
Miss Misunderstood (English)

*DEAR READERS, THIS STORY IS ABOUT CHEATING AND THE IMPACT IT HAS ON THE PERSON WHO HAS BEEN BETRAYED. SOME CHAPTERS ARE TOO HEAVY TO READ BECAUSE THEY ADDRESS DEPRESSION AND SELF-HARMING. I DIDN'T INTEND TO HARM OR TRIGGER ANYBODY'S TRAUMA WHEN I WROTE THIS BOOK.* BLURB: Elyana caught her husband cheating and used the reason she couldn't conceive to explain why he did it. She promptly filed for divorce and flew back to the Philippines, where she grew up while carrying her broken heart and shattered dreams of becoming a mother one day to her child. She came back with her intentions of healing and to start a new life away from her ex-husband's shadow, but because of what happened to her married life and the depressing events that followed, there were things inside her head that she couldn't understand and that would lead most people around her to mistook her kindness for desperation and attempt to cause harm for others. Felipe, known as Felicity, is a famous gay matchmaker who has been her best friend since she can remember. Knowing what happened and what she was trying to overcome, he stayed by her side, protecting her and caring for her, and would eventually and secretly fulfill one of her greatest dreams that her ex-husband couldn't give.

Wysteriashin · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

After getting the divorce papers, the next thing I did was start selling my assets. I also moved to a different hotel and made sure Lucas couldn't follow me anymore. He no longer had a reason to look for me because everything between us was done and resolved, but I just wanted to make sure, and yes, I received a vast amount after they combined both of our assets.

I knew he was having a lot of regrets because he lost a lot.

The first thing I sold was the resthouse, don't ask me why. Honestly, if I didn't think it would be a waste, I might have just bulldozed it or set it on fire, but if I had put it on fire, someone else could have been affected because it was in the middle of the forest.

'I'm not that heartless.'

It wasn't that hard to find a buyer. The resthouse was the most important and memorable place to me before, but because of the two shameless fellas, it turned into the thing I hate the most.

I had an acquaintance that handled everything, the same as with other properties named after me. I wanted to sell everything, so I no longer had a reason to go back. I plan to stay in the Philippines for good, start over, and forget.

ANOTHER WEEK HAD PASSED. I was busy that whole week. I didn't care what was going on with my ex-husband, but I kept receiving messages from the company's employees. Although I had already made them understand that I didn't want to hear anything about that man anymore, they still didn't stop. I just shrugged when a text was about him.

We found buyers during the week and sold everything I needed to sell. I was delighted but a bit sad about that. I knew they would take good care of those pretty houses they bought from me. There were five in all, three in the countryside, one resthouse, and the last one in the city. My assets went fourfold, but I didn't care much about those. I donated some, and soon—I knew they would get mad once Lucas and his dad found out where I sent their money.

I don't know, but that made me feel so excited.

"Are you sure about your decision, Elyana?" Mom asked on the other line. We talked through video calls while organizing my things in one suitcase. I forgot I was talking to her because of so many things in my head.

I was preparing for my flight. Like—finally! It had been years. Lucas didn't want to visit the Philippines because he said it was a hot country for someone who grew up somewhere cold. We Filipinos are different. You know, we are used to the heat.

"Yes, Mom, I'm sure," I answered without looking at the screen of the laptop that I was using to talk to her at that moment.

"Can't you come here with us in Turkey first? So we could have our bonding time. Your dad would be pleased if you would," she asked, and I could feel how much she missed me in her voice.

I turned to the screen and stopped what I was doing. I looked at Mom with a sly smile and answered, "You know that's the country Lucas and I met. We both have memories in almost every place and corner of our house. I want to forget, Mom and heal. I may look okay and don't think about what happened, but deep inside, I'm not,"

My mother's eyes became sadder because of what I said. Dad suddenly appeared and peered into the camera.

"Let her decide, hon. I trust our daughter," he said as he squeezed one hand on Mom's shoulder slightly. He stared at me for seconds and gave me a sweet smile.

I'm glad that Dad understands me, especially when I need it the most.

"Okay, I'll let you go home to the Philippines. I will tell the caretakers to clean the mansion and hire people to serve you," he said later but still didn't smile.

"There's no need—"

"What's wrong? Stay at the mansion, so I'm sure you're safe and eating regularly." She didn't let me finish speaking. I was immediately struck by her words. Mon gave me no choice. She might just get angry if I whined.

My original plan was to find a small condo unit close to aunt Eugene's house or Felix's office, so I could quickly go to them. I'll get a car, so I can also travel to places by myself.

After my conversation with my parents, I continued arranging my things. My flight was early in the morning the next day. Going to take more than thirteen hours. I knew I would get bored with the flight length, but I'm more excited to be back in the Philippines.

I didn't think about how long it would take. I woke up early because I was excited, took a shower, settled the payment before leaving the hotel, and tipped all the kind staff who accommodated me well. I included the chef and food servers. They served me delicious meals for a long time even though it was already late at night.

I just call when I need something, and they send someone who will immediately fix or deliver what I need.

I was with them for almost three weeks, and if I could rate them 6 stars for their hotel accommodation and hospitality, I would do it. In no case, only up to five, but I left an honest review for them on the website itself.

I ate breakfast at the airport cafeteria and waited for about an hour before boarding the plane. I glanced at the land of England through the window when we were already mid-air. Trying to leave all the bad memories and the pain.

I took a direct flight and spent almost my whole time reading a novel on an online platform I discovered. I enjoyed reading to the point that I didn't even notice how much time I spent on that site. I enjoyed every chapter of it because I could relate. It was about a woman who was also cheated on by her husband, and she's a fierce one and a fighter who takes her revenge.

I admit, I couldn't do the same, but imagining I was her in the story, if I felt good, I could say it.

It made me wonder if having mistresses was the new trend. Perhaps a season?

Aren't they ashamed? They are destroying a family. They can love someone else. There are billions of people, but why do they want somebody to marry? But we couldn't blame other women either. Men hide the fact that they are married and have children to get laid.

I had lunch and dinner, but I could hardly take my eyes off reading. Almost halfway through the book, I heard the announcement that we were about to land, and my attention suddenly got divided.

It was precisely 9:27 am when I got out of the airport. Mom told me someone would pick me up, so I didn't have to worry about my ride to the mansion. I was curious how the person who would pick me up would recognize me and how I would find him, but—a large piece of cardboard grabbed my attention.

It says 'Miss Elyana B.' and has a large arrow pointing down at the head of the man holding it because it is high above his head. My eyebrows furrowed, and I wondered if he was the one to pick me up. First, I looked around and read what was written on another piece of cardboard.

'Maybe it's him,' I thought after seeing no one else around who could say that they were those who would pick me up.

I started walking while pulling my suitcase and slinging a large bag on my shoulder, where my essential things were.

"Excuse me—is it Elyana Begum you're waiting for?" I asked the man, who was of average height and build. He seemed surprised when he saw me. He was speechless for a moment.

"Y-Yes, ma'am, Madam Marietta sent us here," he answered, confirming that Mom was their boss.

"Okay then, let's go," I told him, and he quickly moved to get my suitcase and put it in the car compartment, where he guided me. He rushed to open the door for me after closing the compartment. It seemed like the car was new. I didn't see any scratches, and it was so shiny. He came with a driver. I thought he was alone.

While we were on our way, my mind was restless. I felt I would accidentally pee on my seat because of so much excitement. I wanted to visit Felix to see him first, but I decided not to. I intentionally didn't tell anyone in their family that I'd be going home.

We got stuck in traffic. What was supposed to be a fifty-minute drive turned into over two hours. We arrived around midnight. I was expecting Mom's newly hired people to no longer greet me because it was already late, but to my surprise, they were still awake. They said they would wait to welcome me upon my arrival.

'So sweet of them.'

I thought they would go to sleep after they showed up and introduced themselves to me. I noticed there were eight of them: two guards assigned at the gate, four maids, a driver, and a houseboy, along with the driver who picked me up at the airport.

"M-Miss Elyana, d-do you—

"Calm down; I won't bite," I interrupted her when I noticed how nervous she was.

"W-Would you like to eat first before you rest? We cooked a lot earlier as your mom instructed us," she asked, which I thought about a lot before answering—with another question.

"What did you cook?"

"Kare-Kare po—"

"Really?" I asked loudly, which surprised them all. I suddenly closed my mouth because of my reaction. She used 'po' to show some respect, but when I heard what dish they cooked, I instantly reacted.

It has been one of my favorites. The truth is that the Martincu twins are also Kare-kare lovers. One of the dishes I missed because I was far away from my Mom. She knew how to cook it perfectly, and I didn't. Whenever I went to restaurants, I didn't like how they tasted.

Kare-Kare was already okay with me, but they served all the dishes they cooked, and there were a lot. Needed help deciding which to try first.

"Oh, my God! These are too much for one stomach," I uttered while looking at what was on the table. There was a massive plate of seafood and other dishes, and happy memories crossed my mind just by looking at them.

'I'm going to go to the Martincus' tomorrow,' I whispered.