
Miyu: The Watchers

Shocked at hearing that name again I freeze up. Unable to compose myself I stutter.


Before I can even get the words out of my mouth the mysterious figure squeezes my shoulder tight as tight can be.

"Shhh you can't even speak dear boy but you've told me more than enough. You've heard of Yahdeus that is for sure by your reaction."

He continues to squeeze harder and harder on my shoulder. Feeling such intense pain as if my muscles are going to pop due to the amount of pressure I reach for his hand to stop him but before I do he speaks.

"Boy, you do not want to touch me cuz if you do I swear I will evaporate your very existence. I am not what you think I am that I promise you. Now put your hand back down. There is much I must discuss with you."

"Unghh what else do you want to talk about?"

"There is much you don't know about life and the universe. You are an ignorant mind at it's fullest but that's not your fault. Do you know who the Porta Mains are?"

"Porta Mains?"

"Porta Mains are the gate watchers."

"What are you talking about?"

"Heh you are not well informed of your world lore, are you? I will assume that you've never heard of the Watchers. Ahh, The Watchers are who you should be scared of. They are a terror you won't believe. Hehehe in fact even I'M a little scared of them."

Slowly the grip loosens and I feel my blood rushing back in. I sense the man move away slowly from my ear.

"Takeru listen to me well! I know you're confused now but you are destined for great things. In fact, both I and you have the same goal in mind. Yet I know my destiny already and you frankly don't. Beware of The Watchers for they know it all. The next time we meet I know for sure your life will change."

As soon as I turn around there's nothing behind me.

"Where the hell did he go?!"

"Hey, Takeru!"

I see Miyu running towards me.

"Sorry, I'm so late. I lost my purse and I was looking all over for it," she says out of breath.

"Oh uh, that's okay. I'm just glad you're here and okay. Um did you see someone standing behind me a minute ago?"

"No, I didn't why?"

"It's nothing don't worry about it. Let's just continue with our day and have fun."

Not wanting to worry Miyu more then I have to I keep what happened to myself. Before I even get a chance to worry about what just happened Miyu has me running all over the place. We end up buying a lot of food. Also, we ended up watching a movie about some Zombies called the Standing Dead. It was really my thing but she apparently loved it. We end the day eating frozen yogurt.

"Hey Miyu what goals do you have?"

"Huh? That's a bit sudden."

"Yeah I know but I was thinking about it and I never really asked you."

"Well, I really just want to help out kids figure out what they want to do with their lives you know. I think it's a simple goal."

"That's a really nice goal you have there."

"What about you?" she asked.

"Well, I would really love to create a visual novel company."

"Visual novel? What's that?"

"Visual novels are pretty much interactive stories with images and music. It's a niche genre of video games but I've read some really moving stories. Frankly, I think they're literature masterpieces."

"Hmm well, that really does sound interesting. If you want I would love it if you can show me a visual novel one day."

"Sure it'll be my pleasure Miyu."

We end the day walking back to my home eating froyo and just talking.

This is nice. I really enjoy this. I would love it if this lasted forever.


Thank you for reading this far. I've been learning new techniques and hopefully, I'm improving as a writer. I would love it if you guys left a review or a comment. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you look forward to the next chapter I have some really big plans coming up for the story.

Yahdeuscreators' thoughts