
MMORPG: reincarnation of the Magi user.

in a world where being a magi user is an worthless occupation in the popular game [second Life]. one man tried to succeed with it but ultimately failed. given a second chance, he reincarnated when the game was just released. can he do it this time? or will he fail again.

Joel_Linqvist · Video Games
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hyper child

[you leveled up - you got 5 stat points]

[you leveled up - you got 5 stat points]

[you leveled up - you got 5 stat points]

putting all of it into mana because I knew that I would need it soon.

[Congratulations to user (Gentlewater) for being the first player to kill the Orc residing in the enchanted forest - for his great achievement he is giften an item from the gods museum]

nobody knew what the gods museum was yet, nobody but me. the gods museum was a place the gods left there relics before leaving the mortal plane.

suddenly a screen appeared before me, it was a list of the items in the museum, not many had ever seen the museum, there only existed 125 relics in there so when all of them where taken nobody els ever saw or heard of the museum again.

seeing as I was already here for a staff I scrolled through all the different staff's. seeing a staff that seemed to match the play style I was gonna use.

[staff of Tyuche]

when equipped base critical chance is 50% and can't go below it even by curses.

seeing as my MP is full i decided to equip the staff. I looked into the middle of the room only to see the magi safe resting on it.

going up to it I got a better view of it, it was a blue crystal like stone that radiated a powerful magic and when I tried to touch it a robotic voice suddenly said.

[please enter the four digit passcode] smiling because this brings back memories of people screaming different combinations at the stone. it wasn't untill two weeks that somebody got it right, and the combination was so much of a joke that every one wanted to kill themselves afterwards.

the same combination was later found out to work for every magi safe, including the one I have in my hand.

"1111" Ding. suddenly hearing the sound I throwed the safe away from me. suddenly the safe started glowing and float above the ground, sending out an extreme pulse of blue light that forced me to close my eyes.

*BANG* hearing somethings heavy land on the ground, I forced myself to open my eyes to look at it.

it looked like a baby Phoenix but it felt quite weak, that was because it takes a extreme amount of magic to get out of that safe.

the phoenix looked to be in a frenzy, and it doesn't seem like it will calm down anytime soon.

shooting out an mana ball with 5 mana in it at the phoenix, something like that I would never hurt it normally but now that's weakened it took some damage from my attack.

running towards me because it doesn't have any MP to actually attack with, waiting for the perfect moment I shoot at it's left leg while dodging that was as well.

crashing down onto the ground I ran towards it before it could even try to stand up, jumping onto it's back while it was still lying down.

even if it's a baby it's still a phoenix so it's about twice the size of me.

(author's note: the following paragraph is violent, if you don't like that jump over that ;)

shooting at the phoenix while standing on it to make it so he couldn't stand up. soon enough my MP was empty, so I did what every reasonable person would do, I hit it in the head with my staff over and over again till it died and then disappeared.