
Mizushima Uchiha

Mizushima Uchiha, is a renegade ninja who was recruited by Pain from Akatsuki, Mizushima was the second survivor, that Itachi Uchiha never even found him, but now Mizushima Uchicha that revenge for his parents killed by Itachi Uchiha, but there is a rock in his way , Sasuke Uchiha.

DornWoller · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

6) past: part 2

Otake- be ready Mizushima

Mizushima Uchiha - sim sensei

Otake- try to unscrew your mangekyou sharingan

Mizushima Uchiha- can leave sensei

Mizushima Uchiha tries to focus all his chakra 10 hours later

Mizushima Uchiha-no sensei that was heavy

Otake- relax as soon as you get used to it

Otake- So, ready to face the beast of konoha

Mizushima Uchiha- I don't know, everyone says he's very strong, I'm not a match for him

Otake looks at Mizushima Uchiha

Otake- look Mizushima doesn't care what others think you're the only one who believes it's you, only you no one else

Mizushima Uchiha looks at Otake

Mizushima Uchiha- thank you sensei

Otake- let's make a bet if you beat me in the ramen eating war, you could call me by my real name

Mizushima Uchiha - Seriously

Otake- of course it is, but I want you to keep it a secret beauty

Mizushima Uchiha- Of course sensei I won't open my beak

Otake- I hope otherwise you will no longer be my student

Mizushima Uchiha Worried Look

Mizushima Uchiha- What!

Otake- it's a joke hahahaha

Mizushima Uchiha- not funny

Otake- sorry sorry, it's ok rest time time to train 2 more hours, it's ready

Mizushima Uchiha - sim sensei

hours later

Mizushima Uchiha was returning home alone

Mizushima Uchiha- my luck I have never seen a sensei as cool as mine, hopefully he can become my Master one of these days

I can't wait to tell my parents how I did in my training

When you arrive in your clan

Mizushima Uchiha - oh my god

All the Dead Uchihas (Author) Part 2 of Mizushima Uchiha's Past