
Mister Blind

-Your POV-

Min-a: Hello! I would like to have a small moka please.

Worker: Okay.. A moka for ms.Park. It will be 3 ,300 won

Min-a: ( I payed ) I will be waiting at the table I usually wait.

Worker: Okay!

Worker2: Do you know her?

Worker:Min-a.. Well a little bit. She comes here everyday. She is really nice.

(Well I think it's time for me to introduce myself, I am Park Min-a, I work has a doctor in the most successful hospital in Seoul. Has you can see people around me thinks I am really nice and it's true of course )

Worker: A small moka for Park Min-a!!

Min-a: Thanks a lot. See you tomorrow!

-Times skip in the Hospital-

Patient: Doctor Park…

Min-a: Yes, do you need anything?

Patient: Yes, my grandson is coming tomorrow and I would like you to meet him.

Min-a: Mr. Jung you know that you can't match up your doctor with a family member.

Patient: No, no, that's not what I wanted to say.

Min-a: Then what did you want to say?

Patient: I want you to take care of him , because…/coughing/

Min-a: Mr. Jung take your time, don't talk to much please.

Patient: Okay. /Took a deep breath/ My grandson is blind.

Min-a: Oh, okay. If you want me to do it, then I will take the responsibility and do it for you. I hope you recover soon. I don't want to see you in this bed anymore! /laughing/

Patient: /laughing , coughing/

Min-a: I think it's time for you to lay down for a bit. /gently pouch him in the hospital bed/

( I went out of his room, he is so sweet, I think I will cry when he will die. I am already crying)

??? POV

( What going on with Min-a. Did one of her patient died? No, don't tell me it's Mr. Jung. No, I love him to much for him to die I want to cry. But I will first ask her if he is dead)

???:MIN-A !! I have a question?

Min-a: Yes? What is it, Jessi?

Jessi: Did one of your patient died? If yes and it's Mr. Jung then don't tell me I don't want to cry.

Min-a: No! None of my patient died. I was worried, because I don't know what I can do for Mr. Jung grandson.

Jessi: What the matter with him and Mr. Jung has a grandson?

Min-a: Apparently. His grandson his blind.

Jessi: Oh, right. I would like to help, but..

Min-a: You can't.

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