
Miyu: Missed Calls

She would stay for a night or two maybe if I was lucky she would stay for a week. Yet it will always end the same way. She would come up to me and say I'll be right back. I need to go outside and get some things. She would never come back. Imagine how I felt as a child waiting for my mother to come back from the store. I would sit by my bed just waiting and waiting for hours. Not knowing if she was dead or if she just left. Until my dad would come to me and tell me she left. I didn't know how to act I would just say oh okay well she'll be back next time and then I would go play my video games. It would always bother me why didn't she care about me? Why wouldn't my own mother not want to spend time with me? Maybe it was me. It always bothered me."

I look over at the girl once again, and she's looking right back at me. It looks like she was holding on to every word I was saying.

"Want to tell me something about yourself?"

"I've always been made to feeling bad by people since I was young just because I have a mental disability. It takes me a while to process information compared to everyone. Because of this, I haven't been able to do well in school."

She starts to tear up while speaking. It's a sensitive subject for her for sure.

"It's gotten so bad that my family has given up hope on me."

My face grimaces at her saying that.

"It makes me think what's the point of life anymore if my own family doesn't want me? I should just end it all. Society always tells you to be yourself yet the moment you do they put you down. Like what's the point anymore?"

Wrapping my arms around I give her a hug. Surprised, the girl jerks and looks at me with her red puffy eyes. I can't just let another human being let take their own life.

"Don't take your life. It's…just not worth it. Trust me on that it's just not worth it. Nothing gets accomplished out of it. Sure, life seems hard sometimes and hell even society can screw you over a couple of times but to end your life is never the answer. You have people always ready to listen to your problems. They may not be your friends or anyone you know. But if you ask for help people will come and help you. Thanks to the internet you can easily find help online and talk to people who have gone through what you are going through. Sometimes we tend to make problems much bigger than they are just because we over think them. Look I may not know you personally but I do know what you're going through. Modern society is twisted to make anyone who doesn't fit society seem strange. You get pushed down and down until you can't get up anymore but it's not the end. It never is."

I feel her tears dripping on my skin. Warm. So warm like a mother's love. Yet the reasons for these tears are the opposite of that. Looking at me, she talks.

"Can you help me?"

"I promise I'll do my best to help you."

"Good. I need someone I can rely on. Sometimes I just sit at home crying and crying."

"Don't worry I'll do my best to help you. I know we're strangers but let's try to be friends. Here's my number if you ever need to call me."

I write it down on a piece of paper inside my pocket and hand it to her. She also gives me her number.

"Thank you, I feel better. I think I'll head back home and relax."

"You sure?"

She stands up and smiles at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Want to meet here tomorrow?"


I give her a hug before she leaves.

"I may be a stranger, but I'm not heartless."

She hugs me back.

"I'm glad you're not."

I wave at her as she leaves. I decided to also head home and relax it's been a heavy day. When I got home, I lay down quickly on my bed and fall deep asleep. Birds chirp to welcome me to a new day. Sluggishly I sit up and reach for my phone next to me on the nightstand. Looks like I have one text message.

"It's the girl from yesterday."

Now I just realized we didn't give each other our names. Well, we're meeting up today so that'll be a good chance to get it. I tap the notification on my phone, and I read what she sent me.

"Hi, it's the girl from yesterday. We never asked for each other's name and I think that's a good thing. You wouldn't want to be friends with a girl who you won't see ever again. It was good talking to you yesterday and I like that you took the time to stop and talk to me. You do care and I like that you do. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to see you tomorrow or ever again. I don't think life is worth it anymore because I can't find the point in it. Who knows maybe I'll see you again one day."

Speechless I just sit on my bed as the birds continue to chirp.

It's been a week since I received that message. I've been coming back to the same place to wait for her, but she never came. I called her multiple times, but she never picked up. I kept coming back day after day, yet she never came.

You have 11 miss calls.

-Strangers Story Arc Fin-

-We shall know what you are seeking-

I hope you guys enjoy reading this short story which is part of a much bigger story. There's so much more to read and I'm really looking forward to writing out this huge epic story which is part of the Miyu universe that I've created.

Yahdeuscreators' thoughts