
Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

]Do add my new novel "THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABIES ALL WANT ME " to your library"] .... She wants to seduce him and he wants to seduce her, who will win the war of seduction? ..... Jasmine Avans, a 24 year-old lady lost her contract to a guy popularly known as the Ice Prince. Acquiring the contract was a challenge given to her by her father. If she couldn't acquire the contract she would have to dissolve her company and join the family business. But if she managed to acquire it, she could save her company. Just to get the contract she lost, the renowned great seducer, Jasmine Avans, embarked on a mission to seduce the Ice Prince and get her contract back. In her series of attempts to seduce him she ended up falling into his trap. She would fall deeply in love with him just like he wanted. Jackson Smith, the only heir of Smith's International, was well known for his fine looks and cold attitude. Because of his cold attitude, people of the city gave him the title Ice Prince. The day he set his eyes on her, he had promised himself to make that strange woman his. After waiting for so long, the opportunity to get close to her finally arose, and so he vouched, "People say she is the great seducer, but I will seduce the great seducer and make her mine!" Just to realise his goal, Jackson snatched the important business contract from her. However, in the process of seducing her, he ended up being seduced over and over again. Who would win in the war of seduction? Could Jasmine save her company? Or would Jackson manage to make her his? Has anyone ever stopped to think about why this goddess became the renowned Great Seducer? ..... EXCERPT "No man has ever been able to resist my touch nor my beauty and elegance, do you have a problem with that, Mister?" Jasmine asked as she played with his chest with his hands. Jackson was so unlucky to have slightly unbuttoned his white shirt before her arrival. She seized that opportunity to tease his bare chest. Jackson just let her took liberty with him without rebuking her. If he had known that letting her touch him so intimately will later make him go through severe pains, he would have stopped her. "I am sure any part of his body she touches send thousands of electric charges down his spine. Will he be able to endure it and even though he can endure those electrifying sensations her hand is doing to his system, for how long will he be able to endure it?" Jeff asked. The way he talked showed that he felt bad for the helpless Jackson. "Even though he can endure it, I bet he won't be able to endure it for more than two minutes. Just watch and see," Steve said smiling mischievously. Goddamn it! Why did I have to challenge her when I was just standing so close to her? I am gonna lose control of myself if she doesn't stop now. Jackson who was now very aroused thought gritting his teeth. (WARNING: MATURED CONTENT)

Flabbergasted · Urban
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586 Chs

Jasmine Sets Out To Meet Her Prey

"It means that your JK is gonna cut off every means of Miss Jasmine getting in touch with him. She only has three weeks now to get back the contract, so she will not only become frustrated when she can't get in touch with him but her desperation to meet him will rise to its peak. This will help in making Miss Jasmine have an interest in him. It is killing three birds with one stone," Steve who understood Jackson's point explained it for Jeff to understand.

"Wow, treating a goddess like this makes you very evil, do you know that?" Jeff asked playfully.

"Didn't you always say you love this evil side of him most, so why are you complaining now? Do you feel bad for her because you perhaps have a crush on her?" Steve asked naughtily.

"You...," speechless Jeff said point his index finger at Steve.

"Now let's wait and see what plans our beloved great seducer have in stock for me," Jackson said smiling wickedly.

He always looks so scary whenever he puts on that smile, right now I guess Miss Jasmine is not safe. Her plans are gonna get used against her, what a pity for her to want to seduce a demon like my best friend.

Jeff said looking so deep in thoughts.

The three guys continue talking. Jeff and Steve did not miss the opportunity to tease their usual coldhearted best friend. Since it was time for lunch, they all went out for lunch.

The furious Jasmine who always missed having her meals sat in her office trying to devise plans to seduce the so-called Ice Prince. Catherine on the other hand was too busy trying to get in touch with CEO Jackson's office to realise that it was time for lunch. While other staffs went for lunch Catherine was too preoccupied working.

The next day all Catherine did was trying her best to contact Mr Jackson's office just like her boss ordered her to do. Within the space of fifteen hours, Catherine called Mr Jackson's office over 300 hundred times. Because of the incessant calls, Jackson's Secretary almost went insane. While he was going through this hell, his boss and his two friends were busy celebrating their success.

What they did not know was that Jasmine was the persistent type, she wasn't the type of person to just give up easily.

To get what was stolen from her, she could go to hell and come back, this is to show the importance of the contract to her.

For a week Catherine bombarded Jackson's office with millions of calls. At the end of the seven days, Jasmine could not keep her cool.

"What the heck is wrong with that goddamn man and his employees? Why have they all been ignoring me? I am so fed up with this," Jasmine said throwing the files she was working on the floor. The news of another futile effort of Catherine did not go down well with the already angry Jasmine.

"Boss, please calm down, I will try to call his office line again. I am sure...,"

"It is clear as crystal that they are all ignoring us so what are you sure about?" Jasmine berated angrily.

"That goddamn man, let him just wait until I have seduced him. I will make sure he regrets ever ignoring me? I will make him know that nobody dares messes with me and go scotfree," Jasmine said in fury.

"So boss what are we gonna do now that they have decline our calls, emails and fax. I mean there is no way for us to set an appointment with him," Catherine asked as she stares at her boss angry face.

Despite looking so furious, unlike other ladies who looks less beautiful, Catherine could not help but think that her boss looks even more beautiful when she is furious.

"When one way is blocked, what do you do Catherine?" Jasmine wearing a red designer suit said standing up elegantly from her executive seat.

"I will create another way," Catherine replied firmly.

"And that is exactly what I will do," The previously angry Jasmine said smirking devilishly. Catherine stares at her boss with disapproving look knowing what her boss was up to.

"Boss, you aren't gonna do that, will you?" Catherine asked nervously. Instead of a reply, she only receives a nod from the smiling Jasmine.

"Where did our men say he is now?" Asked the beaming Jasmine. The way she smiles was as if she was not the same furious lady earlier.

"He is currently in a meeting with his clients in B.C bar," Catherine replied.


"Then let's get going, we can't miss meeting him today," knowing very well that Catherine wanted to dissuade her Jasmine interrupted her sharply. Catherine reluctantly followed Jasmine out of the office. Since office hours were over, the majority of her employees had gone home, only those who had urgent work to finish were those who stayed behind.

In the car, while Catherine was driving Jasmine changed from her formal dress to something classic. An outfit befitting for a seducing spree in the bar.

(Hello my darling readers, thank you so much for reading. While reading please also remember to vote, comment, review and rate. Also, take out time to check out my other three novels. Have a happy read)