
A flirt??

"Where are we going anyway?" The stranger called to Mina from behind. Mina who was just taking the lead was just walking wherever the path led to but there was no wasy she could actually admit that now was there?

"I'm planning to find a suitable place to talk about the missions and make some strategies." Mina lied with her bare face but there was some truth in it. They needed to have a serious talk with each other. They reached a small plain ground surrounded by high rocks which was perfect as a hideout. Since it had not been affected by the battle she assumed it was a neutral ground. After confirming her guess with the system she decided it was the best place.

She sat down and invited the man to sit in front of her so that they could discuss. The man who had been closely observing the woman accepted the invite as he sat down.

Mina started the conversation, "I will be direct. What exactly are you? human? Beast man? some kind of alien?"

The man answered, "I'm sorry I can't answer that."

"What's your mission here?"

"I'm sorry I can't answer that."

"Then what about yourself at least you can tell that."

"I'm sorry I can't answer that."

<Hey Host, you can answer that as long as you don't reveal other thing.>

'I know but I just can't help but mess with her. I will decline everything. Just you see.' The man answered to the system inside him smugly. Although the man looked calm and collected on the outside inside he was rotten to the core and looking for a way to bully the woman. And poor Mina had no way of knowing what was cooking inside the brain of the man.

Mina finally feeling annoyed asked, "Isn't there anything that you can tell me?"


Feeling dejected Mina replied, "Yes, anything."

"You are cute." The man finally showed a devilishly stunning smile with his eyes curving in crescent shape.

Mina: "…huh??..."

The system: "...…"

Our Fuzzy: "...…"

Damian: "...…"

Beth who was drinking a juice from a glass just happened to overhear the flirty tone of the man and spewed out a mouthful of juice. It missed Damian by an inch.

Beth: ".....""It's not my fault." He pointed to the screen. "It's his fault."

Damian had felt an immeasurable uneasiness in his heart the moment the man had showed up. The mission, the contents of it nothing was in his control so even he was curious about the identity of the man. He was the supreme guardian and the ruler of a realm but even above him there was a greater existence. They were responsible for everything. Even this tradition of choosing the Chosen one by the guardian was set by those existence and he as the 21st ruler of earth had to perform the duty. He glared at the man who was smirking after making that remark and got even annoyed when he saw the woman becoming speechless.

"Useless. One small comment and lost in thoughts." Damian spoke clearly as if trying to show his anger and disappointment at the feeble nature of woman. Beth who was cleaning his mess could smell something burning and the stench was stronger. He reached to his master sniffing him like a dog. "What are you doing Beth?? You lost your mind?"

"Master I smell something burning."


" It's coming from here." Beth pointed to Damien's chest as he spelled out the most vicious word Damian had ever heard. "Jealousy?"

"Shut the hell up Beth." Damian was really furious at this point. His body grew darker as he approached Beth, "Don't ever try my patience Beth. I hope you know it better than anyone."

Beth knew he had gone a little too far with his joke but the reaction of his master was much more than he had expected. After begging for forgiveness Beth excused himself to prevent himself from running his mouth uselessly.

"Me jealous of some unknown man because of some petite girl, no way." Damian laughed as he thought of the idea of him feeling jealousy was stupid.

Back to the present, a crow flew over them as it cawed disturbing the awkward silence. "Mr. Max, it is not the time for joke please get serious."

Mina who had thought that the man who was cold, aloof and commanding to be a gentleman and a serious man at that but he turned out to be an absolute flirt. She should seriously stop judging book by it's cover but the way this man said that phrase was somewhat similar to that of her department head back home. Remembering how the man used to use every chance to hit upon her she showed a smile. Max was also thinking about the man because of whom he had learnt to flirt.

In the Earth, a man who was busy typing files and reports sneezed suddenly startling the co-worker standing near him. He again sneezed loudly.

"Mr. Kang Jihun, you look sick and tired. Want me to take care of you?"

"Thank you but sorry." He politely declined her offer for he always felt empty and felt that there was someone he liked and other couldn't appeal him much anymore.

"Fuzzy I am allowed to tell my mission right?"

[Yes.] The system who had been in shock due to shamelessness of the man finally came back to life with an answer.

"My purpose in this dimension is to form a truce and understanding between the two tribes. I hope you saw the battle ground before."

"Yes and I know a bloody war is raging on here." The man replied keeping his remark short and to the point as much as possible. "I understand your mission but how are you a mere single person going to stop a war of such a great scale."

What he said was harsh but it was the truth.

"I am not sure about them but I have plans." Mina replied as she looked at the man intently.

"The first is searching for the couple that had ran away and giving them back to their respective tribes."

"Impossible. You don't even know where they are in this dimension." Max replied as harshly as before pointing out the flaws.

"The next plan is for mw to meet their tribe leader and talk with them. I can act as a mediator between them." Mina looked at the man once she finished waiting for his remarks.

He thought for a while before he answered that the plan was half decent. "But you need to have bargaining chip for that. Do you have it?"

That was the problem with this plan. Mina shook her hand denying. Looking at the pitiful stance of the woman he sighed, "That's why I am here. We need to cooperate for our missions, don't we? So why are you getting all depressed for?"

Mina nodded at every word the man was saying like a little kid.

A loud horn sounded shaking the entire forest. 'What's that sound?"

"It's starting." The man had stood up and was staring at the direction of the horn.

"What is starting?"

"The war has resumed."

"Thinking about the battlefield she saw a few moment ago and thinking about the addition of corpses Mina had the urge to step into the middle and freeze everyone to prevent shedding even a drop of blood. She knew killing could never be answer but as long as it could prevent other death she was ready to be the one to flow it.

"This war has to be stopped." Mina got up from where she was seated and ran towards the battlefield.

[Host you can't dive into the battlefield recklessly.] The system warned the host anxiously.

"Fuzzy report me my stats in summary."

[Your physical condition, health, mana, agility, strength and intelligence is at top condition,]

"Good." Mina dashed towards the battlefield.

Max who was following from behind looked at the transition of the woman from stubborn and collected to aggressive and rational. "She has way too many contradictions to her."

<Host please focus In your mission.>

"I am focusing can't you see?"

<Yes, I can't see..>

"Don't worry I will take care of you for eternity even if you are blind." Max winked at the system.

The system felt it's head ache.


As long as this man could successfully complete his mission, even if he acted like a delinquent and a ruffian at some point, it had no worries.

Max boosted his skill and in no more than a second caught up to Mina.

"Don't act recklessly. You don't want to die sandwiched between the two tribes, do you?"

"I know but …" She could speak no more. She took a deep breathe as she finally calmed down.

"So what is the bargaining chip that you were talking about? Mina asked without idle chit chatting.

"Ohh that I don't have it he he."

"What???" Mina and her system cried in unison. The man explained, "we need to research at first about the weakness, troubles or wishes of both of the tribe leaders and exploit it so that we can have them sit together at the table to discuss about the truce."

"Can you find any of those data?"

Max explained his inability to access the information of this dimension. Probably because his mission this time was related with the woman and not the dimension he was restricted from that.

"Leave that to me."

"Fuzzy can you search whatever we discussed right now? And do hurry cause we don't have much time left." The tremors of the war was still shaking the grounds with sound of metal clashing and body striking against each other. If they don't hurry then there was going to be more death and despair.

[The search has been completed.] The mechanical voice of the system finally brought her back to reality. She looked at every data carfully so as not to miss a thing be it big or small, important or not.

[The findings are being shown.]

[The leader of wolf tribe]

[Weakness: alcohol, woman and money]

[Troubles: current ongoing war]

[Wish: victory in the war]

Mina twitched her eyelids as she saw the data. They were way too blunt and straight forward. His wish and troubles was something she could neither fulfill nor solve. She proceeded to look at another tribe leaders data.

[The leader of fox clan]

[Weakness: alcohol, woman and money]

[Troubles: current ongoing war]

[Wish: victory in the war]

"Way too similar." Mina stared at the window showing data.

Mina showed data to Max as she asked with a solemn face, "Are we supposed to go after their weakness?"

"Or maybe make a plan C?"

"This is getting harder than I expected." Max had a face full of excitement. He wanted to see how this woman would solve her mission as she understands little by little about everything. He was someone who was going to watch from the sidelines.

Beth: I smell something burning

Damina: it's you salary for the month...

Beth: You are evil master..(TT....TT)

Bird_Of_Paradisecreators' thoughts
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