
Chapter 2:The mighty warriors (Introduction)

The mighthy heroes are Zilong,Layla, Chang'e, Freya,Guinever,and, Lancelot.

Layla come From the city of eurido.layla was originaly a member of a squadname S.A.B.E.R.,Layla has sharp shooting skill and good at dealing damage to an enemy.Layla got lost when there team is fighting againts the forces of evil (on of theire commander is zhask). She met Zilong and Zilong help her. Layla dont have a place to go for a mean time so zilong decided to recruit Layla until she found her former squad.

Zilong and Chang'e are siblings both of them come from a dragon temple they live with there grandfather Zilong is a great Fighter he had some special skills that no one hads in theire village while Chang'e is so cute but a good mage .Chang'e is mischievious she is always curious but, hiding in the cute looks of Chang'e she could be dangerous.

Guinevere and Lancelot are also siblings.They came from a reach kingdom they were both royalty.Lancelot was the strongest assasin in their kingdom but,He was once defeated.Then he met her lover name oddete.Lancelot decided to go to an adventure leaving her lover oddete to guard the kindom.Guinevere is a top students of her university.She was ag good and unpredictable mage unlike her brother Guinevere is mote intelegent than him.

Freya is a godest she came from an unknown islands of valkirie. Freya was one of the best fighter in the island but, the forces of evil attack the island.The fighters of that island cannot witstand the power of Helcurt(there commander).The island was fully take over and freya manage to survive with wounds and stab with her body.Gladly zilong manage to find her and cure her.Freya decided to come with zilong to seek revenge to Helcurt.