

What would you do if you were forced into marriage? Amelia chose the least sane option and ran away from home. “Getting married before 25 is like leaving a party at 8pm, NOT FUN, take it from me.”- Amelia the “wise” person. Amelia Smith, heiress of the Smith family, daughter of the CEO of Oasis and granddaughter to the Chairman of the largest jewellery company in the country, had to marry some dude she never met. The “dude” whom she had to marry was Jason Wilson, a very famous actor with the prestigious title “Movie King”, the second son of the Wilson family. “Can you guys believe that he literally begged to marry me?”- Amelia Author: I can’t, and you are literally my creation. Amelia: “And because of that, I’m being forced to marry him! I know I’m pretty and that many people want to marry me, but what I want is to find my own true love!” Author: Tone it down, you’re being cringy. Amelia: -_- “Okay, so you ran away. How’s that going on for you?” you may ask. Amelia: In a very weird- Author: But completely believable way! Amelia: LET ME SPEAK! Ahem, where was I? Oh right! I ended up working for my “fiance’s” brother. -_-||| *Scene* “Wait! You’re the CEO of this company?!” Amelia almost shouted. “Yes, Ms Luna Brown, I am the CEO of this company. And from now onwards, you are my servant” *cue an evil smirk followed by malicious laughter* Chris Wilson, the heir of the Wilson family, is the type to hold grudges, poor Amelia should not have offended him, especially since he is her boss. “I think you meant ‘secretary’, I am not your servant” Amelia (fake name- Luna Brown) nervously laughed. "…..same difference.” Chris Wilson said with a straight face. *cut* No big misunderstandings (I noticed the irony in the title, what I meant is that the misunderstanding won’t make you all frustrated), no snake like step-mothers or step-sisters. A slow romance between the protagonists, and there is no extreme OPness, so the characters are believable. Sorry, but no smutty or steamy scenes. This is a clean, slow romance and comedy novel :)

CinRoll · Urban
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65 Chs

Stay Away From Her

Mr Wilson's face darkened when he heard this, 'So he told everyone that she's with him! This is completely intolerable, I cannot have this. I should bring them all together and have him explain that there is no relationship between him and Luna. This should be on top of my to do list. I am doing this so that Revolution's reputation doesn't tarnish, not because of personal reasons. Yes, not because of personal reasons.'

If someone asks him how my 'past relationship' would affect Revolution's reputation, he would not have an answer.

"So, Luke, do you have someone you like? Do you have a girlfriend? Or are you married?"

"Yes, I do have someone I like." Luke decided to play Mr Wilson to the very last moment.

Mr Wilson did NOT like what he heard, 'okay, so he has someone he likes, pshh everyone does'.

Luke continued, "She, well, she is the prettiest woman I ever laid eyes on. She's bright and lively yet introverted, she's kind, funny, she's the type of person who just makes your day so much more special. I'm lucky to have met her as early as possible."

His words are so damn misleading. He was obviously talking about Maya, whom we met when we were in the eighth grade; she was homeschooled until then, so technically it is as early as possible but for her.

Mr Wilson did not know this, he connected the wrong dots and now he looked like there was dark smoke coming out of him.

"Um, is something burning? It must be from the kitchen." I awkwardly added. No really, I could smell something burning, whether it was Mr Wilson or something in the kitchen is still a mystery.

"How about telling us her name too." Mr Wilson smiled forcefully. Calm down, it is not necessarily Luna, there are millions of women out there. This is not at all good for the company's reputation, I tell you!

"No. It's private. Now tell us about your love life, Mr Wilson. Are you coming out of the closet anytime soon? I know many guys who are just as awesome as me so I can hook you up." Luke smirked and folded his hands tauntingly.

Yep, he's my brother alright lol. Mr Wilson probably wants to murder us. He got frustrated when Luke said that 'it's private' and now that he's recommending his friends, Mr Wilson got more angry.

'Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm gay!' He wanted to shout. He really looked like he was going to blow up. I elbowed Luke because I wanted him to shut up. Come on man, stop digging my grave, you're going to leave unscathed, I have to deal with him after you leave peacefully.

Ugh, I regret this so much! Catching up with Luke, my foot! It's more like catch up on the latest episode of stupid men fights! Why can't we just shut up and eat food, is it that hard? No, I personally feel that it is disrespectful towards food when we came to a restaurant and end up not eating because we were too busy fighting.

On a side note, I was waiting for Mr Wilson to spill some secrets. Good question, Luke, who do you love, Mr Wilson? Ahem! Ahem! It's not because I'm interested in him, I am just genuinely curious. Who does not want to know about their boss's girlfriends? It could be great black mail material one day, who knows?

"I- First of all, I am not gay. Second of all, I am fond of a girl, but I do not know what exactly love is so I am unclear about my feelings." Mr Wilson decided to release a statement clarifying all the doubts common people had (as if people give a damn about his preferences, he thinks too highly of himself. Maybe people who have a crush on him do, hey! Why are you looking at me?) He needed to release a statement telling everyone that he was not gay and that he was a straight man.

"You don't know what love is?" Luke said that and started laughing out loud. Chris glared at him and I shoved a piece of bread in his mouth to make him stop. I glared at him, 'Do you want to die?'

Luke started choking because I shoved a piece of bread into his mouth. He gulped water and coughed. No, I did not regret doing that. He is really ruining my life here! I could already imagine Mr Wilson turning back into his old self where we were not even on first name basis, I cannot have him ruin the progress I made.

"I'm sorry for laughing, but are you some high school student looking for the meaning of love? Taking consideration of your age, you should already be aware of it."

An arrow went through Mr Wilson's heart with the tag saying 'single af' and 'old'. Well, I have got to agree with Luke here, he's like thirty years old and he says stuff like 'I don't know what is love' like some sad philosopher. Seeing me laugh at Luke's remark made Mr Wilson pout.

"Ahem, anyway, who is this girl, Mr Wilson?" I asked with a smirk. Spill Your Secrets! Fall Into My Trap. Ahem the trap about acquiring information and blackmailing him, not the trap you guys are thinking of.

Mr Wilson blushed when I asked him, which hurt me inside. Who is this person that can make Mr Wilson all 'twirly' and 'shy'? No, I am not jealous. As I have mentioned, this is just collecting information.

"It's a secret, Ms Brown! You did not push Luke to tell you whom he likes so you cannot ask me whom I like."

Tsk tsk, he is not fun at all -_-

"The one I like is very close to me. She is great in terms of the job she chose to take up. She looks after me and I'm not really sure if she likes me too, but I am too afraid to ask her. And even if i muster up the courage she's too far from me (he meant emotionally but we assumed physically)."

What the hell? Is he in love with Lily? I have got to tell her about this ASAP!

Luke smiled and nodded, but he looked like he wanted to strangle Mr Wilson. Weirdly enough, Luke got to know about our feelings way before we realised them. He could connect the dots accurately.

'Don't you dare think of being with my little sis." Awww so not cute. With him next to me, I might end up dying single. He would not let any man come near me.

"Is it Lily?" I asked him while narrowing my eyes at him.

"What?! NO!" Mr Wilson was caught off guard by my guess. It was almost as if he felt weirded out by being associated with Lily. They have a platonic relationship. They were more like like 'brotha from another motha' type. Why is Luna so slow? She keeps guessing everyone except her name *blush*

"If you still have feelings for Elena, I am going to slap you right now, fire me if you want to." I warned him.

Chris cupped his cheeks with his hands when he heard me say that I would slap him and said, "Definitely not her, now please stop guessing."

When he asked me with his hands on his cheeks like a toddler asking for chocolate, I decided to stop probing.

It became very late, so we decided to leave, Bob was here to pick up Luke, he sat in the back seat and arranged a driver so that Bob being a 'boss' is more believable. Well, if we ignore him being a creep, he's actually quite intelligent. Don't tell him I said that.

"Chris, can you give me two minutes, I'll be right back." I needed to use the washroom.

No sooner did I leave than a fight started. Verbal fight, those two babies were emotionally affected and not physically. So don't worry guys, Chris still has his pretty face. Wow, I sound so shallow, cough cough.

"Aren't you a little too much? Though you are childhood friends, you seem a bit extra." Mr Wilson initiated the fight. I did not know he was the 'fighter' type, but meh.

"And how would you know how to behave with your friends, you hardly have any." Luke fired back. That was a massive burn, I must say.

Mr Wilson clenched his jaw in anger. He stressed every syllable while saying, "I think it would be best if YOU stay away from her. You're not good enough. I suggest you stay in your limits and stop getting close to her physically." He did not forget about Luke hugging me earlier. Funnily enough, Luke and I still get into physical fights, I remember once when I scratched him with my nails and he twisted my arm, we were fighting over the last cookie, yikes!

Luke laughed and mockingly said, "Who are you to tell me what to do? Whether I'm good enough or not is none of your business." I wanted to say, 'Shoo shoo, your brotherly act is getting annoying, leave quickly.'

Luke was half convinced that Mr Wilson was an okay guy for me because he went as far as getting into a fight with him. Why was he not fully convinced? He's my brother, he does not like any man who's close to me.

I walked in right at that moment. The tension was so thick that I could cut it with a knife. I don't like such awkward situations so I said nervously, "So, what did I miss?"



Both of them said at the same time, and because of their assurance that 'nothing' was going on, I felt relieved. Hell nah, I'm joking. When two guys say 'nothing' at the same time, there is definitely something.

Say buh-bye to Luke guys, he's not gonna be back for a long time

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