
Not Gonna Happen

When I walked in, I had seen so many different types of people. Your probably wondering what I mean by this but everyone in this class wasn't matching each other's wavelengths.

My class had 29 children including myself. It was strange because all of these all were different from each other. However they were all able to coexist together.

There were punks, goth, smarties, not so bright, etc etc then there was me who didn't even have any power. Actually at this point my day was looking up because with all these strange people here at least one can be my friend.

Yeah well at the same time I had these thoughts something came flying passed me. IT WAS A KNIFE. My heart dropped for a second thinking, " Hey if I were any closer that would have hit me".

Then when I took a closer look at the people in my class they were like real monsters. Coexistence my behind these people in class didn't like each other one bit.

The proper word to describe them would be:


This isn't how I imagined school to be. Then again I did go to school before but...

Nah that's a story for another day and to be honest I don't want to relive that time again.

So I had one choice: find a seat and try not to cause trouble one the first day. At the time I thought that would be simple. Well I wasn't!

See what happened was the moment I got into a seat someone comes to me in a threatening saying, " That's my seat. Find a different one to sit in". Me being myself I would rather just move then cause trouble because it would be a hassle to deal with it.

If you remember I say this because I don't have magic and even if I did I don't like looking for trouble unless it finds me first.

Since I had do qualms against this person I simply moved. I said, "Sorry about that I'll find a different seat". The face I made was a kind one and soft so I didn't come off as being pissed off.

Yeah well I that moment I had slipped on something accidentally head butting him in the stomach. As he's on the floor I try to help him: "Here take my hand. I'm so so sorry. I don't mean to hit you in the stomach with my head". As I reached out to him to help him up he exclaims, " Are you trying to start something?"

I quickly respond, "No I didn't meant to do that. I would never want to hurt you on purpose". So he says, "Does that mean that you still hurt me by accident?"

I didn't know what to say so i made up something quickly. "If you are really hurt let me take you to the infirmary".

" I don't need your help four-eyes", he yelled getting everyone's attention. Unfortunately, my character doesn't him the right to yell at me so I get angry.

" Four-eyes. FOUR-EYES! Who the heck do you think you are. You wanna call me names then let's go to you next. You rude sadistic, narcissistic, brat who goes around want to start things with other people. Wanting people to feel terribly about simple mistakes because in reality you have low self-esteem and are insecure about they way you live your life. So your nothing more than a bully who wants to pass there pain to another person to make them feel bad about them self while feel better about your self because of it. Well let me tell you what". I pull him by the collar to make her hears me clearly.

"My life has been terrible since the day I was born because guess what I was born with no magic but so what if I have no magic so what if I can't be normal like everyone else SO WHAT IF PEOPLE REJECT ME RIDICULE ME LOOK DOWN ON ME I REFUSE TO ALLOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU DISRESPECT ME AND TREAT ME LIKE GARBAGE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!"

He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say and everyone else was in shock too. Mostly because the part about me having no magic. They probably thought I was brave that I would stand up to someone even though I had no magic. They were also lore shocked that they actually in their lifetime gonna meet someone with no magic. Although it's rare many people don't meet a magic person in their life time.

With that I kindly walked away from that boy and got into an empty seat by the window all the way in the back and took a quick nap. All that tell was so burnt out that I didn't have enough energy to keep going for the day.

With that I feel into a slumber and had a dream about something in the past.