
Mitsukis life thru the multiverse

"Rimuru change back to your slime form!"

gates_of_babylon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Run my Fade Cuh.

Mitsuki is currently taking a stroll after that whole ordeal with the knights.

(Back at David)

David is sitting in his office with a furious expression, after listening to the report that just came in.

"That bitch wants to retaliate."

David then called the elite guards into the room.

"Yall, go and find her. I don't know how she beat the others, but be careful."

The knights saluted and left the room to find the woman.

(Back at Mitsuki)

Mitsuki was strolling around until an amazing smell hit her nose.

"What is that," she said in a mumble.

She then walked over to a restaurant and walked in toward the smell.

The waiter that was waiting at the door, was shocked like all the other people that had seen her.

'Who is this beautiful lady' the waiter thought to himself.

"How many is coming," he said to Mitsuki.

"Just me," Mitsuki replied.

The waiter then showed her the way to her table.

"Just call me over when you're ready," he said and was about to leave.

"I am ready," Mitsuki said instantly.

"Then what can I get you." The waiter replied.

"Can I get the good smelling food," Mitsuki said with a straight face.

"I'm sorry, the what?" the waiter asked with a dumbfounded face.

"The food that smells good back in the kitchen," Mitsuki said again with a confused face.

"Ahh yes, okay I'll go get that for you. And what do you want to drink." The waiter asks.

"Umm, can I get some water?"

"I'll get you that as well" The waiter then left to go get her order.

As Mitsuki is waiting for her food an extremely familiar face walks through the restaurant.

David and his new wife Teresa came through the door of the restaurant.

The waiters wanted waitresses to come to greet them because they knew who it was.

David and Teresa were making their way to the back of the restaurant when David stopped and looked directly at Mitsuki.

Teresa then looked in the same direction as David and saw her as well.

David then just started walking to his original destination

"David, what are you going to do with her?" Teresa, who was walking while holding his arm said.

"I'll just tell the head guards to bring her to my house," David said in a normal tone.

Even though Mitsuki has changed her looks, David can still recognize her.

'Somethings not right. Even though the guards she beat were average, they still had a lot in numbers.' David contemplated in his mind.

Mitsuki also saw them, but she didn't care enough to look at them for more than a second.

The waiter then came back with the food and water. Right before he could set her table, a bunch of guards burst into the restaurant.

Mitsuki, who was about to eat her food inwardly groaned.

The guards made their way to her table, not minding the other people In there.

"Miss, you're coming with us." As the leading guard said that, the other guards surrounded her table, while the high-ranking civilians sat at their table and watched intently.

Mitsuki sat at the table with her arms crossed tightly, her eyes glaring at the guards who had just approached her. "I'm not going back to that bastard David. Why can't you all just leave me alone?" she declared, her voice cold and firm.

The guards reacted immediately, drawing their swords with a menacing clang that echoed throughout the restaurant. Their leader stepped forward and grabbed Mitsuki's arm, dragging her out of the booth with the other guard following closely behind.

Mitsuki allowed herself to be handled in this way, despite her pride and anger, because she knew that there were civilians present in the restaurant. She couldn't risk getting them caught up in a violent altercation.

Once they were outside, Mitsuki quickly freed herself from the guard's grasp, twisting her arm sharply and executing a perfect somersault backward. She landed gracefully on her feet, facing the guards who were now looking at her with a mix of surprise and admiration.

Mitsuki just stood there watching the gaurds with a cold and annoyed stare in response.

David ran outside of the restaurant, with a smile after he heard the commotion of the civilians inside.

As soon as Mitsuki saw him, she stared at him coldly.

"David, order your men back." She stated with ice laced in her voice.

"And why should I bitch?" David said with a sinister smile.

Mitsuki then has an idea flash through her mind, as a flicker of amusement passes through her eyes.

That flicker isn't unnoticed by David though.

"What's so funny bitch?" David asks with a scowl on his face.

"What's funny, is the fact that you need all these people to attack a poor woman like me." Mitsuki says with light chuckle.

"Why don't you deal with me yourself David, or are you to scared?" Mitsuki said with a cocky smile on her face.

"Yeah, like you are a 'poor woman' you're anything but normal." David although his pride was hurt, remained steady.

"Anthing but normal huh... maybe your right David." Mitsuki said while tilting her head down, her bamgs covering her face.

David starts to have a bad feeling about this, he knows what this woman can do.(atleast what she could do before)

"ATTACK HER NOW!" David said in a panicked voice, his instincts running wild.

"Even among the highest gods, I am a anomaly." Mitsuki says while looking at David with a sinister smile.

David when he saw this felt his blood run cold and his body froze in fear.

'I've always wanted to do this from one of my favorite anime' Misuki, although a literal demon on the outside, was like a child on the inside.

Mitsuki then hold a hand out in front of her making a weird sign, with her middle finger wrapped around her ring finger and her pinky, index, and thumb meeting together right below them.

"Domain expansion...

Mitsuki just stood there watching the guards with a cold and annoyed stare in response.

David ran outside of the restaurant, with a smile after he heard the commotion of the civilians inside.

As soon as Mitsuki saw him, she stared at him coldly.

"David, order your men back." She started with ice laced in her voice.

"And why should I bitch?" David said with a devious (😈David villan ark😈) smile.

Mitsuki then has an idea flash through her mind, as a flicker of amusement passes through her eyes.

That flicker isn't unnoticed by David though.

"What's so funny bitch?" David asks with a scowl on his face.

"What's funny, is the fact that you need all these people to attack a poor woman like me," Mitsuki says with a light chuckle.

"Why don't you come and run my fade yourself Cuh, or are you too scared?" Mitsuki said with a cocky smile on her face.

"Yeah, like you are a 'poor woman' you're anything but normal." David although his pride was hurt, remained steady.

"Anything but normal huh... maybe you're right David," Mitsuki said while tilting her head down, her bangs covering her face.

David starts to have a bad feeling about this, he knows what this woman can do. (at least what she could do before)

"ATTACK HER NOW!" David said in a panicked voice, his instincts running wild.

"Even among the highest gods, I am an anomaly," Mitsuki says while looking at David with a sinister smile.

David when he saw this felt his blood run cold and his body froze in fear.

'I've always wanted to do this from one of my favorite anime' Mitsuki, although a literal demon on the outside, was like a child on the inside.

Mitsuki then held a hand out in front of her making a weird sign, with her middle finger wrapped around her ring finger and her pinky, index, and thumb pressing together, right below them.

"Domain expansion..."

------your fav clinicly insane auther------


I just feel like being cringy and edgy today.