

I entered the restaurant and he was still there,waiting.I glanced at my watch,it was midnight.That was how badly he wanted to speak to me.My heart crushed for him,I sympathized.Did he deserve it?No.He was a jerk,at least I thought. "Eva,you came,"he seemed surprised and relieved to see me. He stood up to help me take a seat across him at the table by pulling the chair back for me. "Thanks,"I said in almost a whisper. "I thought you wouldn't show.I'm glad you're here,"he said as he took his seat.He sounded nervous and that was a bad sign.A nervous Carlos?Never thought I'd see the day,but there we were. "I almost didn't come to be honest,then there was traffic,so you better make this worthwhile,"I said trying not to show that I was still upset with him.He nodded as he bit his lower lip,as if not sure where to start.I was upset but I couldn't not notice how hot he looked.New hair cut,that white T-shirt through which the tattoos on his chest were visible... He lightly took my hands, which I had rested on the table,into his.I wanted to pull away but I couldn't.It felt so good. "Should I get you something to drink first?"He asked. "No,I'm good,"I politely declined and gathered the strength to pull away from his soft touch. "So,tell me,"I reminded him that he wanted to talk to me about something. "I don't know what Lauren told you but we are not together,"he started."We broke up before I moved here.We figured we couldn't do long distance and she didn't want to come with me,"he continued. "Then why would she lie to me?"I asked,not wrapping my finger around the whole situation. "She assumed we would be getting back together,"Carl explained further but it left me more confused. "Why?"I asked "She's pregnant Eva.She's expecting our child.She came to Mexico to tell me that,"he dropped the bombshell and my heart dropped into my stomach.I swear I could hear my intestines twist in there. "She's eight weeks now,"he added.I was wishing he stopped talking.That was a lot to take in,God! "Say something,Eva,"Carlos begged as I sat there in silence. "What am I supposed to say?The man I love is expecting a child with another woman.It's a lot to take in,"I as I blinked in a bid to keep my tears from falling.I lost and the tears came crushing down my cheeks.Carlos was smiling,I didn't know why. "That's the first time you've said that.That you love me,"he said and I understand why he had smiled earlier. "I'm sorry Eva,"he said and stood up from his seat.He went down on one knee in front of me and offered me his handkerchief. "You shouldn't be sorry.I wish things were different.I wish I had known you at a different time,"I said as I dried my tears with his handkerchief. "Me too,I'm sorry it is complicated,"he whispered again and I stooped a little bit to hold his chin as a sign of reassurance.I caught a tear in his beards.I thought I always loved complicated,till that day. "We'll be fine,"I said to him."But I hope you understand that I can't be with you Carlos,I don't want to be reason why your baby doesn't grow with you by their side.I wouldn't be able to forgive myself,"I said and he buried his head in my lap.He was crying,he was losing it.I could tell from the tears that were seeping through my emerald dress.I softly rubbed his hair to comfort him. I lost him even before I had him.Love!

Nexa_Darrel · Urban
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25 Chs

Date night

My nanny was helping me do my makeup,for my date with Faby.So many emotions were bottling up inside me and I wanted to talk to someone about them.

"Carlos and I kissed,today,"I snapped out of the blues and I liked the relief that came with that. "Ooh!Okay.Why?"She asked but she didn't sound surprised.I shrugged."He kissed me first and I kissed him back.But now I feel like I did something wrong.I'm on my way to another date with another guy after kissing another,"I said. "I liked it,the kiss,"I added. "What about the kisser?Do you like him?"She asked. "I don't know.I don't want to like him,"I said. "Get on that date and sort out your feelings,"she added.

"Well,help me pick out a dress for my date,"I said and she walked over to my closet."Green?"She asked."Wouldn't that look like I'm overdressing?"I asked."You tell me.You're the fashionista here."She said."I'm scared.I feel like something will go wrong.Maybe Faby doesn't even like me,"I said. "Trust me he does,"she said. "It's been three years.Maybe he has changed,"I argued.

"Get on that date and find out.Stop over thinking it for heavens sake!I don't know why you never believe that you deserve to be happy,"she said and I took that green dress from her hand.It was covered in crystals."You know you could really use your own advice.You deserve to be happy too.And you need a life outside taking care of me,"I said.Words I never knew I could say.Finding happiness would mean abandoning me,or so I thought.

"Hey,your date just got here,"she changed the topic as she glanced outside through the window.I slipped my body into the dress and she helped me zip it up.

"Have fun,"she said to me as I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.I met dad downstairs.

"Going on a date?"He asked.I nodded. "Who's the lucky guy?"He asked. "Fabian,"I responded and shut my mouth bef leaking that I was the one who asked him out. "The Fabian?"He asked,surprised that Faby was back. "Yeah,the Fabian,"I said with a smile. "Come on dad,don't give me that look.I'm not going to have sex with him,"I whispered and laughed afterwards."That's not what I was thinking,"he replied defensively."We both know you were,"I said and he kissed me on my cheek."Have fun,"he said and for the first time in a long time I felt like we had had a real father-daughter interaction.I really needed that.

"I will,"I promised him as I headed outside.Whoa!Carlos and Fabian were talking.That really made me nervous."Hey,"I said to Fabian before I noticed he was dressed in jeans.Who wears jeans to a date?I panicked for a second but decided not to overthink it."I see you've met Carl,"I said to him.He nodded.

"Hey,I'll go back inside.You guys have fun,"Carlos said to me as we hugged for a while."I don't think it's a date.He's wearing a pair of jeans,"I used the opportunity to whisper my insecurities to Carl's ear."You'll be fine.If it goes wrong,call me,"he whispered back.