
To the infinite !

The server announcement about the end of the war caused a big stir among the entire player base! From this moment, people were saying, the game really began!

"I'm not happy to have lost so much in the nuclear strike," many players said, "but at least we can leave the tutorial area now."

Many guilds canceled their short-term plans to make money, since this changed everything! No longer were they stuck grinding Dungeons on what was surely one of the least lucrative planets in the game. All LvL 10 players could leave the planet, so there must be unimaginable wealth to be seized out there!

And now that it was time to leave the starting planet, Galactic Coins actually meant something again.

Server Announcement: A Galactic Auction will take place in the space station orbiting the planet "Isirus" in 3 days. Participation costs 50,000 GC. Register with your faction's Chamber of Commerce to take part.

People went crazy on the forums as the game's currency quickly regained its value!

Of course, Apophis and his group were just as enthusiastic. Especially now that the Federation was no longer blockading the planet. With his new ship, Apophis could soon safely leave! With this in mind, he led the members of Eclipse to the Zetark shipyard, deciding he might as well also use the opportunity to introduce Antanria.

When everyone entered the shipyard, they were excited and amazed to see the experimental Zetark Corvette, which was finally finished! The ship was much more elegant than the Federation ships, and clearly belonged to a much more advanced civilization. But they were even more astonished to find a little girl NPC with the same unique appearance as Apophis, sitting there and reading books!

Antanria, of course, was thrilled to see Apophis again, and threw herself into his arms. Not wanting to complicate things, Apophis said, "I present my daughter, Antanria. She'll accompany us on our travels."

Everyone's astonishment continued to rise at the depth of Apophis's resources. A spaceship designed by an alien race? An NPC belonging to that same race? Everyone started to wonder about Apophis's real abilities. Could he, even now, be hiding more from them? He'd said Enclabossa was the secret to his success and abilities, but what did that really mean? Was the "Soul" some kind of cheat engine that gave out hidden details in exchange for completing quests?

Everyone had these similar thoughts, and came to similar conclusions. After all, Enclabossa had given them the opportunity to receive hueg rewards in exchange for an extremely difficult quest, so this was the most likely explanation.

Seeing everyone deep in thought, Apophis spoke again and drew them back to the present. "Our first destination is Admiral Azerof's ship, so that he can officially appoint me as Regent of Era. Next, we'll head for Planet Isirus so we can take part in the Galactic Auction."

But before anything else, Apophis had to give the ship a name!

System: What did you want to name the Experimental Zetark Corvette?

Apophis wanted a name that was easy to remember, so he entered the name "MK.1" and accepted it. Then everyone entered the spacecraft and took their seats, looking around in awe at their surroundings.

The ship was very spacious for its size, containing four double berths, a well-equipped kitchen, and a small bathroom. The rest was divided between the subliminal engine room and the weapons system room. The interior of the ship must have been about a hundred square meters altogether!

Apophis, unfortunately, still couldn't use much Zetark technology, so he entrusted the piloting to Antanria and took the role of second-in-command. This way, he'd learn as quickly as possible. Besides, he was the only other person who could speak the Zetark language and communicate with Antanria at the level required for a second-in-command. She could speak a little of their common language, but not enough to give or receive complex orders.

Antanria pressed various controls and the shipyard ceiling opened, letting a heavy cloud of dust fall onto the ship. With a loud noise, the shipyard's restraining links separated from the MK.1 and the ship left the ground.

Outside, the opening of the shipyard had caused a real mess! The ground, which had remained undisturbed for countless years, had now been torn in half as though by a cataclysmic earthquake. Sand, rocks, and uprooted, withered trees hurtled below—and then were incinerated or repulsed by an advanced laser sanitation system designed to protect against exactly this kind of event.

Some players who were on the way to the Ruins of Tyo saw the MK.1 take off, and they all stared at the sky in shock. Everyone was amazed and incredibly jealous. Many players immediately started recording the scene, and before long, these recordings were being discussed with amazement on the Horus forums.

The MK.1 took off at the speed of sound, escaped the atmosphere, and hurtled into space!

The first step of their journey was Admiral Azerof's ship, which was just about to leave the orbit of Era.

Here we go! Don't forget that Sunday is the most important moment for the authors who see their powerstone reset, so don't forget to spend them to promote the novel!

Hamapocreators' thoughts
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