
Cohabiting with a man?

Her back is aching. Her knees are bruised. Her legs have fallen asleep.

"Do you know your wrongs?" Her father asks her with a heavy voice.

She's been sitting on her knees for three days. Chang Seol fights back her tears. "Yes."

"You are my eldest child." Her father gives her a final warning. "Even if we have nothing, we cannot forget our pride. The promise must be kept. You must marry Mr No's grandson."

Each time her father takes a step, the floor makes a creaking sound. It's such a familiar sound and yet, she finds it strange. It's growing distant with the stretch of time. She lowers her head as a few drops of tears escape her eyes and fall on the wooden floor.

"Seol, Seol." Someone is screaming over her head, snapping her awake from the dream. "Seol, wake up. We will be late."

"Who?" She rubs her eyes. "I want to sleep more."

"Do you want to be late on your first day?"

First? Seol opens her eyes. An unfamiliar face is right above her head. She knows this person. "You are Mun Soyoon."

"Damn!" Mun Soyoon pinches Chang Seol's baby cheeks and grins "You are so cute."

The pain is enough to kick away any sleep from her eyes. "You can stop. I am awake now."

"I helped you because it's your first day. I won't help you again." Mun Soyoon releases her cheeks when Chang Seol grimaces at her "I am leaving early. I have to buy some materials before I go to university. You should hurry."

Mun Soyoon grabs her bag and flounces out of the room.

"Damn!" Chang Seol drags herself out of the room. She hated going to school. Now, she hates going to the university. Waking up so early in the morning is hard. Where is the bathroom? With her eyes closed, she walks until she hits the dead end. "Ow!"

She turns around and keeps walking until she hits another wall. "Why are there walls everywhere?"

"Little girl, it's because you are walking with your eyes closed." She hears a grumpy voice.

She jumps back and looks at Sin Jeong-Hyuk with widened eyes. "Why are you here?"

"I also live here." Sin Jeong-Hyuk hasn't gotten any sleep either. His insomnia has returned after seeing Daydream's announcement yesterday night. He wants to find that person, but he has no idea where to begin.

After seeing the man lost in thoughts, Chang Seol tries to slip past him. Ready to run back to her room, she bends her knees. Just before she could sprint, Sin Jeong-Hyuk grabs her by the scruff of her neck. "Little girl, do you know how to make black coffee?"

She's late for university. Chang Seol peers at him and tells him with a meek voice, "Mister, the owner said that we must cook for ourselves."

"Did you cook rice cakes yesterday?" Sin Jeong-Hyuk raises his brow.

"But…" He didn't make rice cakes either. She swallows the words when he glowers at her.

"Little girl, I approve of you since you like the voice I like." He wraps his right arm around her waist and carries her under his arm. He climbs down the stairs, unperturbed by her squirming. "Let's finish our yesterday's night conversation over coffee."

"L-Let… Let me…" Before she could ask him to let her down, he places her on the kitchen counter. She stares at him, speechlessly watching him prepare black coffee.

"Little girl, did I tell you that you have a nice voice?" Sin Jeong-Hyuk asks her with a quiet voice. The lack of sleep has muddled his brain a bit. Still, he can hear that she's stammering again. Didn't she speak clearly a moment ago?

"I d-don't." The dream was definitely a premonition. Chang Seol looks away. "Mister, I am late for university."

Sin Jeong-Hyuk hands her the cup of black coffee. "Drink."

But she doesn't like black coffee.

"Are you drinking or not?" He frowns. "Do you need sugar? You will never grow up if you eat too much sugar."

But that's not true at all.

He smirks when she picks up the coffee cup and takes a sip. Her face contorts when the bitterness fills her mouth. She squeezes her eyes when she takes the second sip.

Sin Jeong-Hyuk can't help but laugh. She's like a little hamster. When she looks at him with moist eyes, he flicks her forehead. "Don't believe everything that an adult says."

"I am also an adult." The little hamster glares at him and blurts out in one breath, "I am nineteen-year-old. If I commit a crime, I would be treated as an adult in court. Then, why do you keep calling me a little girl?"

"An adult?" He raises his brow.

She bites her lower lip and bends her head. "I-I-I a-am s-s-so--"

Sin Jeong-Hyuk grabs her chin and raises her head. He looks straight into her eyes. "Then, are you asking me to see you as an adult woman in the morning? You are quite daring, Little girl."

"T-T-That's…" Not what she meant. She holds her breath when he moves his face closer. Too close! What should she do? She grabs the coffee cup and pours the coffee on his head.

He screams and backs away from her. She darts out of the kitchen, not looking back once. She goes to her bedroom. She grabs her coat and the bag. She runs until she's out of the house.

After some time, Sin Jeong-Hyuk comes out after washing his face. "Little Hamster has a temper. Fortunately, the coffee wasn't too hot. Kids are unpredictable these days."


She keeps running until she's out of breath. She bends her waist and grabs her knees, gasping for breaths. Did she kill that annoying man? Is she a murderer now? She squats down on the roadside. Tears well up in her eyes. "I didn't even check if he's dead or not."

Can people die because of hot coffee? She searches the question on the internet. When she sees the answers, her face becomes ghastly pale.

Everything is over.

Should she go back and check whether he's alive or not? Maybe he needs help. If something happens to him, she might end up in prison for real. Her parents will kill her if that happens.

What should she do?

She wipes her tears and runs back to the house. She hesitates at the door, wondering whether she should go inside or not. Maybe she should leave this city. How much money does she have? Going back home is not a choice. Wait! If she's a convict, doesn't it mean that she doesn't have to marry that guy?

No! She shakes her head vigorously. Her family will kill her. Chang Seol contemplates her options.

Should she bury the body and run away?

Then, she opens the door and steps into the house. It's eerily quiet. She slowly walks toward the kitchen. She doesn't see anyone there. The table has been cleaned.

When someone grabs her shoulder, she lets out a loud scream. Sin Jeong-Hyuk pulls back his hand and stares at her. "Why are you screaming?"

"You are alive." Chang Seol looks at him with watery eyes. "I thought that you died, Mister. I am so glad to see you alive."

"Who dies because of coffee?" Sin Jeong-Hyuk can't decide whether the girl is an utter idiot or just naive. He points at her, arching his brows. "Little girl, you are cunning. Did you come back to take care of the body?"

"That's not..." true. Chang Seol scrutinizes his face with a timid gaze. But it's her fault. He could have been hurt. She gives him a formal bow. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Alright, I have a big heart. You are forgiven." It's also his fault for startling a kid. Sin Jeong-Hyuk crosses his arms and gives her a look over. Her hair is a mess. Clothes are too big for her. She looks like she's been running a marathon. "Are you going to university like this?"

"I was just…" running away. Chang Seol scratches her ear. "I will leave in a while."

"Get cleaned up," He huffs at her.

She goes back to her room and collapses on the floor, too tired to move. "It's nice that I didn't kill anyone today."


After the bath, she combs her long hair, staring at her reflection and sighing. She's late on the very first day. She has to find a part-time job and a new place to stay. It's not a good idea to live with two weird men in the same house. On top of that, the annoying mister likes her songs. If he ever finds out that she's Daydream, it's her end for sure. She doesn't even want to imagine that possibility.

Feeling tired, sleepy, and somewhat dead, Chang Seol puts the bag over her shoulder and then, she walks out of the room. By the time she reaches the stairs, she realizes that her phone has been ringing. She takes out her phone -- a call from her home.

Is she going to get scolded again? Chang Seol doesn't want to pick up, but she can't ignore the call either. Maybe her parents are worried. Maybe they will tell her that it's alright. She can live the way she wants. "Who?"

[Elder Sister, where are you?] She hears her little sister's crying voice. [If you won't come back, Father will give me away in your place.]

Her legs are losing strength. She sits down and takes a deep breath. "That won't happen. You are only thirteen. Grandfather's friend is not stupid."

[But Elder Sister, Father said that he would apologize and ask him to wait until I am old enough to get married.]

"When you are old enough, you should run away like me." Chang Seol tells her with a low voice, "Endure it for a while. I will find a job. After I find a good place, you can come and stay with me."

[Elder Sister, where are you right now?]

Chang Seol opens her mouth to answer. Then, she closes her mouth. Her sister is young. Her sister might accidentally reveal it to their parents. "I will tell you when I find a job."

There's some silence. Chang Seol knits her brows. "Mi-Young?"


She curls her fingers when she hears the gruff voice. "Father."

[Where are you?] He sounds angry. Chang Seol feels an urge to reveal everything to him. She has always been obedient to her parents except for two times.

"I cannot tell you that."

[Chang Seol, come back at this instant.]

"No, Father." She replies with an emotionless voice, "I won't come back and get married to a stranger because of a promise that my grandfather made to his friend. I won't become someone's trophy wife."

[Chang Seol, if you had a bit of shame, you would think about your grandfather's honour.]

"I am sorry." The words of apology are fluent on her tongue. "I --"

"Little girl!" Sin Jeong-Hyuk yells from the kitchen, "Are you done bathing? Come and make me some breakfast."


[Chang Seol, are you living with a man?]

Damn! "Father, it's not--"

[It's no wonder that you have been refusing the marriage. How could you do this to us?]

This conversation is going in the worst direction, "Father, you are thinking --"

[I cannot believe that you are my blood. Tell me where you are. I will break your legs and drag you back. I will also kill that man.]

"Oii, Little girl." Sin Jeong-Hyuk bellows from the living room, "Do want me to come up and carry you in my arms again?"

Why is this man speaking this way? "Father, it's not like that--"

Sin Jeong-Hyuk shouts, "You are starving me to death."


"NO!" Chang Seol yells. No, wait! She's cohabitating with men before marriage. "No, Father, I am actually --"

[You are already married.] Her father sounds relieved. [You still have some shame.]

"That's not--"

[I have to call Mr No right away and tell him about this situation. I am sure that he will understand. You are already married. Nothing can be done now.]

Chang Seol blinks her eyes. It seems her father is going to refuse the marriage. If it is like this, then she should let her father believe what he wants to believe. It's not like he's coming here to clarify. As long as the marriage is cancelled, it's fine.

[What's his name?]

"Whose name?" Chang Seol asks, confused.

"You are here." Sin Jeong-Hyuk gives her an understanding look. "Oh, you are on a phone call."

[Give him the phone.]

She gapes at Sin Jeong-Hyuk. She tells her father with a quivering voice, "Father, he can't talk right now."

"Who, me?" Sin Jeong-Hyuk points at himself in confusion. "I can talk."


"No, Father, he can't talk to you." Chang Seol stands up. Sin Jeong-Hyuk cocks his head and raises his brow. She turns her back to him. "Father, he is gone."

[You are lying. I heard him say that he could talk.]

"He did say that he can talk, but he can't talk..." Chang Seol feels lightheaded. Lying is not one of her best points. She's sure that the stairs are moving on its own.

This little girl has no strength at all. Sin Jeong-Hyuk takes away the phone from her and grasps her arm to support her body. "Mr Chang, I am Sin Jeong-Hyuk. You wanted to talk to me."

Chang Seol watches him with a pale and sweaty face. She reaches for the phone. He climbs up the stairs and presses her against the wall. This little girl has been acting suspiciously. He also wants to know why does her father want to talk to him.

[How old are you? What do you do for a living? How much do you earn in a month? Do you have your own home? Who are in your family? ]

He wrinkles his brows. Why is he being interviewed this way? The little girl is shaking her head with a begging look in her eyes. He doesn't know what's going on. "Mr Chang, I am twenty-five-year-old. I am taking a break from my career at the moment. I have enough money to live feed myself. I do have a roof above my head. About my family... We aren't close enough to discuss that."

[You...!!! The youngsters don't exercise patience at all. Chang Seol should have told us about you instead of running away from home. She has been sheltered all of her life. She doesn't understand the world at all. She is not quick-witted either. You have to take care of her. Don't leave her alone for long. The child always gets into trouble whenever she's left alone.]

"I see." So, she ran away from home. Her parents are worried about her. Jeong-Hyuk sighs. The kids are daring these days. "Don't worry, Mr Chang. I will keep an eye on her."

[When will you visit us with Chang Seol?]

Visit them with Chang Seol? Why can't her father come and take her daughter back? When he looks at Chang Seol, he finds her with a half-dead expression. She must be afraid of going back home. "The semester has just started. She doesn't have any break. I will bring her on the weekends."


"You don't know?" He is surprised. Did this hamster not tell her father about enrolling in D University? "She is attending university. She's an architecture student."

[Architecture? That's not bad. I thought that she would…] There's a pause. [Don't forget to bring her soon.]

"I will."

The call ends. He gives her the phone back. He scowls at Chang Seol. "So, you are a runaway."

So, he is her husband (Somehow), but this is not the twist!

Norah_Kochcreators' thoughts
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