
Incoming Battle

I finally managed to reach where Twilight previously was and found her sitting on the ground trying her best to fix her wind-y mane.

"That was one of the best bathroom break I've ever had~" I said as I started approaching twilight who looked at me with a slight glare.

Man, she really is annoyed at my antics, looks like I'm doing a good job playing the role of the drake, but that doesn't mean I can afford to accidentally show my true self or the worst can happen.

"Spike! You've been gone for an entire hour! What were you doing?" She asked me with a slightly irritated tone.

"Well, I was taking a massive—" I said before getting interrupted by Twilight who put her hoof in my mouth.

"Uh, nevermind. Anyways, we have to continue! We lost so much time already," She said as she slightly began panicking.

Looks like Nightmare Moon is on her mind as well, can't blame her for being worried. But, panicking won't get you anywhere, it's only a hindrance and must be completely rid off as soon as possible.

Maintaining a calm mind is a must if you found yourself in tight spots, it will help you think logically and eventually find a way out of the mess you are in.

Sure, sometimes fear is what keeps you alive, but 90% of the time can be the cause of your tragic end. Thanks to the Gamer's Mind, I can always maintain a calm demeanor.

"What's next on the list, Spike?" Twilight asked again as she was anxious to finish the duty she was assigned to by the princess.

"Decorations," I said while reading the checklist.

Looks like it's Rarity time to show up and introduce herself now, from what I remember in the show: Spike fell for her in the first second her eyes met her.

Fell for her is an understatement, he literally drooled for her and wanted her attention anytime possible, love at first sight is something that I'll keep clear from. Seeing how she turned Spike into her [REDACTED]. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea.

Twilight and I didn't speak along the way which makes it something bad for me, my relationship with her must be strengthened or this whole "keep the Gamer's Paradise secret" thingy will crumble.

I decided to strike a conversation with her:

"So, how are you holding up?" I asked her, attempting to start a conversation with her.

"Look Spike, we don't have time for chitty chat, I must finish everything on the list and start my research about something," Twilight admitted.

Yep, Nightmare Moon been on her mind. Welp, worry not dear sister from another mister, taking care of Nightmare Moon is my job. Though, you'd have to turn her back into her original form.

As we arrived at the town hall, we saw how it was being set up. I saw Rarity inspecting some ribbons only to put them up to continue the decorations.

This was my chance to use [ Observation ] on her.

[ Element Of Generosity ]

Rarity (Lvl 14)

Ah, her level is much lower than the others, it makes sense. Afterall, she is not the warrior type pony, more like the "lady" type as she calls herself.

"Those ribbons are really beautiful," I said, not even looking at Rarity.

"Yes, the ribbons do look beautiful." She said as she shared the same opinion as me.

"With this all done, I will finally be able to finish and continue my research at the library!" She exclaimed happily.

Libraries, the underrated sea of treasure. If i was in my previous life I would've disagreed but now that I'm in the Gamer's Body. This will benefit me, many more than what you think.

See, gamers get to have an overpowered ability which allows them to learn the entirety of the book with only a simple click. If I were to find a book that got information about martial arts for bipedal creatures, then this would play in my favor against Nightmare Moon. Buts that's just a theory.. a Ga–

Just thinking about this make me excited to visit the library, but I decided to hide my excitement and continue on with the checklist.

I saw Twilight went ahead of me to initiate in a conversation with the fashionista. The "conversation" ended pretty quickly as Rarity started pushing Twilight out of the town hall mostly because of her messy mane.

I decided to let them be and started making my way to the Golden Oak Library, it's better to make what's most of my time with studying the Gamer's Paradise aspects and the most suitable way to do so is by confirming the instant book learning theory that I have in mind.

Leaving the town hall, as I was walking towards the library, I stumbled upon the same mirrors shop from before. Great, now with the bits I got from the previous quest, I can carry on with my plan.

I changed my direction and went towards the shop entering it. I browsed through the mirrors that the shop had. I decided to pick two hand-hoof mirrors and bought them.

I exited the shop after paying for the mirrors with a contend smile on my face, we are finally doing progress with the plan. I immediately opened my inventory and decided to add those two new items.

I closed my inventory and started making my way to the Golden Oak Library. As usual, I used [ Observation ] on everything that catches my interests. I managed to get it around level 10, now it's even more efficient and can now give a short description about everything.

As I finally arrived at the library I went to open the door, only for a dagger to hit the door slightly surprising me. I looked behind me to find the attacker only to see nopony around.

I looked back at the dagger and plucked it out of the door and started observing it.

[ Dagger (Common) ]

A swift knife that can be used to backstab the opponent.

Strength +4

Agility +8


Huh, why would somepony throw something as useful as this towards me? Many questions began popping on my brain until a certain question appeared.

*Why didn't [ Instincts ] warn me beforehand?* I wondered to myself. I opened my skill tab and went to [ Instincts ] stats.


[ Instincts (Lvl 2)]

Allows the user to dodge any danger a second before it occurs.


Okay, now I get it. I found the flaw of this skill, it can't work if the person didn't have the intentions of hurting me. I sighed at this, this is not something good. One flaw like this can create so many loopholes, this skill can be easily tricked even if it was on level 100.

Looks like I'll have to rely on my real instincts as a backup if someone was to figure out this weakness. But then again, who threw that dagger and why?

From the way that my [ Instincts ] didn't work with the attack there may be two possibilities for this:

It was a warning shot from the unknown attacker.

Maybe [ Instincts ] work on creatures that are around my level.

Honestly, I would go with number one, [ Instincts ] is a skill that should work with any level no matter what. Afterall, it's my inner senses screaming at me to warn me from any danger.

If it was something that is based only on otherponies level then it would be as if I'm relying on a computer to sense danger for me, it may be slow or fast at times which is something that I do not want to happen.

So if I put this logically: this Dagger throw was nothing but a mere warning shot from whomever threw it.

[ By thinking of a logical reason for this situation, your Intelligence has increased.]

As much as I would like to stay here and do an intelligence stat grind with myself, I have something important to do, figure out who threw that knife and strike them down. Attack me once, that's on you. I MIGHT let you live for reasons that benefits me then kill you after I'm done using you.

Welp, whatever, that's their loss for throwing such a good knife at me, and I plan to take advantage of that.

I quickly added the Dagger to my Inventory, though this was unexpected, Fortunately, in a good way. But yet, I have to keep my guard up for this unknown attacker. Slacking off will be a grave mistake right now.

I decided to enter the library, with the theory set in my mind, I began searching through section "M" for any books about martial arts. After searching for a while, I managed to find the book.

A wide grin made its way towards my mouth as I opened the book only to be met with a tab page.

[ Would you like to learn this book? (Yes)/ (No) ]

I immediately picked Yes, relieved that I can finally have a self defense melee attacks. Until, something came up and ruined my already good mood.

[ Error: You can't learn this book due to you not meeting the following requirements: STR: 22, AGI: 22, END: 22 , VIT: 15 ]

I immediately frowned at this, ofcourse there is a catch. And here I thought that my luck was off the charts, looks like luck is something that I can't control, even with a lot of points.

Looks like I'll have to grind alot if I want to learn this book, not looking up to it but if I want to be the strongest here than I better go with hard work instead of smart work this time.

I decided to add this book to my inventory as well, I plan to get those requirements after I'm done with Nightmare Moon so I can use it against the unknown attacker. That is if they don't return before my fight against Nightmare Moon.

Looks like I'll have to depend on the dagger's boost to execute my plan, but that doesn't stop me from learning about other ways to fight.

I decided to stay around the library for a little bit as I was reading a book about the anatomy of ponies, it was useful to learn those type of stuff, you can use them to gain your advantage if you ever found yourself in a fight with a pony.

Finally leaving the library with the newfound knowledge, I decided to head towards the Carousel Boutique, knowing that Rarity enjoys fashion and something similar, I can bet that Twilight is still stuck with her trying out new dresses.

I started making my way towards the Carousel Boutique only to find that my assumption was correct, Unfortunately for Twilight, she was still stuck with fashionista.

Twilight noticed me and started whispering.

"Quick Spike! Let's go before she starts dying my coat a new color!" She whispered to me as she took off the clothes and dragged me out with her magic.

I giggled for a bit which made Twilight send me the third glare of the day.

"What's so funny? I was being tortured in there!" She exclaimed almost dramatically.

"Nothing, it's just that you looked great in that dress.. pft," I said which made her send another glare at me.

"Anyways, what's next on the list?" She tried to change the conversation, I took out my notepad and started reading it.

"We got music, that's the last one," I replied which made her smile for a little.

"Well if it's the last one, then that's a relief," We started making our way to where Fluttershy was.

We arrived at the destination to where Fluttershy was, we saw her directing a bird choir as it went to sing along with it's buddies.

I quickly used my newly leveled up [ Observation ] on her.

[ Element Of Kindness ]

Fluttershy (Lvl 14)

A timid and shy pony with a kind heart.


Looks like she is the same level as Rarity, well I would be surprised if she was higher than Rainbow Dash and Applejack, that's usually something out of character for her but this level is just fine.

Fluttershy started singing with her birds as me and Twilight listened. Alright, I have to admit, her singing is quite beautiful and lovely.

Twilight seemed to be sharing the same opinion as me as she commented on her singing:

"Your singing is really beautiful!" Twilight exclaimed to the shy pony.

"Oh… uhm.. thanks, She shyly replied, Twilight went on and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?" Twilight asked the shy pony.

Gee, Twilight, for someone who got no friends other than her helper, you sure know how to introduce yourself.

"Fluttershy..," She replied quietly.

While Twilight couldn't hear anything, I heard her very clear… hm, I wonder which type of the system played a part in enhancing my hearing? Welp, I'll look into it later.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I didn't catch that," Twilight said.

Fluttershy got more shy as she replied to Twilight's question even more quietly.

"Um.. it's Fluttershy," She replied with a quieter voice.

Twilight tried to get her name but due to her being shy, she was unable to say it louder.

"I think her name is Fluttershy," I said breaking the shy mare free of this awkward situation.

Fluttershy's attention immediately diverted towards me as she squealed and rushed over to me.

"A baby dragon! I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's sooo cute!"

….. I completely forgot that she is a big fan of animals, and besides, 'cute' isn't a word that describes me anyways.

After the entire encounter with Fluttershy, we were heading back to the library, I checked Fluttershy's duty off the list and finally sighed in relief, looks like this is done with. Now time, for Nightmare Moon.

It was already dark in the way back, from the look of irritation that Twilight had on her face, I feel like she regretted every single thing she did today.

"I can't believe that I wasted my time with a bunch of crazy ponies, when I should be studying alone on how to defeat Nightmare Moon and convince the princess on her return," She said as she sighed from irritation.

If I were you I wouldn't have to worry about Nightmare Moon, since you got Spike the great and the powerful as your helper.

"Well, look on the bright side, everything's ready for the Summer Sun Celebration," I said trying to lighten up her mood.

"I know, but the return of Nightmare Moon is something even more important than the celebration!" She responded this time even more irritated.

Oops, looks like I'm not that good at comforting people. That doesn't matter anyways, I'm not the type of person that comforts people.

"What are you going to do then?" I asked her patiently waiting for her answer.

"We will go to the library, with the remaining time we have. I'm sure we can come up with some sort of a plan," She said determined as she started walking faster towards the library.