
Misthic Dragon Vimpire system

Yan Was 5 Year old when his father died in a Battle. the Battles was to protect the people from demon in the end qin family personal army got annihilated and After his Father Dead Yan Family members Start to Bully Yan And His Mother, Sister. Yan Born without a Bloodline,in this cultivation world every Person Need a Bloodline to cultivate. One day yan Mother Fall ill and he was Finding A Herb That Can Cure Her Mother, He found them But when he was About go some of his clansman beat him like a dog and make him unable to walk or stand, They Broke yan Leg,hand, They Let Yan Die In that Forest. But Seddenly he heard a voice after that when he woke the system give yan The Power to Walk on cultivation path. He swear on his life he will kill evey single Demon and find out who was the culprit that kill his Father. Check My Other novel. 1.my apocalypse Vampire Wives. 2. Reincarnation as Heaven. 3. Hell dragon and the chaos World I don't own this Pic you can tell me if you're the real Owner

Darkchoco · Fantasy
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43 Chs

status and Newbie Package

Yan woke Up in the Morning. if it other day his sister would woke him up but he was injured so no one woke him. when yan woke up

he thought about system and call the system.

[system yes host]

Yan freeze for some time and and thought that he was not dreaming, this was real

yan said system what happened yesterday.

[system when the system was installing the bloodline host fall unconsciousness.....]

yan so because of the bloodline installing i fall unconsciousness huh so how can i see the bloodline.

[system Host when you say status apear .information about you will appear in front of like a screen]

Yan then said status appear

[Name: Qin Yan]

[Body Caltivataion: .mortal stage]

[soul Caltivataion:mortal soul stage]

[Hp: 70]


[Stamina: 30]


[BodyTalent : high]


[Body Caltivataion Technique: none]

[soul Caltivataion Technique:none]

[system Technic.]

[Fast memorying]

[Auto Healing]

[Creation Lock ]

[Self Technic]

[Qin family Qi Breathing]

[Bloodline cold moon vimpire dragon]

[Bloodline Technic]


Yan was watching his status he saw creation was lock Then yan asked system wy is creation Lock And What is it..

[system because host level is not reached the level to unlock it and creation is that can create anything but it requires knowledge and material just like Sorword making

pill making.. small world every possible thing]

Yan said so that it. with creation if i had knowledge and material then i can even make a samall word. then system wy is Bloodline Technic is Pending.

[system... It requires a newbie package and that can obtain by system are the host wish to obtain that....]


Yan said yes


system processing ...]

system congratulations to host for obtain nowbie package..... ]

[Mini prototype Blood moon slash.Dragon claw.dragon.foot staps....Acient Dragon vimpire secrat body Caltivataion.... Acient dragon vampire Yang Ying heaveanly soul break Caltivataion ]

[Dragon Mini prototype Armuor Transformation]

Full status

Name: Qin Yan]

[Body Caltivataion: .mortal stage]

[soul Caltivataion:mortal soul stage]

[Hp: 70]


[Stamina: 30]



[ BodyTalent: High]

[Body Caltivataion Technique;Acient Dragon

vimpire secrat Thunder body Caltivataion

when mastering this caltivataion art HOST BODY SATAGE will

]Mattering Stage:o stage

[soul Caltivataion Technique: Acient dragon vampire Yang Ying heaveanly soul break Caltivataion when mastering this caltivataion art HOST soul SATAGE will impove To ]

Mattering Stage:o

[system Technique]

[Fast memorying]

[Auto Healing]

[Creation Lock ]

[Self Technique]

[Qin family Qi Breathing]

[Bloodline: cold moon vimpire dragon]

[Bloodline Technique]

[Techniqe Rank: God stage because host martial art stage low the Technic lvl drop god to Heaven Stage]

[Dragon vimpire transformation.. with this Technic can activate when activate Host body will trun into a armor a dragon scale and Vimpire blood mix in red sacle armor ] Mattering Stage:1

[mini prototype Dragon Fast Foot Work. host body will move like dragon ] Mattering Stage:1

[ Vimpire sense.can find people around and can detect blood ]

Mattering Stage:1

[ mini prototype Dragon claw Can distroye enemy or moster ]

Mattering Stage:1

yan is thoughting the Caltivataion are all upper stage that he can:t use. so he aks system the Caltivataion Technique you give me i can't use so how will i fight if someone kid of enemy or monster attack me

[ system Stepid Host first Lvl up your realm with your family breathing technique and Read Some Family low technique when you can develop Enough Qi then use the Heaven Ranks technique ]

[system note: To use Heaven Ranks technique Host have to be a Training Realm fist stage]

Yan Said you are right i have to go Qin family library Before that i have to break though mortal first stage

Qin yan sit down and cross his leg on another Then he start the Breathing technique slowly Qin start to gather Qi in his Datain after that Qin body began To Glow And After That there a sound came


Qin yan Break Though to mortal first stage

Qin feel A joy that he never able feel After he look his body there was liquid came from his body that was his waste blood cells.

"after that, smell came from his body" so he go in bathroom to take a shower after that he began to meditate and 3 hour he againg break though,When Yan break though again he got shock Ahd he aks system how can i break though Again,

[System Host practicing special god stage Body Caltivataion on the others hand in some people only can extremerarely get a immortal technique and some can get a heaven rank But host practice god stage body and souls Caltivataion are but host stage is low this why the technique power stage is low to but in progress both technique stage are same and host technique are powerful that he defeat two or tree stage above you ]

Yan Said i understand then yan again meditate for some time and he go outside for walk then some clan man come to him and said hey yan qin xigao said that you was in forest and were eating shit of moster to caltivat.

and everyone was laughing yan didn't say something to the Yan was angry he can't Beat them,because there martial art first and second stage but he will soon beat them, he couldn't beat them now.

then he start go the library and in the Gate a Elder Said who are you "Yan said I am A Family member my name is Qin Yan.

Then elder Said so you are the former head son You Can go in Into First And Second Floor" there were six floor fist second are for clanmans and third are For family elder son in Fourth floor is for clan campion. and Fifth Floor is for elder and sixth is for family head, any can go anywere if they had parmimsion of family head

Every year there held two Tornament a family tornament where everyone can participate and fight and who go the fist second third place they are called champion and after that they can join chity Tornament and join a sect

Qin yan family tonament was another three months later qin yan decide That he will join the Tornament Qin yan Get in side the Qin Family Tower Qin yan was searching some suitble Book for him But he couldn't find on fist floor...

[Athor note:Please read the book Wait for other chapter hope you like it]

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