
Mistwoods Saga

Brought together by destiny, a clique of teenagers delves into the enigmatic mysteries of their own history. Confronted with daunting trials and tribulations, they discover the power of unity amidst their contrasting personalities, ultimately realizing that the very existence of the supernatural world hinges on their actions.

Maya07 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Fright Night

As I gazed at him intently, my eyes scanning him from head to toe, I adopted the demeanor of a detective, walking back and forth with my eyes half-closed. Suddenly, he uttered the name, "Cris..." His eyes widened and he let out a gasp. "Oh, please don't fight her. I just wanted to clear things up between us!" He nervously adjusted his collar and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Listen, I don't know what your friend told you about me, but I'm not a bad guy. I just wanted to show you around, and I never had any intentions of forcing you. Besides, your friends were going to be there too!" He lowered his gaze and let out a sigh. "But it's alright, just please don't think of me as some kind of mean guy or anything like that." With that, he headed towards the door.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He genuinely seemed ashamed to be judged in such a way. After giving it some thought, I realized that I could take care of myself. What was the worst that could happen? If he tried to flirt, I would simply give him a harder slap, and Cris and I could handle him on our own.

Considering all perspectives, I couldn't hold back any longer. I shouted, "Wait!"

He froze in his tracks, turning his head slightly to listen to me.

"I... I'll be there!" I declared.

In the evening, I got ready, slipping into a red shirt and black pants. I put on some heels and styled my hair.

"Goodbye!" I bid farewell to my aunt and left the house. The town appeared deserted, with a cool breeze rustling through the leaves, gently caressing my face. It made me realize what a great decision it was to step out and embrace the unknown.

Nature truly is a form of therapy, I must admit. As I was on my way to school, a sudden realization struck me - there was not a single soul in sight. "Am I late?" I pondered, reaching for my phone to check the time. To my surprise, I was actually early, just five minutes ahead of schedule.

With a lighter stride, I glanced up at the sky, witnessing the stars beginning to twinkle in the vast expanse of blue. It was as if the heavens themselves were adorned with countless diamonds, shimmering like velvet.

A smile graced my lips, but it was soon interrupted by a distant noise. Straining my ears, I tried to discern its origin, but it was too far away to decipher. Returning my gaze to the road, I suddenly noticed the blinding headlights of a car approaching me. I swiftly leaped to the side, only to stumble and fall onto my knees.

Scrambling to my feet, I brushed off the dirt from my clothes with my hands. Looking around, I was taken aback to find the road just as empty as before - no sign of the car or any other presence. "Where did it go?" I wondered, fixating my gaze on the direction it had disappeared into.

Turning around, I found myself facing a similar situation once again. Another car, this time closer and with even brighter lights, seemed to be tailing me. Fear gripped my heart, propelling me to run in the opposite direction. With each stride, I pushed myself harder, desperate to leave the car behind. Eventually, I arrived at an abandoned warehouse.

Seeking refuge, I hurriedly entered the warehouse and shut the door behind me. Gasping for breath, I felt as if I were reliving the entire ordeal. The sense of impending danger loomed over me, as if someone were on the verge of bursting through that door, gun in hand. I collapsed onto the ground, my back pressed against the wall, breathing heavily as the sound of the approaching car grew louder and closer.

I felt completely numb, unable to comprehend the situation I was in. It didn't even occur to me to call for help, whether it be the police or someone else. As I stood there, lost in my thoughts, the car slowly drove away in the opposite direction. I couldn't stop shaking, my body trembling uncontrollably. Suddenly, amidst my confusion, I heard laughter. 

It was a mocking laughter that sent chills down my spine. I peered out of the grimy window, the glass covered in a thick layer of dust. Despite the dirt, I could make out two blurry figures standing outside. One of them was Freddy, someone I wasn't particularly fond of. I assumed it was him who was laughing. 

The second guy, whose identity remained unknown to me, laughed like a wild animal, his laughter gasping and snorting. They seemed to find great amusement in my distress. The other guy, still chuckling, exclaimed, "I thought you finally got a donkey kick at your face! But she actually showed up!" His laughter grew more hysterical. 

"Yeah! Did you see the look on her face?" Fredricks chimed in, his laughter interrupted by coughs. "Let's go!" Fredricks declared, ready to leave the scene. 

"What about her?" the other guy questioned, turning his attention towards me. I instinctively lowered my head, hoping to avoid being noticed. 

"Do you think she's still here? She's probably hiding, crying her eyes out under her pillow!" Fredricks replied, and they both erupted into a sinister laughter. 

Anger surged through me, and I clenched my fists tightly. I wanted nothing more than to confront Fredricks and give him a piece of my mind. However, my hopes were dashed when I realized the door was now locked. I tugged at the knob, desperately trying to open it, but it remained stubbornly shut.

Determined not to give up, I turned towards the window, hoping for an escape route. Unfortunately, it was rusted and stuck, refusing to budge. It was at that moment I realized that Fredricks and his friend had already vanished into thin air, leaving me trapped and alone.

I found myself sitting next to the door, my arms wrapped tightly around my knees. Tears streamed down my face as I buried my headin my arms, feeling a deep sense of humiliation. The fear I had experienced a year ago came rushing back, and I couldn't shake the image of my father's lifeless body from my mind.

After shedding enough tears to ease the heaviness in my heart, I suddenly realized that if there is a door, there might also be a key. Whether it was a duplicate or the original, I needed to find it. With a determined effort, I pushed myself up from the ground and wiped away my tears.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, switching on the flashlight. As the light illuminated the room, my gaze fell upon the wooden floor beneath me. It was adorned with intricate carvings, each plank connecting with the other in a mesmerizing pattern. While I admired the craftsmanship and the hard work put into these beautiful carvings, I reminded myself that I was searching for a key, not admiring the design.

Scanning the room, my eyes landed on the left wall, adorned with large, dusty windows. On the right, there were wooden shelves filled with thousands of books, covered in layers of dust and spider webs. I despised the thought of touching those dusty books, but I knew I had to. As I rearranged a few of them, a spider crawled across one of the books I held, causing me to drop it in fright. Without hesitation, I swiftly crushed the spider under my slipper and picked up the book. That's when my gaze fell upon a plank a few steps away, with carvings that were completely different from the others.

Curiosity piqued, I reached out and touched the plank, realizing that not only was the floor beneath it spotlessly clean, but the plank itself was loose. A thought crossed my mind - maybe the key was hidden beneath this plank. Despite the warning signals from my brain, I couldn't resist the urge to investigate further. I pressed down on the plank, and to my surprise, it sank in on one end and rose up on the other, just like a lever.

Right after I berated myself for my foolishness, a peculiar sound filled the silence. It was as if a multitude of planks were shifting and creaking, creating an unsettling symphony. Before I could even blink, the ground beneath me gave way, and I found myself tumbling into the depths below. Though it wasn't a significant drop, I miraculously emerged unscathed, and even my phone, which had fallen a short distance away, remained unharmed.

Brushing off the dirt from my clothes, I picked up my phone. The sight that greeted me was a room even darker than the one I had been in before. It looked like a small office, adorned with antique furniture that exuded a regal aura. The golden material of the desk and the maroon covers of the sofa hinted at its opulence, while the curtains concealed a window, shrouding it in mystery.

Spider webs clung to the corners, whispering tales of the house's abandonment, and the thick layer of dust on the furniture forced me to cover my mouth and nose. To my left, a magnificent golden desk stood, with a grand armchair adorned with golden floral borders and maroon covers positioned behind it.

On the right, a portrait of an old man, sporting a distinguished mustache, caught my attention. Beneath the portrait, the words "Xavier Paragon - Founder of the Mistwood since 1001" were inscribed.

Lost in my examination, I accidentally tripped over something, causing me to stumble. Shining my flashlight towards the ground, a wide grin spread across my face. It was a key! "So, there was a key after all," I exclaimed with delight.

Bending down to retrieve it, I stood up and turned around, only to realize that there was no way for me to return through the hole I had fallen from. Disappointment washed over me until my gaze landed on the door. Perhaps this was the entrance and exit to the office, offering a way out of this mysterious place.

To my surprise, I reached the door, but my search for the keyhole or even a doorknob proved futile. Frustration welled up inside me, causing me to grit my teeth in anger. I turned back and forth, desperately seeking a way to unlock the mysterious door. And then, like a beacon of hope, I spotted a plastic and glass first aid box on the right side. To my astonishment, it had a keyhole.

With the key in my hand, I carefully inserted it into the keyhole and turned it. The sound that followed was like music to my ears, as if that single key had the power to unlock countless doors. The sound echoed, growing fainter with each repetition until it faded away completely and turned into more horrifying tone.

The door, which had been devoid of a doorknob, now swung open before me. A triumphant smirk crossed my face as I pulled the lock. "I'm coming for you, Freddy," I muttered to myself.

As I stepped through the door, I found myself on a bricked path covered in freshly fallen leaves. Trees lined both sides, creating an eerie atmosphere despite the absence of wind. The view sent shivers down my spine, especially considering the late hour. I cautiously glanced in every direction, only to jerk back in surprise.

Just as I mustered the courage to venture further, a squeaking sound reached my ears. I scanned the surroundings and discovered a swing hanging from one of the trees. It swung back and forth, defying the stillness of the air. It was as if someone had just vacated the swing.

Goosebumps prickled my skin, prompting me to take a step back and close the door. I turned around, only to find that the hole I had fallen through now revealed a set of stairs. "I'm certain they weren't there before," I thought to myself. Without hesitation, I rushed upward, eager to escape the unsettling scene.

Upon reaching the door through which I had entered the warehouse, I attempted to insert the key once more.

But it didn't work, Frustrated, I exclaimed, "I have had enough!" and kicked the door with all my might. To my surprise, the door swung open. Relieved, I let out a sigh and wasted no time in running away. I didn't dare to look back or second-guess myself; I sprinted all the way home.

Upon entering the house, my aunt was anxiously waiting for me. Concerned, she hurried towards me. Not wanting to embarrass myself, I quickly waved my hand and took a step back. "I'm fine, I just tripped on my way back," I hastily excused myself before rushing to my room.

Sleeping that night was a challenge. Every little noise startled me, turning it into a night of terror. It was a night that would forever be etched in my memory.