
• Chapter One •

     "It's okay, you'll be free," Echo thought as she slowly laid in the bath of water.  She started to breath heavy.  She took the blade to her wrist.

     "Echo?" Karma yelled as he walked into the home.  He took off his jacket, and took his hair out of his braid.  "Huh, weird.  She usually yells back," He thought as he started to walk up the stairs.  He heard dripping from her bathroom, and open the door.  "Echo!" He screamed.  He sat next to the tub, and started to hold his sister in his arms.

     "911, what's your emergency?"

     "My sister, she slit her wrist, and I don't think she's breathing!"

     "Alright, what's your address?"

     "It's -------"

     "Okay, people are on their way, please stay on the phone with me,"


     "Echo, you'll going to be okay!" Karma yelled.  He had blood on his hands, as he held paper  on her wrist to stop the bleeding.  He began to cry.  "Please, hold on!" He cried out.  Soon later officers, and the EMT showed up and took her away.  Karma followed them to the hospital, and sat in the waiting room.

     "Karma, our baby boy!" His mother yelled as she ran towards him, with his father following behind her.  "Are you okay? What happened?"  His father asked as they sat down.  "I was stopping by Echo's to see if she needed anything, and I found her... In her bath tub," He said and tears started to fall down his face.  "I tried to help her," He cried.  His mother started to cry as she hugged him.  They sat in the waiting room for about an hour, and a nurse came out.  "Is she okay?" Mr. Dai asked.

     "I'm sorry, but she didn't make it," She told them.  Karma sat back down as his parents were talking to the nurse.  "Why?  Why couldn't I be there sooner? "  He thought.

Cliff hanger!  This part was rushed, but chapter two will be out!  Please don't report this.. ;-;

Words: 334