

What would you do if you were forced into marriage? Amelia chose the least sane option and ran away from home. “Getting married before 25 is like leaving a party at 8pm, NOT FUN, take it from me.”- Amelia the “wise” person. Amelia Smith, heiress of the Smith family, daughter of the CEO of Oasis and granddaughter to the Chairman of the largest jewellery company in the country, had to marry some dude she never met. The “dude” whom she had to marry was Jason Wilson, a very famous actor with the prestigious title “Movie King”, the second son of the Wilson family. “Can you guys believe that he literally begged to marry me?”- Amelia Author: I can’t, and you are literally my creation. Amelia: “And because of that, I’m being forced to marry him! I know I’m pretty and that many people want to marry me, but what I want is to find my own true love!” Author: Tone it down, you’re being cringy. Amelia: -_- “Okay, so you ran away. How’s that going on for you?” you may ask. Amelia: In a very weird- Author: But completely believable way! Amelia: LET ME SPEAK! Ahem, where was I? Oh right! I ended up working for my “fiance’s” brother. -_-||| *Scene* “Wait! You’re the CEO of this company?!” Amelia almost shouted. “Yes, Ms Luna Brown, I am the CEO of this company. And from now onwards, you are my servant” *cue an evil smirk followed by malicious laughter* Chris Wilson, the heir of the Wilson family, is the type to hold grudges, poor Amelia should not have offended him, especially since he is her boss. “I think you meant ‘secretary’, I am not your servant” Amelia (fake name- Luna Brown) nervously laughed. "…..same difference.” Chris Wilson said with a straight face. *cut* No big misunderstandings (I noticed the irony in the title, what I meant is that the misunderstanding won’t make you all frustrated), no snake like step-mothers or step-sisters. A slow romance between the protagonists, and there is no extreme OPness, so the characters are believable. Sorry, but no smutty or steamy scenes. This is a clean, slow romance and comedy novel :)

CinRoll · Urban
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65 Chs

A Handsome Llama

He did not know who to talk to, nor did he feel loved there. He just....just survived, that is until he was shipped off to a boarding school. I balled my fists in anger.

I can't describe the anger I felt, I did not feel like 'chilling out'. I wanted to meet him and give him a big hug.

"Lizzie, would you be offended if I left mid way? I have an important thing to do."

Lizzie smiled at me like she knew why I was leaving mid session. Honestly, my intention was not to hide my intention from her, so I did not mind her figuring it out. Well, this is not special at all. Anyone in my place would do this. It's not like I felt different. Right? Anyone would do this, right?

Abandoning a day to yourself so you can be with the jerk, Mr Wilson. Sounds about right. Anyone would do it.

I got dressed and left the spa. Goodbye my dear spa, I regret not utilising you but my stupid conscience and emotions suddenly started acting up. Yeah, I know it was unexpected; I was so used to putting aside my emotions since I was young (no one bothered about me or how I felt, so why bother showing my emotion to them- it's logical, right? Thank you), I don't know what happened right now. Like a spiritual awakening, I think I had an emotional awakening. Maybe, I don't know. All I know is that there is something really wrong with me because I willingly left a spa date with Lizzie to meet the guy with whom I fight with every time I see him.

If my guess is correct, Mr Wilson is probably in the guest house, in the exact same position.

I opened the door quite dramatically and after I did that, I cringed inside. Thank god Mr Wilson was still not with that newspaper or I would have lost my chill. He does not move, literally. How is he so fit?

Anyway, my sudden and dramatic door opening surprised him. He looked at me in surprise. He was sitting on the sofa with some nature channel on. Did he drive me out so that he could see TV in peace? Nah, he didn't did he?

I did not know what to say, so there was an awkward silence for five whole seconds. No tell me, what type of reason should I give him for missing out on the perfect way to spend time, I even confirmed with him that he'd be responsible for the bill, yet here I am.

How about this: Oh hi Mr Wilson, I went to the spa to spend some time alone, away from you, away from my annoying heart which keeps going doki doki. But then Lizzie butted in, 'Aight, Imma add a dash of feelings into this recipe' and ended up spilling the whole bottle.

Before I was able to utter a single word Mr Wilson said, "Ms Brown? Weren't you participating in the beautification process? Why are you not....beautiful.....yet?"

Did I just leave my dear spa for him? When he said I was not beautiful, an arrow pierced into my heart with a tag dangling on the side which said 'ugly'. He was really asking for a beating. I grew up fine without my parents' attention, I did not turn out to be a jerk like him, I was a very sensible and kind person.

"Are you saying that I'm ugly and that I need a 'beautification' process?" I asked him while glaring.

"..." He kept silent as if following the policy of keeping quiet rather than telling lies. My face, something I take pride in, was now deemed as something in need of a 'beautification' process. Can I hit him already? I balled my fists in anger. It was really a mistake! I should not have come here.

"No, Ms Brown. You're in fact very beautiful. Sorry if I behaved rudely. I was just annoyed that I had to spend a lot of money on the spa for the 'beautification' process. I just don't believe in the process. You're already beautiful, how can something such as this make you more alluring than you already are? I was mourning the loss of my money." He said this so genuinely and with a straight face, as if he really meant it.

"..." How am I supposed to reply to his shameless statement? Calling me ugly and now saying I'm beautiful to cover it up. I am really conflicted right now.

"Just now, you said sorry. Did you mean it or is one of your 'morale increasing' apology?" I asked while pouting.

"Of course I meant it. I am very powerful and influential. Do I need to care about your feelings? Whether you're offended or not is none of my business. I explained myself because I do not want to be called a liar." He said. And he thought, 'Why would you even doubt yourself Luna? It seems I have gift her a mirror instead of some spa time.'

And he's back to his jerk self. He's like a company's stock, always fluctuating. He goes from being sweet to a jerk real fast.

Wait, first of all, why did I come here? Oh right. Since I can't go back to the spa, I might as well force Mr Wilson into shopping. He sure could use some good clothes.

"You know what? I am not going to argue with you."

"It's because you cannot Ms Brown, you would obviously lose."

"Ugh whatever, be thankful that you're not tackled by my incredible strength. I would have punched you if not for your age."

"What do you mean, Ms Brown?"

"I'm not so petty that I try to fight with old people. I'm so young and you are so old, obviously you can't handle my strength. This what you call pure muscle." I cockily showed off my biceps, which are half the size of his. I don't from where I get my confidence. He would have said, 'You wish. With your chicken arms you would be flailing everywhere' but he was too busy grunting and glaring. His only weak spot is his age.

"So if you are done throwing a tantrum, we're going outside. And make sure to bring your credit card."


"Ugh, use your brain Mr Wilson. So less IQ sigh. Why would I ask you to bring your card? You're going to pay of course!"

And an arrow went through Mr Wilson's heart with the tag 'dumb'. Was roasting him satisfying? Yes, yes, it was.

Mr Wilson did not budge, "Dont make me come and pull you." I warned him.

With a lot of regret and hesitation which was clearly showcased on his face, he stood up and followed me out. I took the keys from him, more like snatched the keys from him, and drove to a mall. We entered a shop called, 'Mystic' which was basically a shop where we can buy fantasy themes costumes and clothes. Well, for example, you can't find elf clothing in a normal shop.

I browsed through the section while Mr Wilson stood in a corner looking out of place.

I am not going to be wearing the 'pauper' clothing, so I took this matter into my own hands. Let me see. The Princess and the Frog? No, Mr Wilson would never dress up as a frog. I crossed out every story where the princess ends up with the prince because I will never let him dress up as a prince.

We finally decided on 'The emperor's new groove'. Mr Wilson suggested this because he wanted to dress up as Kuzko or Kronk while I dress up as Yzma. As if I was going to let him get away with that.

I agreed to dress up as Yzma only if he dressed up as the llama. And with a lot of convincing and whining and forcing and scolding and blackmailing, he finally dressed up like a llama.

I'm not in a better condition than him because I'm dressed up as Yzma- old but sassy lady. Well, if I'm going down, we're going down together.

After he changed into the llama costume, he looked so cute. This is the cutest llama anyone will every lay eyes on. I immediately whipped out my phone and forced him into taking a selfie.

"Smile Mr Wilson. Don't look so constipated." I said. '

He did not smile LOL. But I took a picture, anyway.

I captured a beautiful moment. I was in an extravagant purple high collared dress wearing very long fake purple lashes to look like Yzma while Mr Wilson was in a cute llama onesie type outfit. I made a peace sign while I was moving closer to Mr Wilson, who was trying to slip away. He completely avoided eye contact and looked grumpy, which completely fit the look. He looked exactly like haughty Emperor Kuzko who got turned into a grumpy llama.

Mr Wilson, with a lot of hesitation, handed over his card at the register. I'm not kidding. The lady literally had to pull the card out of his hand because he was just not letting go.

I excitedly took the bags to the parking lot while Mr Wilson grudgingly dragged himself to the parking lot. He was wondering if he could snatch those bags from me and ask for a refund. He was even okay with returning those without getting his money back. He was that desperate.

"Aww come on, Mr Wilson, err Chris. You make a very handsome and dreamy llama."

He looked at me innocently. His expression said, 'Really? Am I handsome llama?' he believed me and felt good about himself on the inside.

Aww so cute, I thought to myself.

I just love the movie 'The emperor's new groove' so I had to do this Hehe

Lia dressed as Yzma is just......unique? LOL

And Chris does make a cute Llama.

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