
MMORPG: Evolution: A new game

Evolution is the only virtual reality game still available for play; after 'Ludos' bought out all their competitors and scrapped the competition. In addition, as Evolution is the one and only virtual reality game available on the market; It's also the first game to introduce an in-game virtual exchange for real money. James, an orphan who made a living playing virtual reality games decides it's time to change his playstyle; starting with his nickname. In a game without classes, without levels; a game where only effort matters - will James be able to persist, or will he continue to be one of the countless others failing in their pursuit?

Withe_Reaper · Games
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16 Chs

Choosing where to start

[Please make your choice]

'If I choose the Mercantile Association, I will have to compete against the big game companies that will try to monopolize all the available resources to make money and prevent individual players or small companies from growing, besides that, I haven´t knowledge of the area of trade, the only positive aspect would be the money that came with the choice.'

'The Monster Kingdom is also not a good option, as the monsters are systematically hunted and they are also at war with each other, the only positive aspect would be that I could have subordinates working for me, the only problem is that the monsters are not intelligent. If I choose the New World Order, I'll be used as cannon fodder, even though that's where it's easiest to grow on my own. So the best of the three would be the New World Order, but let's first see what monsters I can choose to be, I might end up being surprised, after all, the guide didn't say anything about the initial choice options, nor about being able to be a monster right away off the start.'

"Monster Kingdom"

[Please confirm your choice]

"Monster Kingdom"

[The host can now choose the monster they want to be]

[Option 1: Goblin, group-dwelling creature, weak at first, but increasingly feared as it evolves. The player starts with a group of seven to ten goblins]

[Option 2: Skeleton, a creature that needs nothing to live, hunted by certain religions and used by other religions. The increase in strength over time is not as noticeable as the goblin. The player starts with a group of four to seven]

[Option 3: Formless, creature that can create a projection of any species. Note 1: If you change the projection in the middle of a species, you will enter combat with it immediately. Note 2: Hunted by all species. Leveling up unlocks more projections]

[Please make your choice]

'If I choose to be a Goblin, I can have an army that gets stronger over time and numerous after all goblins reproduce quickly, the problem would be at the beginning where it would be weak and I will always have to be in a war for food. The advantage of being a Skeleton would only be visible in the upper levels where he could easily command religions, but at first, it wouldn't be worth the risk. A Formless, on the other hand, is ideal for being a master manipulator behind the scenes, which is not my type. Well, let's go with my initial option.'

"Cancel choice"

[Choice canceled, returning to previous option]

[Please make your choice]

[Option 1: Mercantile Association, the player starts with common-grade merchant clothes, a small common-grade dagger, and fifteen gold coins]

[Option 2: Monster Kingdom, the player does not start with items, but can choose to be a monster, with strength equivalent to level G]

[Option 3: New World Order, the player starts with common-grade torso armor, common-rank citizen clothing, a weapon of the common-rank player's choice, and a gold coin]

[Please make your choice]

"New World Order"

[Please confirm your choice]

Without hesitation, James repeated, "New World Order"

[New World Order has successfully chosen]

[Please choose your starting weapon]

[Option 1: Spear: Weapon most used by people with less combat experience, a long weapon capable of piercing and keeping the enemy away]

[Option 2: Sword: Weapon most used by knights, able to pierce and cut]

[Option 3: Ax: Weapon most used by barbarians due to its high adaptability in combat, capable of slashing and throwing]

[Option 4: Mace: Weapon most used by bandits, capable of contusion and breaking bones with the impact]

'Well, what should we choose the sword is out of the list, I never liked them, they were only really practical for fighting one against one. The mace is also out, the fact of not killing the enemies at the moment can be quite harmful. Between the ax and the spear, I'm going to choose the ax, after all, you can fight close-range melee and I already have an idea of what to do to be able to fight at mid-range melee.'

After some pondering, James made his choice, "Ax"

[Please confirm your choice]

James repeated, "Ax"

[Successfully Chosen Ax]

[The host will be moved to the capital of the New World Order in a moment]

As I didn't have any comments, there will be no extra chapter. Being a novice writer is hard.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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