

What Ian for her future is a simple woman who cares a lot for her.

"Madison, please let's not do this; for pete sake!" Ian stepped back away from her.

I look at her with a lot of confusion in my eyes. I'd gone to our classroom as soon as I'd gotten her text. My friend Caleb and I had been looking for her so we could have our graduation practice, I'd been anxious to see her. She'd kissed me when we meet, but this time, I felt different, and she gazed at me apologetically.

I stared her, not sure what I was hearing. "Say that again?"

"Let's break up."

I laugh and took her hand. "Stop playing around, Garcia. Come on, Blake and the others are waiting for us."

Madison pulled away, looking mad and frustrated. "I'm not playing, Ian. I said we should break up. What part of the that isn't clear to you?"

I closed my eyes, not believing that this was happening.

"Why are you doing this, Madison?"

"Were going to college and I need to focus on my studies, that's how it works."

I opened my eyes and stared at her." well that's just stupid. We've been happy for the whole 4 years that we've been together."

I have to focus on my studies, Ian! I don't think I can balance college life and our relationship, and I might not have time for you.

"Fuck! We're going to the same college! you know what? You're not the Madison Garcia that I knew and loved."

She managed to smile apologetically to me. We stared at each other for a moment. I didn't know was going through her mind, but the memories of the past years were replaying through mine. Was this really happening to us? My phone start buzzing, breaking the spell. I rejected the call and turn back to Madison. " So this is it? Fuck you and your timing, doing this on this very day before our graduation."

She replied, "It's the right moment, Ian."

This is me leaving from you and our relationship."

The she walked out the door.

And that's it.