
Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

[Warning… Mature content.] Seventeen years old Silja Castemont, a beautiful, prideful, and mysterious princess of Atlanea. The simple life of Princess Silja started to fill with questions a few days before she approached her eighteenth birthday. Series of horrible dreams and unusual events made her simple life complicated. But that wasn't all. She didn't know her act of helping an old guy would turn out to be a ticket to attend a bride choosing ceremony of the prince of the biggest kingdom of North. What will happen when a princess is forced to attend the ceremony by the groom's Father? Will she be able to find a way to escape this marriage? *** Donovan Regalhelm, eldest Prince of the Northern Empire. Handsome, powerful, cold-hearted, Evil. His father forced him to choose a bride before his 28th birthday. What will happen when a cold-blooded prince sees something interesting when he meets Princess Silja for the first time? He forced her to marry him by all means but the reason behind it wasn't love. What was so special about the princess of the small Atlanea kingdom? ***Excerpt*** The bride, dressed in a white wedding dress, was sitting inside the decorated wedding chamber. Soon the door opened and she heard the heavy footsteps coming closer. Silja lifted her head and saw his handsome profile hidden in the shadows. "Stand up." He ordered in his usual heavy indifferent voice. Silja gazed at him for a moment with her misty hazel eyes but followed his order anyway. The dress was heavy, making her movements clumsy. "Striped." He ordered as she stood up in front of him. "Huh?" Silja snapped her head and looked at him in shock. "I said, stripped all the clothes." He repeated The girl was so shocked that she couldn't react. "Ohh do you want me to help you? What a naughty princess we have here." He moved his feet and started to walk around her in a circle. He stood behind her and moved his fingers in the air and with movements of his hand the laces of her dress started to loosen up. Silja felt her dress loosen and hastily tried to secure it. He came forward after opening all the laces from behind. And with just another snap of his fingers the dress fell on the floor. "Nooo" The girl's eyes were filled with tears but she refused to let them fall. And in the next second all the fear disappeared from her eyes and rage took place. In the next second the cloth on his body caught fire and the ashes flew in the air. "Interesting." He smiled like a devil. ### Hello, guys. Please support the book and add it to the library. # Cover edited by ImagineTishaD. The picture doesn't belong to me credit goes to original creat Anna stokes.

Dream_blue98 · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Marriage Strategies

"Princess, hurry…" Mira yelled again in her excited voice.

Sija was rather surprised hearing Miras' voice about what was so urgent going on out there. She left her room and came out in an open area. Many people were standing on the deck near the edge.

Sija walked forward and people made a way for her to reach in front.

The sun was about to set and had turned red. Red and orange hue has spread across the sea turning the water into a shining orange.

In the middle of the sea, monstrous fishes were doing spinners high in the mid-air.

Not just one or two but a whole group of gigantic Dolphins were playing in the water making it uneartherial.

"Splash….." One of the dolphins came too close to the ship and rose high in the sky before spinning and the water sprayed all around on the people on the ship.

"Ahhh…." All of them step back.

"Splash…." With a huge splash, it fell again in the water.

The phenomenon was amazing and rare. This was the first time Silja was watching something like that.

Her eyes were glued to the beautiful creatures who were traveling and playing in the water.

Silja was shocked seeing the size, she had never seen this beautiful fish playing like that.

With the setting sun, the atmosphere was lively and the scenery was picturesque.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Brandon whispered slowly behind her.

"Very beautiful." Silja said with her eyes glued to the gigantic fishes playing in the water.

"I have never seen something like that before." She confessed.

A smile spread on Brandon's face as he observed the girl's bright face and a broad smile.

He stayed on her face for a longer second before he looked away.

Small dolphins were playing around and Silja kept looking at them till the dark night. It was when Mira came to call her for dinner.


"Donovan…" Zachary called and both the man looked at the man standing not far away.

Garrett was quick to bow and left, thanking his king internally for saving his soul.

Donovan eyed the man standing in front of him and then ignored him. He looked at the sword in his hand and started to walk towards the resting area.

"Shouldn't you greet your father? Is this how we have brought you up?" Zachary was furious, his son didn't come to him at all and when he came himself he was being ignored.

"Welcome back, my king." Donovan turned around and said in a clipped voice robotically and again turned around.

"So now you are not going to acknowledge me as your father? " Zachary was furious and pressed his lips harder.

"What? Do we have to argue about all the things again from the start?" Donovan said, locking his eyes with his father.

"Are you going to be angry with me forever?" Zachary asked, walking towards his son. He demanded the answer.

Donovan looked at him and the answer was given without any words. His eyes were enough to convey it.

"Trust me this is all for the sake of you, and this kingdom." Zachary said. Putting his hand on his back.

"We will see." Donovan replied.

"Anyway, how's the preparation going with soldiers?" Zachary tried to change the topic.

"Good." Came a one word reply. And Zachary didn't mind that he knew his son was a man of few words.

"Did we have any new admission?" He asked. King Zachary was away from his kingdom for a long time and during this period of time, Donovan was the one who took over all the responsibilities.

"I heard about dinnar. Who was he hiding behind?" Zachary asked and both father and son took their seats.

"Who else?" Donovan sneered.

"Kruel…" The name that played on their lips often.

"Don't worry we will get rid of him sooner." Zachary has a prideful smile on his lips.

"Do you think a wedding will be able to solve all the problems?" Donovan, who looked at his father who was smiling over confidently, asked.

"It can.." Zachary held his tongue from giving away anything.

North was a big kingdom and they also have some small kingdoms around the boards which run under their control. One of them was the Kingdom of Astraxia.

A small kingdom situated on the border between North and South. In a vital position who can save or endangered North.

When King Zachary suggested the idea of Marrying Donovan and choosing the wife for the eldest prince who can bring them more benefits and from the point of view of Zachary, Princess of Astraxia was the most suitable candidate. But Donovan didn't want to marry just for the sake of politics. Actually, he didn't want to marry at all. This whole thing was forced on him by his father.

In the end not Donovan agreed to marry on one condition that he will not marry any woman but the one he likes and for that this whole ceremony was arranged.

Zachary has decided to send all the nearer kingdom invitations who were under his control and some of whom were on the side of the south but still can be won over.

But he has never thought that in his journey he will find another candidate for his son from where he has never even thought before.

Atlanea was a small human kingdom, away from the mainland situated in the middle of the sea. Humans have never taken part in any war before and with the truce between them, he hadn't thought that they would marry their princess to the North.

But with the new reports he has got were saying that the south was pushing human king and he has estimated that king Evan won't be able to hold the fort longer.

He was just thinking about what to do about the situation and the chance presented itself.

The princess was a gem and he wanted her by his side no matter what. Two birds were killed with one stone.

Zachary remembered the content of the letter which he had just received from his man. The ship has left atlanea and will soon reach the North. A small smile played on his lips.

Sorry for making you wait guys. But trust me I'm trying hard to write in the Little time I get....

And we have already received 5 Golden tickets for this month. So there will be bonus chap tomorrow as per promise. Stay tune.

Vote for the book. Next target is 20 tickets for this month and I will release 3 chaps in raw. Lots of love to you guys for all the motivation.

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