
Miss Shen is Actually A Bigshot in Witchcraft

Shen Chun was a bigshot in mystic arts. During a riot, she was severely injured after being set up by someone. While rescuing a population of several tens of thousands in a small town during a dire situation, she died in the line of duty. She thought her soul would be crushed. To her surprise, she was reborn as someone with the same given name and surname in the wealthy Shen family. The original Shen Chun was a young lady from a bankrupt family. Her parents died in an accident. Someone pushed her into the river on her way home after the funeral, so she also passed away. When the original Shen Chun was born, her parents went to a fortune-teller. The fortune-teller said she would bring bad luck to her future husband. If she wanted to live long, she'd have to find a suitable man and get married before her twentieth birthday. Otherwise, her life would be at risk. Shen Chun was barely reborn for a few days when the fiance, hand-picked by her family, called off the wedding because her family went bankrupt. Shen Chun was a bigshot; she knew that the fortune-teller was accurate. The original Shen Chun's twentieth birthday was an obstacle, and she was destined for a great disaster. Meanwhile, the right man was hard to find. Shen Chun needed to make haste. Just as she scratched her head for a solution, she met the man who was the most suitable candidate for the original Shen Chun. This man had an extremely noble aura. She could tell from one look that he possessed a lot of power and influence. However, this man would bring bad luck to his wife! Not long after that, shocking news spread throughout the upper class. Master Zuo, the man who was known to bring bad luck to his wife, had a flash marriage with the young lady of the bankrupt Shen family! Everybody mocked them. "Who would end up getting the other killed first?"Surprisingly, the two of them not only lived long lives but also loved each other dearly!

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260 Chs

Meeting Gift

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Everyone's gazes turned to Master Bei Chen in unison.

"You!" Master Bei Chen could only get up from the ground. He pointed at Shen Chun and defended himself in a weak voice, "You're slandering me. I have nothing to do with that female ghost! Besides, I didn't send that figurine over. What you said just now was just a wild guess!"

"Come on, we all know what you're like. If not for this master, you would have been swallowed by that female ghost just now!"

"That's right. You're the one who's lying! How shameless!"

Master Bei Chen was rendered speechless. Then, he got up from the ground in a sorry state.

"Just you wait! I'm going to show you who the real master is!" As he spoke, he led his disciples out.


Zhao Chen's words frightened Master Bei Chen so much that he broke out in cold sweat.

"Master Bei Chen, you took my money but harmed my family. If word gets out, won't your reputation be damaged?"

Master Bei Chen smiled awkwardly. "Since I didn't help this time, I'll transfer the money to you when I get back. Don't worry!"

"It seems that you think we're pushovers." Zhao Chen's gaze was fierce as he slapped Master Bei Chen's face. Then, he waved his hand and a few followers immediately went forward.

"Bring this person to the backyard. Everyone, remember what happened today. Don't let this liar have another chance to scam people."

"Remember this clearly. Making a deal with a ghost is shameless!"

The follower escorted Master Bei Chen to the backyard. Seeing that the situation wasn't good, his disciples also slipped away.

Shen Chun knew that Master Bei Chen was finished. It was unlikely that he would have the chance to swindle people in the future.

Since the matter had been resolved, the others left.

Zhao Chen bowed to Shen Chun again. "Master, it's all thanks to your help. If you need anything in the future, don't stand on ceremony."

Shen Chun agreed and said with a smile, "I still have something on, so I'll leave first."

"I'll send you off." Zhao Chen sent Shen Chun out of the shop respectfully. Coincidentally, Hengxiang's shop assistant was also squatting at the entrance of his shop.

When he saw Shen Chun come out, he immediately stood up and said warmly, "Master, come quickly. I've saved everything for you."

Zhao Chen immediately said, "Master, you want to buy something from Hengxiang? Just take it. Write it on my tab later as a greeting gift."

Shen Chun refused. "Mr. Zhao, there are rules in our line of work. We can't accept undeserved gifts. Remember to call me the next time you need anything."

"But I'd really like to express my gratitude."

"Rules are rules." After Shen Chun followed the shop assistant into Hengxiang, she chose the most expensive cinnabar and yellow paper in the shop. Although there were not many of them, they cost about 30,000 to 40,000 yuan in total. Shen Chun was about to swipe her card when she heard the shop assistant say, "My boss waived the payment for these things. He said that he wanted to be friends with you."

"Who's your boss?"

"He's at the back. It's not convenient for him to see you. These are worthless things to him, so just accept them."

This wasn't against the rules, so after thanking him, Shen Chun took her things and left.

As Zhao Chen stared at Shen Chun's back figure, he called over the follower beside him. "Go and investigate her identity."



Shen Chun called the caregiver at the hospital and found out that Shen Chi hadn't woken up yet, so she had a meal outside and then strolled around.

Many things in the capital were different from those of her previous life, but there were also some things that remained the same. For example, the fortune tellers under the overpass were all dressed in bright yellow Daoist robes and big sunglasses. There were even signs in front of them that said, "No charge if the divination is inaccurate."

When they saw Shen Chun coming over, they immediately started to advertise.

"Miss, do you want to come over for a divination? No charge if the divination is inaccurate!"

Shen Chun found it strange. In her previous life, people had begged her for fortune-telling, but no one had ever predicted her fortune before.

Seeing that these fortune-telling stalls were quite popular, she had an idea. "I don't need it. I see that there's still a seat beside you guys, so do you mind if I set up a stall here?"