
Miss Chicken & Her Mister

Author: Norah_Koch
Fantasy Romance
Completed · 369.5K Views
  • 222 Chs
  • 4.7
    29 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Miss Chicken & Her Mister

Read ‘Miss Chicken & Her Mister’ Online for Free, written by the author Norah_Koch, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering COMEDY Fiction, MYSTERY Light Novel, HISTORICAL Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Chang Seol runs away from home and ends up in a sharehouse. Though she has one or two secrets, she only wants to live a ...


Chang Seol runs away from home and ends up in a sharehouse. Though she has one or two secrets, she only wants to live a low-key life. Falling in love isn't in her plans but it happens anyway. So, she likes kissing a certain someone and touching him here and there. When she tells him that she likes him, she gets chicken-zoned? God-daughter zoned? Pillow-zoned? Voice-zoned? There is no lack of zones but he never puts her in the love-zone. But then... how did she become a chicken for real? So, she's a shapeshifter? But who is Mister? Why is he turning more mysterious day by day? When she doesn't win his love after trying so hard, Chang Seol returns to her true world. It's a world of magic, lies, and war. She must shed her old self and lead her people. However, why is a certain Mister chasing her now? *** Mister: Keep distance. We are friends. Miss Chicken hugs him tightly. Mister: You are my goddaughter. Miss Chicken pecks him on his lips. Mister: I don't have any feelings for you. Miss Chicken listens to his heartbeat and smiles. How long can Mister hide his feelings from her? ***** Are you into fluffy shapeshifters, petty drama, dark conspiracies, mysterious worlds, thrilling adventure, comedic romance, and a shameless female lead who likes to steal kisses? This novel might be for you (^_^) **** Instagram: Koch_Norah Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/norah_koch ***Cover is Mine ****Full list of my novels******* Novels with Interconnected Worlds: 1. The Love That Remains (Completed) 2. His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How to capture a celebrity husband? (Completed) 3. His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God? (Completed) 4. Supernatural Investigation 101: Chronicles of Nakashima Wakana  5. When A Ghoul Falls In Love 6. Hunting for a Husband in a Vampire Apocalypse Standalone Novels:  Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife? Miss Chicken & Her Mister The Villainous Emperor is My Pet? (Available on Goodnovel.Com) Bad x Bad: My Dear Hana (Available on Goodnovel.Com)

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Antara Nyaman & Cinta

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1
Volume 2


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Funniest story that I’ve read so far. There were so many chapters where I found myself laughing so hard that I cried 😜 The story is very unpredictable yet fascinating at the same time. Love this author’s writing style and I highly recommend reading this story. Can’t wait to read more 😍


Amazing story 💖 Amazing characters 😻 Wrinting style is the best 😻 this story is funny and interesting, can't stop reading 💖 Norah is a great writer, love hers books.


This chicken is hilarious! I like how tough she is though she's just an innocent little chic at times ❤ She's got a way of thinking that is macking me crack up in every single chapter. In my eyes, it's the best comedic book in all if webnovel! It's not all about comedy though, there are also really sweet romance chapters. So, just read it! Read it now! 😍


"Damn her! He has underestimated this chicken. She's not a pure kid." — Mister. I don't know why, but this made me crack for a moment. This one is a different kind of book and the Korean names it's using are like a breath of fresh air (literally the first Original I have read that's using Korean names for the Characters).


Its Norah's book. Do I need to say more? Obviously its amazing! Ms. Chicken really knows how to entertain me. Her mister is gonna have a tough time! The pacing, writing, development. Everything is perfect. A must read!


Reveal spoiler


Forgot about 10+ chapters, not even a single chapter has been released. It's already 4th January in my country author. You haven't kept your promise and it's been a while. You even deleted your books without telling your readers which is very unprofessional. I'm very disappointed in you. I'm dropping all of your books.


Reveal spoiler


This story had caught my eye before, after all, it's 'Miss Chicken' and that sounds unique! Now after finally giving it a try, I wish I read it sooner! A lighthearted romance of a young woman falling in love~? Is she a chicken? Go ahead and read it to find out! I love Mister! It's easy to fall in love~ Don't wait any longer and read the story!


Reveal spoiler


I had a different opinion about this book in the beginning but it slowly changed with the character development. I like how mister was concerned about her even though he had no reason in the starting. Chicken is very stubborn and annoying at times but thats her character and I've got no complaints. She's matured so much and also her relationship as well and in future I hope it only gets better. The concept for this book is very interesting. Its my first time reading this genre.🧡


A beautiful, insightful, comedic story indeed. Amazing characters, amazing background, and very interesting to read! Can't wait for more- Norah!!


Reveal spoiler


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The Female lead is really funny... she is really one though chicken that do things that she wanted...


So far, the story got me intrigued. It's well detailed and you can trust it to keep you in suspense. The spacing is okay. The characters are realistic and you can literally relate with each passing feeling expressed and the grammar is excellent because it's easy for every reader to understand. Kudos to my favorite author.


I just started reading this story but I have caught hooked. The story is refreshing and interesting. Anyone who starts reading it will get addicted to it like I did so I will say you read it. I am sure you won't regret reading it.👍👍👍


Beep Boop! I'm here for the author, go on, give it a try! Norah fighting! Don't read anymore, my review is not going to be helpful for you. Go read other reviews or read the book already!


The fl is so cute and charming. And I love the development of the story.. You wouldn't get bored. This is a very nice story by the way😘😍😘


It's amaazing... Norah's this book is too funny with no forced relationships... Atleast for now... Loving it...😍😍 Really recommend it for reading...😂


This is such a cute story. Its definitely got a lot of things that didn't expect to happen but thats good that its unpredictable. It's very well planned out and interested. Thanks for writing this story and good luck with the rest of it to come❤


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