbs.

The two of them leaped onto the branches, sprinting towards the immobilized Tree Spirit, which appeared to be stuck and unable to move.

Suddenly, Liu Han, who was in the lead, turned around, preparing his hands. "This is your time, Astorn."

Astorn was taken aback for a moment, not expecting Liu Han to grant him such an important chance. With an enthusiastic smile and a fiery heart, Astorn hurriedly ran towards the man in front of him.

As Liu Han's right foot tended on both of Liu Han's palms, using the remaining strength he had, he launched Astorn into the air. He gracefully twisted his body, positioning his long sword to strike downward.

In mid-air, Astorn could see the gleaming yellow core, radiating a blinding light that momentarily overwhelmed him. With his brown hair dancing in the wind, he descended and released a resounding scream.

"Firebolt Wave!" He once again unleashed his ultimate skill, draining every last bit of his stamina. The sword plunged precisely into the Tree Spirit's life core.

The core crackled with thunder and flames, shattering into countless pieces. The explosive effect of Astorn's ultimate skill sent the Tree Spirit's body scattering everywhere, filling the area with smoke and loud blasts.

Liu Han, crossing his arms in front of his head, braced himself against the blasts of wind. When he opened his eyes to survey the aftermath, the Tree Spirit's body had vanished without a trace, leaving only Astorn standing there.

His expression initially one of disbelief at what he had accomplished, slowly transformed into pure joy. "I did it, Liu Han! Hahaha... I defeated a monster for the first time!"

Liu Han smiled warmly, witnessing Astorn's elation. This indescribable triumph would undoubtedly make him stronger than ever before. A notification sound rang out, providing them with information.

[Congratulations! You have defeated the Tree Spirit from its awakening!]

[Obtained Title: Forest Wisdom]

[Ancient Tree Branch x5]

[Tree Spirit Core Dust x3]

[Rune of the Forest x1]

Liu Han accepted all the rewards and checked his statistics.

[Name: Liu Han]

[Level 7: 54% EXP]

[Class: Martial Artist]

He hadn't gained much EXP, possibly due to the dungeon's debuff still lingering for five more days. If he had some of the potion Mei Li gave him earlier, he might have leveled up faster.

"Thank you, Liu Han!" Astorn exclaimed, approaching with excitement. "I've reached level 5 because of you. Wasn't that amazing? What do you think of my strength?"

Liu Han snorted, not feeling inclined to respond. "If I say it's incredible, will you be satisfied?"

"Why, of course!" Astorn quickly sheathed his sword. "I'm proud of my class!"

"That's good," Liu Han replied as he stepped down from the protruding branches. "You should have confidence in your abilities."

Before taking another step, Liu Han was startled by the presence of unwelcome creatures in front of him. They were small with greenish skin, large noses, pointed ears, and each wielding a spear.

Not only were they in front of Liu Han, but they also emerged from the surrounding bushes. Astorn quickly joined Liu Han from behind, keeping a watchful eye on the group of creatures.

"Goblins," Astorn said with concern. "Do you think they wanted to rob us?"

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