
Misthic Dragon Vimpire system

Yan Was 5 Year old when his father died in a Battle. the Battles was to protect the people from demon in the end qin family personal army got annihilated and After his Father Dead Yan Family members Start to Bully Yan And His Mother, Sister. Yan Born without a Bloodline,in this cultivation world every Person Need a Bloodline to cultivate. One day yan Mother Fall ill and he was Finding A Herb That Can Cure Her Mother, He found them But when he was About go some of his clansman beat him like a dog and make him unable to walk or stand, They Broke yan Leg,hand, They Let Yan Die In that Forest. But Seddenly he heard a voice after that when he woke the system give yan The Power to Walk on cultivation path. He swear on his life he will kill evey single Demon and find out who was the culprit that kill his Father. Check My Other novel. 1.my apocalypse Vampire Wives. 2. Reincarnation as Heaven. 3. Hell dragon and the chaos World I don't own this Pic you can tell me if you're the real Owner

Darkchoco · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Creation Unlock And First Hunting Mission

Yan Break Through To Martial Art Stage And Then he SAYED to system How Can i Make The Pill.1

[System Host Need The material put it somewhere and put his hands on it and have to though what host want to make And Have To Say Creation activate....]2

Then Qin Yan put the herb in his bed and put his hand then he thought about the pill After some second his hand was glowing Then Yan fall in the ground.... Yan Though What Heppen Wy Can't I move my body then yan call system in his mind.3

why can't my body move..

[system Host Qi was Very Low In order to make the pill Host All qi has been used this why host can't move his body for short amount of time...]3

Why You Didn't Tell That In First.. huhhhh

Yan Clam himself And After Some Time Yan stand Up in front of was the qi gathering pill he take the and said what rank are those i never see them in my life..5

[System There perfect Rank pill One pill can help Host to lvl up 2 Stage only in beginning Stage after that the pill work will be weak and won't able lvl...

to lvl up stage need to take more the pill the higher realm the more pill Host Need ....] 6

Yan pick one of the pill and eat it Seddenly yan body glow and Yan was Feeling Pain... 1

[System.... Host need start to meditate or Host Will die]

Yan Start To Meditate but the pain Yan Was Feeling Was Growing Ahhhhhhhhh Yan shout And


Yan Break through Yan Break through Two Realm in one go This why Yan almost die


After Yan Break through Yan Check His Body He Feel He Was stronger,

Yan Try his Technique and start to Meditate

in The Morning Came Outside and and he checked his status. 3

Full status

Name: Qin Yan]

[Body Caltivataion: . Training Realm mid stage ]

[soul Caltivataion:mortal soul stage]

[Hp: 25709]


[Stamina:21280 ]



[ BodyTalent: High]

[Body Caltivataion Technique;Acient Dragon

[vimpire secrat Thunder body Caltivataion ]

Mattering Stage:2 stage

[soul Caltivataion Technique: Acient dragon vampire Yang Ying heaveanly ]

Mattering Stage:2

[system Technique]

[Fast memorying]

[Auto Healing]

[Creation ]

[Self Technique]

[Qin family Qi Breathing]

[Bloodline: cold moon vimpire dragon]

[Bloodline Technique]

[Techniqe Rank: God stage because host martial art stage low the Technic lvl drop god to Heaven Stage]

[Dragon vimpire transformation.. ] Mattering Stage:1

[Dragon Fast Foot step]

mastering Stage:1

[ Vimpire sense]

Mastering stage :1

[ Dragon claw ]

Mastering Stage:1

[system note: To use Heaven Ranks technique Host have to be a Training Realm fist stage] 4

After Yan Check his status and now I will hunt Monster


[System.... Host Fast Mission Kill Ten Monster .....]

[Reward....1 One instant Healing Pill ...2. one Soul Art.... 3. Qi Gathering pill recipe 4. Creation point 100 only can use for one thing 5. storage ring ]

When Yan watch The reward He laugh like crazy Ha.ha.ha.ha.ha I am rich i am rich.

Yan set of to go hunt monster.

Yan was Walking simply because he is powerful No monster Can hurt him after so far Walking there was no monster.

Seddenly there was some movements sounds yan ran toward where The movement sound come from.he jump on a tree and he see a Big Fat Pig.

That At least a Martial training realm Yan Take out his sword and With his dragon foot stap he reach the pig location like he was a wind.

Before the pig Realize The Pig Head roll over Because Yan Was Many Time stronger than the pig...

yan didn't have anything to put the pig in so he left the pig body yan walking again seeing there where tree everywhere and wind was flowing Yan heart was feeling The natural

After Sometime in just 3 Hours yan kill 9 monster,

yan was thoughting this i already kill 9 monster i need 1 more after that i will sleep Yan was thoughing a dangerous Aura come and Yan Mind get blank Because The Aura Was It Someone or something at least Martial Realm Peaks Stage.

[System Host Get out From This Forest

Denger Level:☣️☣️☣️☣️]

Yan Ran As fast He Can without Thinking What Was That Aura. Yan system How Come There A martial realm stage monster

Didn't You say There Are Only Training Realm Mid Stage Monsters...

[System... Host System Never calculate wrong it may be come deep of the forest and When System Calculate That Was At Morning]

You are right i shouldn't have gone close to The Damn forest it was my fault..

if it was That Heaven Rank Technique then he could defeat that thing but now he only can defeat one small realm above him because he practice heavenly Thunder body

Yan Was Running But Before he could leave the Forest A dark Shadow appear Yan Stop running and Ready for fight he knows that he can't fight the monster That attack yan.

yan got hit and start to bleed the monster was fast that yan could not see Seddenly the monster attack yan.....

Full status

Name: Qin Yan]

[Body Caltivataion: . Training Realm mid stage ]

[soul Caltivataion:mortal soul stage]

[Hp: 25709]


[Stamina:21280 ]



[ BodyTalent: High]

[Body Caltivataion Technique;Acient Dragon

[vimpire secrat Thunder body Caltivataion ]

Mattering Stage:2 stage

[soul Caltivataion Technique: Acient dragon vampire Yang Ying heaveanly ]

Mattering Stage:2

[system Technique]

[Fast memorying]

[Auto Healing]

[Creation ]

[Self Technique]

[Qin family Qi Breathing]

[Bloodline: cold moon vimpire dragon]

[Bloodline Technique]

[Techniqe Rank: God stage because host martial art stage low the Technic lvl drop god to Heaven Stage]

[Dragon vimpire transformation.. ] Mattering Stage:1

[Dragon Fast Foot step]

mastering Stage:1

[ Vimpire sense]

Mastering stage :1

[ Dragon claw ]

Mastering Stage:1

[system note: To use Heaven Ranks technique Host have to be a Training Realm fist stage]

[Author note: Thanks For reading My Novel I didn't Think That Anyone Would Read My Novel In the Fast day i know there are mistakes i will try to solve my mistakes and how was it comment about it bye ]