
New Home

"That should be it..."

I leaned back in my chair, stretching my arms above my head and letting out a satisfied sigh.

It has been more than three weeks since I came back in time and now, I've finally completed all of the necessary preparations on my list.

Just now, I finally found and bought an apartment complex in the heart of the city. It cost an arm and a leg, but it was worth every penny.

I've spent the last two weeks trading stocks and cryptocurrencies and managed to accumulate a substantial amount of wealth.

Most of it was gone with my purchase of the apartment complex but I still had enough left to sustain myself for a few months.

"Time to go see my property..."

I slowly rose from my chair and made my way out of the hotel, eager to go see my new home.

I quickly managed to get a taxi and gave the driver the address of my newly acquired apartment complex.

"Thank you for the ride..."

As soon as we reached the location, I stepped out of the car and gazed up at the towering building before me.

"Wow, this is it..."

I muttered to myself as I took in the sight of the massive apartment complex standing before me. It was even more impressive than I had imagined.

The towering building with its sleek glass windows was a beacon of luxury and modernity. It was located in the heart of the city, surrounded by other high-rise buildings and shopping malls.

I could already imagine myself living in one of those luxurious apartments, enjoying the city view from my private balcony.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance. The lobby was just as impressive as the exterior of the building. It was spacious and well-lit, with marble floors and high ceilings.

A concierge desk was located in the center of the lobby, and a friendly-looking woman was sitting behind it.

"Hello, can I help you?"

As soon as I approached, she asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm here to see my apartment."

I replied, glancing around the hall. This was the first time in both of my lives I had been in such a grand and luxurious building.

"Of course. Can I have your name, please?"

Turning toward her computer, she began typing and searching for my information.

"Note, Note Steele."

I gave her my name and she checked it on her computer.

"Your apartment is on the 20th floor, here is your key card. Please take the elevator up and enjoy your new home."

I thanked her and took the elevator up to the 20th floor. I walked down the hallway to my apartment number and unlocked the door.


As soon as I stepped inside, I was awestruck. The apartment was even more beautiful than I had imagined. It was spacious and well-lit, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a stunning view of the city.

The living room was furnished with luxurious furniture, and the kitchen was equipped with state-of-the-art appliances. There were two bedrooms and two bathrooms, both of which were equally impressive.

I walked around the apartment, taking in all of its beauty. I couldn't believe that this was my new home.

I had come so far in such a short amount of time. I had gone from being a broke college student to a relatively wealthy dude in just a month. And now, I was living in one of the more luxurious apartment complexes in the city.

I took a deep breath and smiled. I had done it. My preparations were almost over.

I spent the rest of the day settling into my new home. I brought my belongings from the hotel, arranged my furniture, and explored the surrounding area.

As the sun set, I stood on my balcony and watched the city lights come on. I felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

However, I knew that my journey was far from over. I had big plans for the future, and I was determined to achieve them.


Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"It's already here?"

I muttered to myself.

I had ordered a gaming pod right after checking out the place. I was eager to get it up and running so I could start playing my favorite games.

I opened the door to find two people standing there, each carrying a large box.

"Hello, we're here to install your gaming pod..."

One of them said.

"Great, come in..."

I replied, allowing them to enter my apartment.

I led them into my bedroom, where they carefully installed the pod. It was a large, black structure with a sleek design. It had a comfortable-looking chair inside, as well as a lot of strange machinery within.

I watched as they worked, my excitement growing. Once they were finished, they gave me a brief tutorial on how to use the pod.

"Thank you."

Somehow, I managed not to roll my eyes or sigh as I already knew everything about the device.

"I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of fun with this."

The two men smiled and nodded. Then, they left.

I was finally alone with my new gaming pod. I couldn't wait to try it out.

I climbed inside the pod and settled into the chair. It was incredibly comfortable.

There were still a few more days until the game launched, however, I was already itching to start playing.

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