
Chapter 1: The meeting

(WARNING: This is a short story novel!))

Zu would be walking home, alone in the dark trying to find his way home, after he moved from Japan.

Zu Mao(POV)- The streets are so different from the ones back home, how on earth will I make it back?

Zu would continue walking until he bummped into a tall figure.

Zu Mao- Sorry sir, I'm just trying to get back home.

???- It's alright.

Zu Mao- do you know where XXX-XX-XXXX is?

???- Yeah, it's by my place.

Zu Mao- Oh thank the heavens, you are a saviour.

???- Yes I am.

Zu would look up at his new neighbor, confused, as to why he had said that.

Zu Mao- Anyway, shouldn't we be heading home?

???- Yes, we should, let's go.

Zu and his new friend would start to walk home, still in the constant darkness ahead of them.

Zu Mao- So, what is your name, if you don't mind me asking.

Clem Woodson- My name is Clem, and what is your name?

Zu Mao- My name is Zu.

Clem Woodson- That's a lovely name.

Zu Mao- Thanks.

Zu would look embarrassed that a guy would like his name.

Clem Woodson- Your welcome Zu.

Zu Mao- Your name is nice as well, Clem.

Zu would smile at Clem, even though it was pitch black.

Clem woodson- So you moved here, is that correct?

Zu Mao- Yes, my parents thought that it would be a good idea for me to get an education here in America.

Clem Woodson- That's interesting.

Zu Mao- Got any good high schools I could enroll in?

Clem Woodson- Hmmm, there's some around that sound interesting.

Zu Mao- I would love to hear them once we get home, after we get a good night of sleep that is.

Clem Woodson- Yes, that is correct.

All went quiet for a while, until they rounded the corner of both thier houses

Zu Mao- Anyway, see you in the morning?

Clem Woodson- Yes, have a good sleep.

Zu Mao- You too Clem.

Zu would start to jog to his house, excited to jump into his bed and sleep.

Next chapter