
The Shadow

After a long run from the fear of being caught by the Queen she finally took a rest ...

until she heard movement from the bushes....

Layla:"hello,who's there"

and there stood a shadow ...a shadow of a girl, Layla point's out her gun ready to shoot.

Layla:"sho..show yourself"

The shadow soon became clear as it came closer..and closer

Layla:"stop right ...there,I've got a gun..and I'm not .... afraid to use ...it."

stranger:"put that gun down little girl ,i'm not here to harm you"

Layla:"who are you?"*slowly put's down gun*

stranger:"i'm Miya ,what's your name"

Layla:"Layla,Layla's my name"

Miya:"so what brought you here?"

Layla:"he...he disappeared "

Miya:" who disappeared ?"

Layla:"my father ..he's..he's gone" *snobs*

Miya:"aw don't cry ,come here"*hugs*

Miya:"we can't stay here it's too dangerous"

Miya bring's Layla to her home town...

Miya:"from now on you'll be staying here ,until your old enough to go no your own okay"

Layla:*hugs*"thank you"