
chapter 2

<p>"I fell so uncomfortable, so hot"<br/><br/>Isabella stood up supported herself against the wall <br/>"aiya Isa girl are you alright"<br/>"where are you going Isa"<br/>"class belle Isa you look pale"<br/>different voices sounded <br/>todayis supposed to be the last dinner with her college classmates and friends after the last exam so she can finally start her final year in college<br/> they went to the famous restaurant in the central city a rich classmate booked the place for them to have fun <br/>but unknown to her some local nouveau riche had taken a fancy to her beauty and bribed the waiter to drug her which she did.<br/><br/>the students were nervous as she looked sick and pale so they asked in concern as she was their school belle and classmate she was a polite and intelligent student who helps her friends so they naturally liked her and won't want her to be hurt <br/><br/>she didn't want to bother them rather ruin their fun and just smiled slightly<br/> "I feel a little dizzy and tired sorry everyone but I have to go home and rest bye bye guys" <br/>She straighten her back smiled politely as she explained <br/>They also noticed she looked unwell and also their said byes tok <br/>"school belle bye"<br/>"bye Isa"<br/>"don't forget to call is when you get home Isa "<br/>"ok "<br/>She walked away hastily<br/><br/> she didn't go far before being blocked by a man who had two guards with him laughing lecherously he was fat and ugly with gold all over his body screaming<em> rich rich I'm rich</em><br/>But she felt he was stupid for being exaggerated only the poor would want people to know they are rich plus she wasn't in the mood for games with such a person<br/><br/> "little beauty do you need help"<br/>"No need excuse me"<br/>She tried to walk past but her wrist were grabbed<br/>"You don't look so good allow this brother to help you"<br/>The man said looking at her his eyes held a burning gaze and wicked smile<br/><br/>Isabella might look pure and sweet but she also has a temper rather is she dumb not to understand what's wrong and what's going on now<br/> "bastard let go of me"<br/><br/>Abel was in a bad mood he came to meet his client but the discussion wasn't going well as the client kept trying to make his secretary seduce him and dugusted <br/>he left Jim his secretary to handle it out of anger and left <br/>with a cigar in his hands he strolled out "bastard let go of me"<br/>He heard a voice he recognized instantly nor he ever forget<br/>"Miss don't be fierce follow us and you will get enough benefits"<br/>Another male voice spoke<br/>"I'm warning you"<br/>The girl's voice sounded again full of anger<br/><br/>he rushed over trying to decipher if it really is her he got to the exit glanced and saw her <br/><br/>"Isabella!"<br/> he called out shocked<br/>Isabella thinking it was a person familiar with her screamed<br/> "help this pervert is trying to hurt me please help" <br/>*anger*<br/>Abel walked there he already noticed the situation and was trying to restrain his anger as his eyes swept over them <br/>"Ah Mr lanks do you know this woman?" <br/>The man asked in Suprise<br/>"Let her go!"<br/>Abel spat <br/><br/>" ah Mr lanks I didn't know you know her please forgive me"<br/>the man said changing face quickly leyting go of Isabella's red wrist and rushed away<br/><br/> who didn't know how cruel this monster Mr lanks was he didn't want to offend him <br/><br/>" you I will get you"<br/> quickly he carried Isabella whos head was buzzing away he<br/>called Jim to deal with that man and drove Isabella away towards her place which he obviously knows as he has been monitoring her for years<br/><br/>"what are you doing with the phone"<br/><br/>Isabella was stunned when the man who helped her spoke her hands were slipping off as she tried to concentrate and call someone<br/><br/> " I just want to call my boyfriend so he would help me I also don't want to bother you much I can't see much"<br/>She replied solemnly and seriously<br/><br/>"your boyfriend?" <br/>Abel felt hurt and angry he parked the car <br/><br/>"so you guys have done it ha?" <br/>With a self deprivating laugh he couldn't help but ask <br/>"What do you mean?" <br/>Isabella asked confused<br/><br/>"that bastard ! I waited for us to be married together to do it but he already did it what am I waiting for then?"<br/><br/>Isabella was confused even more now <br/><br/>"What are you saying I just want him to send me to the hospital please call him"<br/>She said not wanting to be involved with this crazy person<br/><br/>"no need to call him I'm here to help you"<br/>Abel stated his hands went to help her adjust into the seat <br/><br/>"no"<br/><br/>She said and a thought entered her head when Abel was adjusting the seat belt <br/><br/>*did I escape that bastard to another I thought he was helping me* <br/><br/>she thought quickly and went on defensive even though her eyes were a bit blurry and her consciousness unclear she still had a trace of rationality and screamed at the man occupying the drivers seat<br/><br/>"let me out! let me out of this car !!you bastard !,I will call the cops on you if you try to touch me"<br/><br/>" I was just kidding I will call your boyfriend and send you to the hospital first is that ok for you?"<br/><br/>Abel didn't want to hurt her nor does he want to leave a bad impressions on her about him <br/>If he wanted to do anything he would have done it what can a weak woman do to him besides why would he wait for her all these years to destroy it at this moment he shook his head and drove away<br/><br/><br/>He successfully sent her to the hospital she passed out on the way and she went into an emergency room <br/><br/>He asked a nurse to call Andrew who came running over fatigue and panic could be seen in his eyes he just came back from work <br/>On getting there he saw Isabella safe and asleep as she has been given IV drip <br/>He didn't find her savior and asked the nurse who refused to say a thing about who brought Isabella as the person wants it to be a secret he checked the surveillance and the man's face was hidden <br/>He was a little regretful as he couldn't thank his girlfriend's benefactor and grateful not everyone is kind to help these days he simply went to prepare poridge for Isabella as she was still unconscious <br/>When he left someone came in he touched her face stood there for some time and left quietly as he came it was Abel lanks <br/>He hated Andrew and so does Andrew he didn't want to see that stubborn Younger brother of his and came for the girl after confirming she was safe he left <br/><br/>He called him to ask about the progress and nodded he walked into the elevator and left the hospital driving staright home he was tired and needed rest</p>