
Miu-Chan Is Unfortunate

The cherry blossom trees have bloomed which meant one thing to all highschoolers in Hida Takayama high school. The famous Yamazaki Kaito would officially be let out of his tight security home and allowed to be a second year at the highschool. Yamazaki is everything exceptional, stemming from his distinctive physical appearance, down to his academic brilliance. The sheltered young boy is rumoured to have hacked into the government's database at the early age of nine, and at that thrice in a row!. He is also fluent in seven foreign languages and won several awards in classical music and diverse literature. His parents spare no expense in grooming him into a prime example for all in Japan. But most importantly, this development means that he is also of legal age to date!. A fact that even the third year students and some young teachers shamelessly acknowledged. Yamasaki Miu. That is as much as anyone at school knew about the basket case loner. Despite her good looks there is squarely nothing of interest in her. That is, till her new seat mate happens to the Apple of everyone's eyes. Yamazaki Kaito. The boy's life drastically started to change, the very day he saved her life, on their very first day of school. Read what happens when an all too perfect boy collides with an accident prone classmate, bearing zero interest in him. *Excerpt* Yamazaki Kaito tilted his porcelain features to the side, to steal a peak from the corner of his almond eyes, at the moving figure, crouched beside him. Her nose was buried in the maths textbook which she held upside down, staring intently at the pages as though she understood what was written in them. "Say, you don't happen to have some sort of crush on me now, do you Miu-Chan?." Yamazaki teased, addressing her by her first name with intent of earning a reaction from the reserved seat mate of his. The young girl remained unfazed, save for the patches of crimson that painted both her cheeks. Yamazaki chuckled, lowering his lower lip to make another flirtatious comment, but was miserably cut off. "Hehehe...why would I fall for someone so deficient?." Yamasaki Miu sharply replied, grinning from ear to ear, gently pushing a strand of hair behind her left ear. "Deficient?!!." The entire class was disrupted by his sudden outburst and turned their heads in his direction, wearing worrisome expressions on their faces. He's all bark and she's the bite!.

ThePen_woman91 · Teen
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2 Chs

A Scene to behold: Under The Sakura Trees

"I trust that you remember the instructions laid out by your parents young master Yamazaki?."

A woman sitting in the passengers seat asked in an unequivocal tone, using her slender index fingers to gently tip up her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

She stole a glance at the young master who had his face buried in a brochure of the highschool he was recently enrolled in as a second year.

"We would not want the master forcing his decision now would we?." She asked, coddling Yamazaki as though he were a toddler.

"I don't see the relevance of attending a highschool and at that a public one. Father is being difficult." The young master swiftly replied, coming off with a bratty and entitled brat sort of attitude.

Emiko, his personal instructor sighed as the driver pulled over at the highschool. She was vehemently against the idea of sending the young master to a highschool, but his father was adamant about the decision.

"The driver will be here at exactly 3:15pm?. Do well not to make him wait." She told him, about to step out and see him off.

"Don't bother yourself, Emiko-San, I don't want the other students to think of me as incapable." Yamazaki Kaito brashly responded to her, pushing the car door shut.

Emiko flashed a small smile at him and nodded in agreement, letting the young master have his way. For in truth...

'The young master doesn't wish for his new classmates to think he needs a nanny. Fufu...how much he's grown up.' Emiko paused to think as she watched him stroll into the sea of cheerful faces.

"Driver, to the mansion." She instructed, pulling the tinted glass up and reclining into the luxurious car seat, wearing a content look on his face.

'Perhaps the young master shall make some friends.' She thought, as the car drove away into the morning traffic.

Unknown to her, that her assumption was doomed from the start!. Yamazaki Kaito was not one to have a decision made on his behalf.

The rebel blended into the crowd perfectly, glad that his identity was a secret to most of the population. After he hacked into the government database thrice in a row, his identity had been kept secret for specific reasons.

This young man had studied the blue prints and the design layout of the school two weeks before, and knew the perfect spot to make his escape. His getaway vehicle was on the other side, awaiting his call.

"Ah!. There it is." Yamazaki Kaito said to himself, laying his eyes on the back fence of the school, not that he doubted it's existence. The presence of the Sakura trees around would mask him as he made his escape.

He sprung to action, taking his bag off his shoulders and pulling out the ropes and grappling hook he had packed late last night. The youngster had no intention on mixing with average students, idly wasting his time on club activities and sports festivals.

Confident he would not fail, he stood on his feet to make his escape, but before he could attempt climbing over the fence, a black cat ran past him, followed by a gush of wind which slapped his left cheek.

"What the..." Yamazaki Kaito was at a loss for words, he looked in front of him at just what had managed to catch him off guard.

His eyes landed on a slender figure, effortlessly climbing up one of the Sakura trees, as though she were some wild cat. Her skirt gently moved with the breeze, exposing the parts of her skin, her knee length socks failed to hide.

She rested on a branch, reaching out for the black cat which was now resting on the fence, he had intentions on climbing. Yamazaki Kaito stood there, in awe, watching as the wind caressed her face, revealing her fair white skin which her black hair sheltered. While the pink cherry blossom leaves being carried by the wind, decorated the scene, highlighting her uniform!.

The girl resembled something pulled out of a painting that hung idly on a museum wall, gracing the world with it's beauty. She perfectly balanced herself on the branch, her hands stretched out to the black unresponsive cat.

The items in his hands dropped to the grass, as he took some steps forward, towards her, unable to call out and catch her attention.


His artistic beauty had suddenly moved closer towards the black cat to grab it in one swift motion, but ended up missing, breaking the branch and falling off the tree.

Before the girl could even exclaim for help or anything, her fall was broken by the boy who stood directly underneath her. Yamazaki Kaito had always had swift reflexes and was quick to save her.

Strands of her black hair scattered across her face, blocking his view of her striking beauty. Naturally, he pushed her hair aside, allowing him to view her beautiful face.

"Already falling for me on the first day?." He found himself saying to her, as his fingers glided across her round face.

Her cheeks flushed crimson red from his teasing, he was smooth and good with words, any girl in such a situation would be left speechless.

Yamazaki Kaito watched her look away in embarrassment, her eyes averting themselves from his piercing gaze. For some inexplicable reason, that simple act caught his fancy.

It was as though time had stopped, and all that remained where the two of them and the cherry blossoms which illuminated the scene. Making it appear as a young couple in each other's content company, basking in the beauty of nature.

How sorely mistaken was he!.

The black cat which sat on the fence suddenly leaped from where it sat and landed on his face, laying it's paws on him.

Kaito was surprised by this and immediately let go of the damsel in his grip, and pulled away at the cat. He took some steps back, tearing away the cat's paws, desperate to save his face.

"Get off you damned feline!." He cursed, and tore the cat away from him in one strong pull.

The animal scurried away from him, climbing the Sakura tree and balancing on one of the branches, glaring down at him.

"What the hell was that about?." He asked as he caught his breath, animals usually loved him and barely attacked him.

Kaito suddenly realised something while he gathered his ropes and tossed them back into his bag. 'She's gone?.' He took a sweep of the environment, searching for a glimpse of his damsel.

"She's was wearing the high schooler's uniform, so she must attend this school." He thought, as he whipped out his phone from his pocket.

He placed his flip phone to his ear, expecting the person on the other end to answer without sparing a second.

"Go on without me, I think I'll stick around here for quite sometime." Kaito said into the phone, slinging his bag over his shoulder recklessly. His neatly ironed blazer was rumpled and his hair ruffled by the demon cat.

One glance at him, and anyone would deem him a regular highschool boy with zero care for his appearance.

"I've found someone to keep me interested." He went on to say into the phone, as he walked away from the back fence and headed towards the lively school, bustling with students, openly gawking at him.

Creation is hard, please cheer me up

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