

What would you do if you were forced into marriage? Amelia chose the least sane option and ran away from home. “Getting married before 25 is like leaving a party at 8pm, NOT FUN, take it from me.”- Amelia the “wise” person. Amelia Smith, heiress of the Smith family, daughter of the CEO of Oasis and granddaughter to the Chairman of the largest jewellery company in the country, had to marry some dude she never met. The “dude” whom she had to marry was Jason Wilson, a very famous actor with the prestigious title “Movie King”, the second son of the Wilson family. “Can you guys believe that he literally begged to marry me?”- Amelia Author: I can’t, and you are literally my creation. Amelia: “And because of that, I’m being forced to marry him! I know I’m pretty and that many people want to marry me, but what I want is to find my own true love!” Author: Tone it down, you’re being cringy. Amelia: -_- “Okay, so you ran away. How’s that going on for you?” you may ask. Amelia: In a very weird- Author: But completely believable way! Amelia: LET ME SPEAK! Ahem, where was I? Oh right! I ended up working for my “fiance’s” brother. -_-||| *Scene* “Wait! You’re the CEO of this company?!” Amelia almost shouted. “Yes, Ms Luna Brown, I am the CEO of this company. And from now onwards, you are my servant” *cue an evil smirk followed by malicious laughter* Chris Wilson, the heir of the Wilson family, is the type to hold grudges, poor Amelia should not have offended him, especially since he is her boss. “I think you meant ‘secretary’, I am not your servant” Amelia (fake name- Luna Brown) nervously laughed. "…..same difference.” Chris Wilson said with a straight face. *cut* No big misunderstandings (I noticed the irony in the title, what I meant is that the misunderstanding won’t make you all frustrated), no snake like step-mothers or step-sisters. A slow romance between the protagonists, and there is no extreme OPness, so the characters are believable. Sorry, but no smutty or steamy scenes. This is a clean, slow romance and comedy novel :)

CinRoll · Urban
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65 Chs

What Went Wrong?

"We have a contract! You can't just leave!"

Humph, do I look like I care? I've wasted too many tears on a narrowminded person like you!

"So? You're so powerful and 'awesome' that you can assume anything without having to pay the price, I'm sure changing the terms of the contract is not hard." I smiled at him.

My smile hurt Mr Wilson a lot. He deserved it. If there is no trust, there is no relationship, whether we're friends or lovers.

"Ms Brown, Luna, I know I was wrong this time. Please forgive me."

I looked at him without any expression on my face. I wanted to see if he was sincere or he was just apologising out of courtesy like he always did. He seemed sincere.....but... I did not know why, but I did not want to believe him....

Before I could say anything, he continued, "I should not be involved in the personal affairs of my employee."

Hah! In the end, that's all I am. I might as well accept it. I am just another regular 'employee'. My heart tightened at the thought, but I persisted and uttered those words which struggled to come out.

"Yes, Mr Wilson.....You should not be involved in my private affairs."

'Why didn't you speak out, Ms Brown? Why?' Mr Wilson thought. His eyes drooped.

'But why should I? I am not going to speak about it anymore. I'm done trying.' I thought. I turned my head away from him and said firmly, "About what I said, I meant it. I don't want to be your secretary anymore. It's been two months and I don't think..... I'm fit for it."

I rubbed my arm nervously. If he refused there is nothing else I can really do. After all, I signed a contract.

"I- I will think about what you said. I am not going to give you any guarantee. After all, you are under a contract and the company has the right to sue." Mr Wilson said without batting an eye. He said that he could sue me! Sigh, I'm done, done with all of this. I can't believe he's trying to threaten me.

'Ms Brown, you put me in a tough place. I cannot just employ you in the financial department. And changing a contract is not as easy as it seems. If this matter leaks, then Revolution is going to get a bad name. Please, just stay here.... With me...'

I just left his office. I could not bear seeing him any longer. His image in front of me just fell waaaaay down. Sure, I "don't" have the qualifications, but talent is not limited by that. I could prove myself. To start a business, one does not necessarily need to go to business school. Talent plays a great factor too. I know it seems impossible, but once you see how I work, I'm sure to surprise you. But you did not give me a chance. You threatened me to shut up and deal with.

Fine, you want me to be a secretary, I'll be a secretary, but I will stop being Lia. The old Luna is gone. Now, get ready to meet the new me. The most professional version of myself. No more jokes. No more calling him Mr Wilson. I will call him 'Sir'.

The following month..... I wonder what's in store for me....

Apparently a lot of work humph! *crosses my arms angrily*

Yup, we were proceeding with the plan of acquiring the old entertainment company. There were a few talented artists, they just didn't get enough exposure and resources considering the size and influence of their company. The others were just trainees, many people left this company after being poached. If Mr Wilson, I meant, Sir, did not plan on taking over this company, it would have been bankrupt.

Jason's name as the Movie King and Revolution's reputation literally saved the company. Mr Wilson appointed a person named Laura to watch over this newly acquired subsidy. She had plans on making a girl group and boy group. What about the pre-existing artist? More exposure!

Oh yeah, did mention the extreme inflow of applications mainly consisting of girls. They were probably applied to get a glimpse of Jason. Little did they know he was barely present and that his brother, Chris, Mr Bossy pants, was the guy behind the scenes.

Well, just based on his looks, Mr Wilson could definitely become an actor, I mean, Sir could definitely shine in show-biz. In terms of acting skills, he ain't worse than Jason. Maybe not to his level, but definitely an actor.

One day....

Laura was in Mr Wilson's office speaking about the progress she made in a week. Okay, so either she is reporting to him or she's bragging.

I peeked inside to see who the woman who was specifically chosen by Mr Wilson. I was expecting she was a woman in her forties, but she was surprisingly young. Maybe thirty?

I mean, for a person who was self made in the business world, becoming the president of the subsidy at thirty is quite great. And she's only seven years older than me, two years older than Mr Wilson *nervously laughs*

Ahem! What does it matter to me? It's none of my business! Anyway, I was eavesdropping on them when I heard some great news.

Laura said, "So, Chris, everything is going just fine. The only thing we lack are appropriate managers, I'm currently managing all of them. But until we get the appropriate personnel, I need someone to specially look over Thomas. He did one movie and one TV series both of which were a hit, though it was five years ago and he was on a huge break mostly because of lack of resources.... If we give him proper exposure, he might be out very first A-Lister."

Isn't this a golden opportunity for me to get away from Mr Wilson for a while? And managing an artist is not completely out of my job description. It was worth a shot, and it's literally the only shot I had.

"I volunteer!" I shouted while running into his office.

"I volunteer, I can be his manager!"

Laura looked me up and down before she put on a thoughtful expression, like she was considering me. She then said, "It's not permanent. We're going to hire a professional, but we need to make do until that. I think she's a good choice." Laura looked at Chris and tilted her head. She looked at him evilly.

She sat on his desk like this was her office or something and said, "I'll take this girl for a week. This is a very important week since we just signed a new drama for him. She should be able to manage his schedule for a week."

"I do not agree to this! She is an employee under revolution and under me. She will not be the manager of an artist." Mr Wilson made his stand very clear. He glared at Laura, indirectly telling her to 'get the hell out'.

"Luna, is it?" She turned to me and asked. I nodded in response.

Laura continued, "You said so yourself, Luna is a secretary hired by Revolution, not your personal assistant. She can be transferred to Celeste Entertainment if the need arises. So Chris, should I go and speak with the authorities concerned or will you listen to me and give her to me for a week."

Okay, so there is definitely something weird going on here. Mr Wilson does not get threatened this easily. He actually seemed conflicted. Damn.... All I'm missing is some popcorn because shit is definitely going down here.

Laura definitely has something against than Mr Wilson, and he seems like he cannot do anything about it. Look, I did not want to involve myself in dramatic fights, but this is too interesting.

Mr Wilson was finally defeated by Laura. How is the main question here.

"Fine, but just for a week. After this, we're done!" Mr Wilson slammed his laptop shut.

"Oh no, no. How can it be erased with such a small, insignificant thing?" Laura taunted him yet again.

Okay, the tea needs to be spilled! I am extremely intrigued. I need to know what happened! What went down between them? Who is she? Why is she here? Why are they behaving like enemies when Mr Wilson personally appointed Laura? I NEED TO KNOW!!!

"Ahem! When can I start Laura?"

She smirked at me and pulled my hand as she left the room. "You are starting work immediately."

I turned back to look at Mr Wilson; he had his fingers interlocked. He just stared at me as I was dragged away. He had a wronged expression on his face. 'Did you really have to volunteer? If not a different department, a different company? What went wrong?'

I got into Laura's car, waiting for her further instructions.

"Here!" She tossed me a file.

"What's this?" I asked.

She lit a cigarette and said, "Open it, you will understand."

I opened the window fully and leaned towards it while I opened the file.

Wow, Thomas was quite good looking. How to describe him? He was not the usual knock out handsome type; he was more normal? He was more the 'boy next door' type. Not bad, not bad at all. His looks would definitely make him a hit. He looked more approachable, which goes well among the ladies.

I am low key looking forward to this....

Mr Wilson stared out the window. He looked at our car leaving the place and sighed to himself before resuming his work. Time to time he would subconsciously look outside his office window to see my desk, which was now empty.

Thanks for all the comments on the previous chapter! It really made my day! I am back for good this time; I tried my best to overcome my block and added a new arc to the story.

Enjoy! :)

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