
The War

I am so mad right now! Maya thinks she can do whatever she wants just because she's popular! I swear, when I take the throne of popularity I will be a kind leader! I won't ever be a bully like Maya and her stupid minions. Ugh, they are so emotionally draining. I have to find a way to get in with their crown so people start to notice me more. If you rule the freshmans, you rule the whole school. Maya is so popular that she gained the respect of the seniors. How? Because she's mean and apparently if your not mean, your not popular. How do I know this? Because I used to mean, at the time I was meaner then Maya and we were best friends. All my friends were super jealous of the fact that I was pretty, smart, and I could sing. They didn't like when I yelled at them ( I can't blame them for that) but they were screaming at everyone who had a lower status then them. A bunch of hypocrites, that's what they are! Not only that, but Maya would constantly talk about me behind my back so I decided to stop talking to her. This caused everyone else to stop talking to her and she was secluded, I felt bad about this and told everyone that they should talk to her if they wanted to but they didn't. Suddenly I take the blame because Maya tells the teachers that I told everyone to stop talking to her and everyone agreed with Maya! I felt so betrayed but I couldn't stop being friends with them or else I would have no one and I was already starting to lose some of them to Maya so I did the smart thing and told Maya we could be friends again. Fast forward a year and I became nice while Maya started taking the throne of popularity. Well Maya had a crush on this boy named Brandon and a boy named Chris had a crush on me. I really didn't like Chris because he was ugly and loud but he got good grades and I wanted a relationship. Maya ended up asking Chris if he had a crush on me and I told Brandon that Maya liked him. Well... Chris said he liked me because I was pretty, nice, and smart while Brandon didn't say anything. Anyways, Chris asked me out and Brandon rejected Maya. Maya started crying and saying that I always get everything good and that she gets nothing

I really didn't care. Maya was a horrible friend but I still wanted to be a good one so I tried to comfort her. Suddenly, I was pushed into a relationship with Chris by my peers and we ended up dating for two months. While I was dating him Maya and her minions told him that I didn't love him ( and why would I, we were like 10) and he was kinda upset. He was talking about getting married, having kids, and he said nasty stuff about me to his friends. The last straw was when he threatened to **** and kill two of my classmates. I. Was. Pissed. What kind of monster says that. He even had the nerve to give me attitude while I was breaking up with him and I 👏 clapped👏 back👏. Yeah well he started crying and I was trying not to laugh at him. Apparently this guy was head over heels in love with me abd stared at me all day. Things only got worse. I just love how schools end up pushing you into the most embarrassing situations. I was partnered with my ex every chance they got. I had to sit next to him, in front of him, he had to help me with a project, and we were assigned in the same group. The next year, I wasn't friends with Maya and her minions anymore. Maya said it was because I was alienated her a couple years back but it wasn't even me that did that. So I make two new friends, Tiana and Olivia. Olivia was more emotionally draining and Tiana would say that the mean girls were nice and she would hang out with them instead of us. The mean girls gossiped about me to the whole school and everyone hated me except for a few people. My friends and I were always the last to get picked and when I was picked everyone started whining "Noooooo" really loud. I really wanted to cry, I was more sensitive then people realized and my so called "friends" just laughed at me. I felt so alone and the teachers didn't even say anything and they were right there. I couldn't hold back my tears so I went to the bathroom to cry. I wasn't going to let them see me cry. I told myself that I had to be strong but I was so tired of being strong. I was strong my whole life and I am so exhausted. For years I bottled up my emotions and took it out on my self. My family didn't help with their constant nagging and yelling and making absolutely no sense. I promise I will not end my story because my story has just begun. This is Luna signing off.