
Missing Summer

Shien, the famous Summer Solstice songwriter, has lost everything just because of one wrong decision. Then, 40-day time with Summer came and he will never be the same again. He knows that he was not supposed to be inlove with her. But Summer suddenly went missing and the record-breaking, "Missing Summer" track produced to find her. Five years later, nothing happened until another 40-day opportunity came again. Will he find out why Summer suddenly vanished?

Lutrada_Filipina · Teen
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17 Chs

Track 8: Secret Valentine

"Secret Valentine" by We the Kings

"Lay down be still

Don't worry talk they will

I'll be loving you until

Morning's first light

Breaks tomorrow

I'll take care of you tonight"


Summer's POV

Shien and I kept running away from the hall. I don't know where he'll take me but I'm afraid to ask as well. He looks serious since a while ago. I've never seen him like that.

Is he in love with Sass as well? I can't help thinking.

Then minutes later, all I can see was the sea and some trees. There's no villas or even people around. It felt like we've run away from Isla Minerva. We stopped and Shien just laid himself on the sand. While I on the other hand was catching my breath from all those running we've done.

I looked at Shien who was currently having his eyes closed. He doesn't probably want to talk. I mean, neither of us wanted to talk. I sat beside him and resolved to just stare at the sea for a moment.

Then suddenly, Shien laughed. I glanced at him on my side.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him curiously.

"That's the most absurd thing I have ever seen!" He said.

I don't understand him. "What?"

Shien finally sat beside me and laughed again. He has this playful looked on his eyes that made my brow arched.

"What is it?" I asked him. "Don't play hard to get!"

"I saw you dancing with Gio," he said. I felt a lump on my throat. Was he there all the time?

"I saw you looking at him differently. I mean I've been making moves around you and yet you did not look at me in that way." He explained. "You just have one facial expression for him. While on me, you are expressing different colors in just one look."

"So you think that was absurd?" I asked.

"Nope, that's fine. I know that I will never get you. Maybe friendship, yes, but what's inside your pants? I don't think so." He said that made me spanked him on his shoulder.

"Ouch!" He said while massaging his hurt shoulder. I rolled my eyes on him and he chuckled at that.

"What I think absurd was what Gio did to you," he continued.

"What? You are not mad that Sass was being held by another guy?" I asked him.

"Nope. What would I be?" Shien said while laughing. "Do you honestly believe that I'm in love with my high school friend?"

"High School friend?" I don't understand what's happening here.

"Yes. She was just my high school friend." He simply said.

"Then..." I can't finish my sentence cause it feels wrong to ask.

"Then, why was she acting like my girlfriend? And why am I not doing anything to deny it? Is that what you're trying to say?" He said that gained a nod from me.

He looked away from me and stare at the sea in front of us. "Well, Sass was a good friend. She was there all those times when no one was there. And I'm also trying to love her as well. I don't love her yet but I can't hurt her by denying her feelings as well."

"Isn't that hard?" I said while I am still looking at him.

He can't seem to understand me because he just looked at me.

"I mean, people will think of you differently because you are hitting up other girls while all of us thought that you and Sass were together," I told him sincerely.

"I don't care about what will people think or say. What's important was I am living the life I wanted." Shien said while intensely looking at me.

I looked down and thought about myself as well. Is that the most important thing? Living the life you wanted but lying to everyone?

"I don't know your story Summer but please don't tell anyone what you've seen tonight. That's the reason I dragged you here." He said and I looked at him. I nodded because I know that things will get complicated if I will get myself into it.

"And Summer, don't fall in love with Gio. He will not be able to catch you." He seriously said. "I'm telling you that as a friend... And just fall in love with me instead."

He said something in his small voice but when I asked him what was it, he just nudged me to go back to the hall. He kept on teasing me that's why I run towards him.

All I can remember was that I'm trying to run awhile ago to hold back my tears. But now, I am running in laughter because of this guy. I guess, my second night in Isla Minerva was not that bad at all.