

Story of a spy, dedicated to his motherland.

kazi_iqbal · Action
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5 Chs

Mission Rescue - Part 02

Over the past five days, Adam had been swirling in dreams. However, everything comes to an end. Having escaped the hustle and bustle, he's now returning from Inverness, Scotland, to Paris by plane. Through the oval window, he sees the glow of white clouds below. His mind drifts to Jessica's place in the village of Kinalcard. Adam has visited there four times in the past three months. So, when the opportunity arose, Jessica and he set off, accompanied by their close friend, Tough spy Joni Waker, the branch chief of the Normandy Detective Agency. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Adam, delighted to accept the proposal to join the agency, happily began working with his loyal senior friend.

Adam ponders Jessica's words once again. The girl takes her work very seriously. She has repeatedly stated that she will never get entangled in the web of domesticity. She made it clear that she won't be bound by the strong ties of marriage, which has made her relationship with Adam very easygoing and sincere.

Before leaving the village in the morning, Adam sees Jessica sleeping in the bedroom. He repeatedly told her last night that he'd take her to Inverness Airport himself. However, she has agreed not to make him suffer by waking up early.

 Jessica has prepared breakfast and left it on the table. Adam wakes up at half past six in the morning. After having a hearty meal, he leaves the village at six in the morning and reaches Inverness Airport at seven. Before that, he called his friend Joni Waker, informing him that he would take a car to Paris and would reach Normandy at night.

After that phone call, six hours have passed. Once Heathrow Airport was left behind, the plane is now flying towards Paris.

At the moment, in the office of Normandy Agency, Joni Waker and Adam's favorite follower, Ramin Reza, are present. Adam had granted a long leave to others a few months ago, stating there was no work to be done. His colleagues have returned to Shuvapur.

Suddenly, the thought of the BCI (British Counterintelligence) crosses Adam's mind. Major General (Retd.) Rahat Khan's serious face appears before his eyes. If not compelled, he rarely calls him within a very short time span. However, he called three times in the past three months. The first time was at Jessica's house. Adam thought he would receive a challenging assignment. Later, he realized, he was called by Colonel Hopkins, retired, from the British side. His voice was strained. He said, "Call if there's any problem," and abruptly hung up.

The second time he called was two months ago. Hearing his words, Adam felt the elder man had become more hesitant compared to before. Perhaps, the mental stress of the pandemic has affected him badly. He wanted to know if everything was okay. Was there any problem?

After Adam assured him he was fine, he asked, "Sir, am I going back to the country?"

In a grave tone, the elder replied, "It's not necessary at the moment. Be careful."

The third call was made a week ago. He called after a successful exchange. Before saying anything else, he said, "Others are still abroad. However, the office seems strangely peaceful these days. Everyone seems to be there, yet there's nobody."

Adam understands the old man speaks with deep meaning. The level of gratitude he feels towards him for his affection is newly realized and fills his heart with profound gratitude.

Adam turns his face away from the window and looks around. The London to Paris flight is almost empty. Business class seats are vacant row by row. On the seat next to his, there's a travel bag and a jacket. On top of the jacket lies yesterday's newspaper, crumpled. Just a while ago, he had realized that there was no good news anywhere in the world.

Adam sees the lower clouds again through the window. The plane roars and takes off. However, after a few moments, a soft sound from the engine is drowned by footsteps approaching him from behind. Without turning his gaze away from the window, Adam wonders, whoever is coming, they must be an air hostess or a cabin crew. Yet, a few moments later, someone sits close to his seat and speaks softly, "Can I sit for a while?"

Turning his head, Adam realizes, he has never seen this person before. He must be around sixty. At first glance, he might seem fifty. Neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin. High forehead. Black hair with a touch of gray brushed back. Big ears, like a rabbit's ears. Prominent nose compared to his face. Three strands of hair along with a red thread beside the nose. Black-framed glasses on the eyes. Shiny polished shoes. At first sight, he seems like a respectable person. Adam wants to talk to him to know the real purpose, though he can't gather the courage. He thinks, perhaps he wants the newspaper or his watch might have stopped. So, he wants to know what time it is now. He placed the bag, newspaper, and jacket next to his seat and said, "You can sit if you want."

The person cautiously raises his trousers' leg and holds it with two fingers. He sits on the adjacent seat, looking at Adam with curious eyes. In a soft tone, he says, "Enjoying the flight, Mr. Adam?"

Upon hearing his name, Adam becomes alert. He doesn't recognize this stranger!

It's clear, he hasn't come to know the time from him.

"You seem to be mistaken," Adam says. "I don't know anyone named Adam."

A cunning smile spreads across the man's face. From behind his glasses, his big eyes gleam coolly. In a soft tone, he says, "I misspoke, and I'm truly sorry. I should have said: Enjoying the flight, Major Adam? Or should I call you Mr. Nain? But I'm glad to be acquainted with you. I've heard a lot of praise about you from many."

Looking at the man, Adam says, "There's no shortage of seats on the plane. You can sit in another seat if you prefer."

The mature man's dignified smile broadens a bit. "Please don't lie, Major. I know everything about you. Even if I stutter, it will take at least half an hour to finish everything. But I don't want to do that."

This man is no ordinary person, Adam realizes. He holds classified information at a high level. Once again, Adam looks around cautiously. He thinks: The business class seats on the plane are not usually empty like this. This man has deliberately cleared the seats on this side for a confidential conversation. Whatever they say, no one will hear. Adam feels trapped in a big net. However, if this man doesn't reveal anything himself, there's no way to find out anything.

"Understood, you've come for investigation purposes," Adam said, "and you're not disturbing me without any urgent reason."

"Exactly, you've got it right. I'm bothering you a bit before heading to my destination. I thought it would be better to have a chat before sitting on the plane."

"I'm your captive audience for now," Adam said, "so go ahead, tell me what you want to say."

"In fact, I need your help with an urgent matter," the man said in a casual tone.

"You've chosen the wrong person," Adam shook his head. "I'm not working for anyone nowadays, I'm on vacation."

"Is that so?" The mature man chuckled softly. His cheeks dimpled. "In that case, why have you been in contact with the CIA? Every month there's a check in your name, if you want, I can even show you a photocopy of it."

Adam fell silent.

"Now, what I'm about to show you will clarify a lot of things for you," the man said.

"What are you going to show?" Adam's mind is calling out.

With his hand filling his coat pocket, the mature man retrieved a smartphone lazily. He raised it towards Adam.

Adam picked up the device, resolving his doubts. The device was new.

A video file was paused on the display.

"Watch it with your heart," the stranger urged.

Adam tapped the screen to start the video.

For the first few moments, nothing happened.

The screen displayed a dark room.

As the video progressed, Adam's attention was drawn further. He didn't know what this person wanted. But a little later, he understood everything from the subtle gesture on his forehead.