
Mitsukis life thru the multiverse

"Rimuru change back to your slime form!"

gates_of_babylon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

TTT (Teleporting To Tempest)

In a cave, we can see a bed.

On that bed in the cave, we can see a beautiful white-haired woman sleeping peacefully.


The woman's eyelids start to quiver, she then opens her eyes revealing two beautiful violet-colored orbs.

"I don't want to get up. Just 5 more minutes."

The woman who is Mitsuki said.

"But, I want to explore as well."


Mitsuki is currently debating whether or not to leave her bed.

"Oh well, I'll get up."

She then makes her decision and gets out of bed.

After she gets out, she puts on a dark purple turtleneck sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans.

After that, she teleported out of the cave and into the woods next to it.

"Hmm, I don't want to just teleport there. I might walk instead." Mitsuki said to herself out loud.

"On second thought, the plot right now should be about fighting that lame fish."

Mitsuki spoke to her out loud while walking through the forest.

"Maybe I'll just teleport, this is taking too long," Mitsuki said to herself in an annoyed tone.

She then teleported herself a little ways away from the tempest gates.

She could see a lot of monsters and humans alike coming through the gates.

'Hmm, I think the goblin riders should be out in a little bit.' Mitsuki thought while sitting on a tree branch.

'I think I'll have some fun.'

She then hopped off the tree branch and ran into the forest where the riders usually scout.

When she got there she got on a high tree branch and sat.

30 minutes flew by and Mitsuki was still lying about on the branch.

She looks up for a moment and sees a pack of wolves with goblins riding on them, running toward the tree she is on.

"Hmm, so they're finally here." She talked to her out loud.

She then summons an S-rank monster and commands it to go to the goblin riders.

(POV Gobta)

"Well, gang let's have another good harvest, even if I didn't want to come out here today," I say to the other goblin riders.

"Gobta what are we trying to get today." Says one of the goblin riders

"I don't know, whatever we can find I guess," I reply.

As our wolves are running through the forest, I spot a weird monster in front of us.

It kinda looks like Giant Red Ant, but then again it's not red or the black version, it's purple.

Also, it is kinda humanoid not on four legs, but on two like us. (It looks like Beru from Solo Leveling.)

It suddenly looks at us.

When it did that I felt danger from it, a lot of it.

But I think we can still win.

It suddenly charges at us at insane speeds. I think only some of us can follow it

It appears behind me and I order my wolf to dodge left.

My wolf commands last second and the monster barely misses ripping me apart.

I jump off my wolf and command it to attract the monster's left side while I go to the right.

"ONE OF YOU GET HELP AT THE CITY!" As I'm running to the right side of it. I order one of the weaker goblins to get help.

I reach the monster's right side as soon as my wolf reaches its left.

My wolf lunges at the monster trying to bite it and I jump up to try to cut its arm.

The monster just raised its arms as we attacked.

Both of our attacks connected, but they did absolutely nothing.

The monster's shell was so hard neither of our attacks even put a scratch on it.

Despite my being surprised, I use shadow movement to go behind the monster.

As I popped out, I ordered my wolf to keep putting pressure on him.

I mean there are two of us, and one of him.

I swung my sword down on him as my wolf kept putting pressure on him. Only to get the same result.

My attack did nothing to him, but that didn't stop me. I quickly used shadow movement sensing danger to my left.

As I popped out I saw the ant thing swing its claws fast behind him.

The swing was so fast to the point I couldn't have dodged it without using shadow travel again.

The ant then swung at my wolf, only for him to dodge it barely. (The wolfs are much faster and more aware than the goblins)

"Gobta retreat, I'm on my way right now."

My wolf then ran back to me since we both could hear Rimurus orders.

They and the ant just watched each other unmoving, while I was ready for anything it threw at me.

Not even a second later Rimuru appeared right in front of me, riding a two-horned wolf that was bigger than mine.

"Ranga, check on the goblins." Rimuru said to his wolf Ranga.

"Yes sir." The wolf replied.

When Ranga came to me I just told him I'm fine and watched the fight between Rimuru and the ant.

The ant charged at Rimuru.

Rimuru got in his stance like he was about to use black flames to kill it.

Only for a huge beam of red/black flames to come down on the ant.

(POV 3rd)

As the fires died down, Gobta and Rimuru noticed a white-haired woman with her back toward us at the center of it all.

The ant was nowhere to be found after the flames died down. Gobta and Rimuru could only suspect that it was utterly destroyed.

Gobta stood there with a shocked expression on his face while Rimuru was curious about who this person was.

Ranga came back and ran in front of Rimuru to shield him from this unidentified person.

"Who are you," Ranga asked.

The white-haired woman turned around and flashed a small smile.

"I'm just an adventure coming to Tempest," Mitsuki replied.

While Ranga was questioning her, Rimuru sat on top of him with a shocked expression.

'ITS HER?!' He thought in his mind.

'Great sage, is this the same person as the one in the crystal ball?' He questioned his skill.

[Affirmative, it is the same person.]

Gobta was also shocked, but he was shocked for a different reason.

He walked up to her as she watched in interest at what he was gonna do.

He stopped right in front of her staring at her chest.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, THEY MIGHT BE BIGGER THAN SHIONS!" He yelled while staring at her boobs.

-Your favorite clinicly insane auther here-

Sorry I haven't been able to write much.

Truth be told I was just being lazy. But now were at tempest, this is were I'll try to slow the pace down a bit.