
Misthic Dragon Vimpire system

Yan Was 5 Year old when his father died in a Battle. the Battles was to protect the people from demon in the end qin family personal army got annihilated and After his Father Dead Yan Family members Start to Bully Yan And His Mother, Sister. Yan Born without a Bloodline,in this cultivation world every Person Need a Bloodline to cultivate. One day yan Mother Fall ill and he was Finding A Herb That Can Cure Her Mother, He found them But when he was About go some of his clansman beat him like a dog and make him unable to walk or stand, They Broke yan Leg,hand, They Let Yan Die In that Forest. But Seddenly he heard a voice after that when he woke the system give yan The Power to Walk on cultivation path. He swear on his life he will kill evey single Demon and find out who was the culprit that kill his Father. Check My Other novel. 1.my apocalypse Vampire Wives. 2. Reincarnation as Heaven. 3. Hell dragon and the chaos World I don't own this Pic you can tell me if you're the real Owner

Darkchoco · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Second Missions and chested by The Big Family's

After 2 Hours Latter they reach the Devil Beasts mountain Before yan went in the cave

Ding... dong....


Host Got A New Mission ..... Find Two Rare Treasure 1. Heaven Rank Sword 2 and

And 1000 Years blue Lotus. Kill 100 Monster

[Reward.. .... 1.... Heaven Rank Sword...2 1000 Year blue lotus 3.. Creation point 4.A Soul attack Arts 4....1000 Gold coin.....5....Soul Lvl Up]

[Mission failure: none]

Yan Thinking What i Have To Kill 100 Monster And Find Two treasure a old Man who had Reach Dao stage Shout Stop Something Coming Seddenly A Group OF Red dog Come And Start To Kill Everyone

People Ahhhhhhhhh Save Me Ahhhh Save me people Who Had Low Caltivataion Died

and Some Get Hurt...

The People who were Dieing They Cry And Beg Everyone to Save Them But Everyone Was fighting Yan Get Sad But What He Can Do

Yan Start To Kill The Monster red Dog...

They Had A Very sharp claw If Thay Want They Can easily Beak a rock and Slash A Parson,They Where very Fast They look ugly the monsters Body where cut And Face Where Like sit....

A fine Body build shout I will kill you all you son of Bicth' S... Everyone Start Kill the monsters Yan Take Out His Sword Chop Down Monsters Head Legs The Monster wasn't That strong but thay large in number

After 1 Hour Of brattle Yan Manage To Kill 70 monster

Everyone Start With 1000 people But There Are Only 700 the People Died 300 AFTER Some Time later a old Man Stand And Sayed We Will continue who doesn't want to follow they can leaves...

No one Leave Because They Where's In Mid Of the Cave if They Leave They Have to Go By Themselves what if a big monsters block there way what can They do....

the old man shout Let Go....

Yan Close To luxia And Said Who Is He and Why Everyone following his command

Luxia Said He Is a Honory Elder Of The City

He the only one who reach Dao Peak Realm Even My Father Is A DAO First Stage

Yan Said So This Why Everyone Respect Him..... luxia again said Don't say any bad things and stay in my back...

Yan Slay The Monster But luxia Didn't See that Because she was slaying the monsters to

after they reach a room Then Seddenly A Voice Come Wellcome To Lio destiny

grave And Treasure Hall Every one of you come here because you all Have strength So In Reward You can enter the The Lio destiny Treasure Hall.

But You Can't Get Them That easily You Have To Find The treasure And Fight the monster In The Main

cave so everyone the get is opening....


The Door Open and Everyone ran In the Main Cave But They Didn't Know That There Monster who are Martial Training Stage and The People Went In most Them Were Martial art Stage Martial training Stage And 5 Older mans where DOA first and Peak stage..

Yan Went In With His Big Sisters but they spread...

Yan Get Sock Where His sister go Yan where Sister Go.....

[System The Cave Was A Spiritual Transport That Randomly Transport people some where so Host get spread And Transport IN here....]

Yan Said Well that Good If I Were With Sister I couldn't find the treasure and kill monster But There aren't Any Map here How Can I find the treasure if Someone Take The Treasure Before me ....

[system can Give A Map...]

Why You didn't Tell Me earlier that you can get a map like this if lost some where and what are The Green Red Oran Blue Mark

[System..... That Are danger Lvl

Green easy And There Are Common Treasure sword and Gold Coin And Some Other Low Lvl Staff Blue Where A bracelet

For Women And Orange Is Where Heaven Rank Sword Is And Red Is The 1000 Blue lotus is and each item are protesting by a monster and you will not get a map if you don't get a mission]

So the Red means It A Monster who Reached Martial Peak Realm or Mid Realm

then I Will Get The Sword First, yan Follow The Map and Reached The Door Yan Enter The sword hall And Seddenly Some Red dog And Snake And Goblin Type Monster cone but they where no Mach for yan now kill 85 monster.

he only need to 15 monster yan move in deep of the hall and yan see that there many sword that were flying in air straight.

a voice come Welcome to the sword hall pick a sword and take a move from that sword and Dodge or take head on the move yan chose the heaven rank sword because it doesn't have master it can't use it full power....

yan saw that when system scan that sword

but still has power to kill monster martial stage Yan Try to catch the sword but the sword escape and Attack yan...

Yan Couldn't Dodge The sword move and yan Blow Away yan vomit blood but yan didn't die or fell unconsciousness because yan body is different from other martial art training stage body because he practice ancient dragon vimpire thunder body art

his defense is way greater then a ordinary martial body Art the heaven rank sword fell in ground Yan Pick It And put it in his storage ring Then Leave the sword hall.

because he still was wooded yan start to madditate to heal his wood after some time yan got Heal After That He Was going for the the Blue lotus and he saw some people that was Han Family Kids Thay Got The Lotus.

Yan how Can Thay Got The Lotus Fast

no i have to take it but if they saw my face they will trouble our family.... what to do

[System Why not Host Make A mask That can change Host aura and face....]

Yan That A good Idea,[System Thanks]

Now then Create The Mask...

[System Creating The Mask.... Done...]

Yan Take The Mask And Put It On His face Now Yan Start his foot and take the Lotus Ran...

Han Family Kids

Busted Don't Ran Give Me The Blue Lotus

Or Else I will kill Your Family and You.

Yan Was Running Seddenly Han Family Kid Said Father Someone take away our Lotus come fast yan get scared because if a dao

rank attack him he will die so he fast ran more faster and yan get in a rock back

Han Family where that basted go find they on the side.. then yan get relief and take his mask out from his face and put the Lotus in his ring.

Than yan Was wondering around And He Meet his big sis and His Father

Luxia Where you know i was finding you in the whole cave...

Luxia father Yan Are ALRIGHT i Thought i Would Not Find You... thanks god you are alright...

Yan I Was Transport To another place what can i do but i find a treasure hall let go there we might found some Thing let go

Luxia And His Father was finding him the

whole time so they didn't get any treasure..

Yan Know About That why he led the way where the bracelet was, because even yan want it he can't because that was the most dangerous place where monster lvl is high and most the high treasure yan and his sis and sis father clean the hall because Yan sis father was dao stage so the hall already is clean.

but he help to he kill 15 and his sister killed 60 and Nan Family head kill 200 everyone went in there athen they saw two Things one was a bracelet that was put on a table type thing and Gold yan said i will rake half of gold you take the rest...

Yan big sister What Why you Only will take half of gold why don't you take artifact...

luxia father didn't say anything....

Yan Said Big Sis Do you think i am girl or something why would i need some girl thing i even don't have a girlfriend...

Luxia ok then but you have to take the gold.

Yan Ok Then They Leave The Hall And Was Leaving The Cave..... luxia said what use this artifact has father

Luxia father Said I don't You're grandpa might identify This yan Said I know About The Artifact...

Luxia Said..How Do you Know About this Artifact...

Yan I Read Some Book In The Book Artifact and your artifact are same ... this artifact can block any attack 3 time

luxia said you Quit Know About This.

Yan This Is Nothing Much I Will Give A Bigger surprise when go out of this place

luxia what is it

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