
Misogynistic Hololiver (A Hololive Fanfic)

"...This is my life now..." Ishijin Shiro. An ex-soldier. Single, broken-hearted twice, and finally got his heart shattered into pieces after his mom decided to break it by "betraying" him, and now he sits there, really doubting the opposite gender. "...Why did you have to do that, mom?!" However...though he's out of the military now, that closed door led to another open door. Streaming. Holostars' 13th member, a.k.a the Solo Debutant, will give blood, sweat, and tears to rise up to mainstream. But can he do it though? Knowing he's gonna be working alongside Hololive? An idol group consisting of girls? All he knows is that he's determined to be considered one of the greatest Vtubers in the scene. He wishes to be considered a GOAT. Btw, the drawing is not mine. It belongs to a guy named Laovaan that did a drawing tutorial. I also don't own Cover or Hololive. The only thing I own here is my OC, Ishijin Shiro.

MinecUwUberif · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Ch 25 - My Name is Ishijin Shiro! Pt. 1

As usual, I would wake up 10-20 minutes before my assigned time, so I canceled my alarm of 5:20, resulting in me being up early and waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning.


'Vtubing world, here I come!!' I thought as I grinned.

I did my usual routine. Heat up water, make coffee, eat bread, and watch some Hololive clips as I eat breakfast. After that, I went down to the singing room, did my warmups, and I sang Robbery.

I felt like I could crush a wall, honestly. That's how excited and energetic I'm feeling today. Though, I guess anybody would. I mean, I do feel a bit nervous. Palms are slightly sweaty, knees are strong though, and the arms are light. No vomit.

And no, I wasn't reverse-quoting Eminem.

In all honesty, I do feel nervous, but this nervousness will go away when I finally stream. It's just my thing where all my nervousness and stage fright goes away as soon as I perform. Ever since I was a child...don't know if it's how I work, or my ego is what's helping me.

It took me about one hour and a couple minutes more to finish practice before I felt content, and I went back up to the lounge.

"Phew...man, my voice feels like butter right now. I can't wait to sing for my stream." I said as I was about to sit on the couches, but then I saw a white-haired gremlin with the same eye base color as me going down the stairs.

"Oh, morning Shiro." She rubbed her eyes.

"Morning, Artia. How's Rosalyn and Doris?"

"They're fine...wait, what did you say?"

"How's...Rosalyn and Doris?"

"Oh...yeah, they're fine...why those two though?"

"Did you forget? Today is their anniversary. Though they're not in Hololive anymore, today is their debut date."

"How did you know that...?"

"Gotta know that, behind the screen, I'm a huge Hololive simp." I said with a sparkling aura around me as my eyes stayed normal.

"Oh...you didn't look like that type, no offense." She sweat dropped.

"Though...that's amazing. We're hated, you know? I'm even surprised you're not angry as you talk to me."

"Well...I don't even sense any hatred from you."

"And if I did? For all you know...I still support the Chinese."

"Yagoo would've kicked you out then."

She widened her eyes a bit before looking at me, which made me chuckle.

"Well, then again, I don't know everything. I'm just a spectator of one side. Besides, I don't really care about drama that much. What I do care about is..."

I giggled.

"My debut! I'm finally gonna stream and make music for everybody once I stream."

Artia looked at me for a sec before giggling a bit.

"Well, good luck, Shiro. Make sure to not get in trouble...I mean, a few of us showed a really good example of that..."

"Don't worry..."

I grabbed my phone and went through Twitter.

"I just have to be the male version of Haachama and let Youtube fear my presence."


"That's what I live for, sunshine."


"All the more exciting."


Artia sighed and said, "Whatever...just don't do anything reckless, okay? Things can really fuck you up, Shiro."

"I get ya...but don't worry. I'll be strong." I chuckled.

I responded to some tweets, got greeted by some Hololive members in the lounge, and a lot of them were jumping here and there, getting excited to see my debut.

"Yo! Good luck, and don't screw up your debut!" Roberu slapped my back.

"I won't, you idiot." I giggled.

"On a scale of 1-10, rate how YA BE your stream will be." Astel said.

"Yes." I said, and us boys laughed.

"Oi! Ask permission first from Shinove-san! You're gonna get in trouble if you don't get a second opinion!" Astel punched my arm.

"Ey! It won't happen, don't worry!"

'I'm taking a risk, to be honest...but who gives a shit? I sure don't.' I thought and grinned devilishly inside.

I expected this day to be my usual days where I would help a girl or something...but it seemed everything was normal. Aside from going outside in the afternoon to ask if I could "add something" to my debut and being greeted by a couple girls.

Like seriously, I saw at least TWENTY of those motherfuckers screaming "GANBARE, SHIRO-KUUUN!~~" outside with a literal banner that wrote "Holostars V-R.A.P.P.". I'm happy, but I'm also embarrassed. Though, you are bound to have a couple stans when you become an idol, so I guess this is normal...

"Phew...damn, my heart's beating hella fast..."

It won't matter though, since my stage fright goes away when I perform but...

"Hah...in just the next 5 minutes, I'm about to stream...the waiting chat room is getting hella fast now too."

I suspected at least 50 of them in the waiting list, but holy shit. 500? The Holostars ain't never gotten this big of an audience before! I almost kinda feel bad that they don't get that much attention, but hey, I'm a new member, so I guess it's because this is my big day. Maybe the viewers will start decreasing after I do the next stream.

For my own pinned comment, I put, "Everybody, please lower the volume of your device when the intro BGM stops, since you might get earrape...don't ask why there will be earrape though >->"

The comments instantly sped up, but nonetheless, it was just about telling the others that I am preparing for the stream. Cut to the start of the stream when I started playing my intro BGM...


"Oh damn, that bass is nice!"

"Dat 808 slaps, ngl."

"Idk if he made the BGM, but damn, that's a HARD BGM."

"The Ex-general walking down the battlefield with his men...that's the imagery I'm getting from this music"

You get the point. Some people liked it, some people were surprised as hell to hear the kick come in, and some people were just geeking over the trap-related sounds like the 808s, and even the instruments. Nonetheless...I actually had 1k-2k viewers right now.

The BGM finally cut, and the comments were pointing it out. I waited about 20 seconds to let everybody prepare for the very intro of my stream. In that time, I got a pot and a spoon.

You'll find out later on as to what its purpose is.



"Ey, my multilingual man's gonna start now!"

"Let's go, peopleeeee!!!"




"Ah...finally out of the military...well, at least the years I served will never be forgotten...but now what do I do? I could become a musician...but I can't think of any idea right now as to how I'll start..." I said in English as the screen was still dark.

"...Hmm? 'The Nakiri...Ayame...Experience'...?" I said as the screen showed a few clips from Ayame's past streams.

"Woah...she's so...she's so cute...! Goddamn, she's really cute...!"

"...Oh? What's this? A friend of hers? Aqua?"

The screen then proceeded to scroll down to the comments with blurred profile pics.

"H-Hololive...?" I said as the screen went back to black.

Everybody started typing their thoughts in the comments.


"Damn, if he's a real Japanese person, that's a rather good English accent. It's as if he's an American LMAO"

"Damn, his pronunciation is very on-point. His Ls and Rs are CLEAR"




A siren sound started blaring as a siren GIF looped in front of the screen, and I tried to shrink it and put it at the top left corner.

I then got my character and moved it as if I was walking. When I finally got to the middle of the screen, this is when I would proceed to act like a drill sergeant...

"WAKE UPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted in English as I got the pot and spoon, and clanged it together.

"WAKE UP, YOU MAGGOTS!" I shouted one last time as I put the pot and spoon to the side.

"Phew...alright, trainees! It seems all of you are awake! ATTENTION!" I shouted in Japanese as I slammed my desk to recreate a stomping sound.

"...I said 'Attention', you do not salute a high ranking officer indoors unless you're reporting, trainees. Matter of fact, you're still not a private yet." I said in Japanese and chuckled.

"But anyways! Enough messing around. It's time to go to the training grounds! Get your asses out of the bunkers and move!" I said as I got my character out of the screen, and transitioned the screen to my assigned background.

My background was a wall with all different types of guns laid out on the wall with a light shining over it. There's also a world map near the guns, and then a written slogan on top of the guns and map.

It's spelled out as "Respect, Discipline, and Loyalty"

"Alright...nevermind, this isn't the training grounds. This is my office. I got my information mixed up, chat." I said as I went to the side and tried to suppress my laughter, which resulted to a little snicker being heard on the mic.

"Anyway, continuing on, because all of you have trained so hard for 1 year in order to become a full-fledged soldier!-" I said as I leaned to my left.

"-Just go with the flow of the story, chat.-" I whispered before going back to a straight sitting position.

"-The last step is getting to know more of your ex-general, Ishijin Shiro!" I clapped.

"How cool is that? I mean, you get to discover more about the ex-general like his likes, his dislikes, his taste in music, his favorite senpai, what got him into Hololive, and many more that shall be revealed in a bit! So...!"

I showed a slide of my introduction, showing my name, age, height, birthdate, occupation, and languages.

"Alright...Oh?" I said as I looked at my own insertion to the slide that I did WITHOUT Shinove's permission.

Yes, I'm begging to be canceled right now as the chat went wild and started inputting "LOL", "LMAO", "WHAT THE FU-", and "kusa". Why?

The crossed out thing was: "Sex: 3 times a day"

"...Alright, who among you put this stupid thing on the very bottom of my slide? Are you serious? I'm not joking around, trainees. I'll punish you by slapping your butt." I said while keeping my laugh in check.

"Anyway...to start off my introduction, my name is Ishijin Shiro. It is spelled out with the 'stone' kanji, and 'person' kanji, which makes 'Ishijin' mean along the lines of 'a person that's as solid as stone'. And then 'Shiro' just means white, 'cause my hair is white. Obvious, right?" I chuckled.

"I'm 20 years old, which, if you checked my description in the PV, is because I enlisted in the military at a young age, and I was a rather good soldier, 'cause usually, this would take a lot more years. I probably should've been a General at the age of 30, but hey, I ain't complaining." I chuckled.

"I'm 177 cm tall, I'm born on December 22, and I'm retired. The reason why I'm here though is because I was called back to the base to teach you guys. Usually, it's the drill sergeant, but for some reason, the drill sergeant called in sick and has to let me teach you guys instead. And uh..." I said as I looked at the "sex" part of the slide.

"...My sex is male. I don't know what the hell is the implication of this." I held in my laughter once more before preparing to get the slide out.


I said as I looked at it, which was, "Languages: Japanese, English, Filipino, Cebuano, Russian, Indonesian, Korean, Chinese, and a bit of German"

"...Alright, so I'm gonna do a short introduction in the first 5 languages, then just greet myself in the other languages, 'cause this'll take too long before we get to the second slide." I giggled.

"Ah...should've thought this through...but anyway. Ehem. Yes, I can speak Japanese. It's obvious that a Japanese person can speak Japanese, otherwise he or she cannot communicate normally in society." I giggled once more.

"Um...next, English!" I said in English.

"Good evening to you all, in Japan time. My name is Ishijin Shiro! So, the second language I can speak is English. The reason why I can speak it is...it's because, back when I was a child, my mom used to play a lot of music from different countries. Whether it be Russian, Filipino, Japanese, English, and whatnot, she'd play a LOT! And I once heard a song of Eminem that I will never forget...it was 'Without Me'."

"And so! Because I thought 'Wow! I never knew English can be used to make such nice sounds!', and I was mesmerized and amazed from how English rhymes worked. I thought...'Damn, I should learn English so that I can understand how this works.' And so...basically, rap and hiphop influenced me to become better in English." I laughed.

"Yeah...and it also went to the point where it became my dominant language now. I may be a Japanese person, and I only came from a Japanese mom, but because I was sooo addicted to English, that my language switched from thinking in Japanese to thinking in English. I still think in Japanese, but only in circumstances where I need to speak or write in that language. Other than that...even now, I'm thinking in English." I chuckled.


"My name is Ishijin Shiro! So, next is Tagalog. Puta (fuck), I really need to speed this up 'cause I have a lot of slides to go through, and then I have to sing and rap at the end. No worries though, 'cause...I think I'll take my time JUST a bit." I giggled.

"Uh...so, the reason why I learned this is because I used to be interested in Filipino culture. I once went there on a vacation with my mom, and...like, despite it being a poor country, I thought the sights were amazing! The beach was amazing, really nice people, really nice food, and most of all...just interesting to me." I giggled.

"Yeah. I know that some of you Filipinos might disagree with me, but...I mean, let's be honest, Philippines has its own beauty, like the beaches, the artists, and THE LECHON! (roasted food). MMMM...I love lechon manok (roasted chicken)."

"Uh...next is Bisaya! So...I'm Ishijin Shiro, and the reason why I know bisaya is...well, for those of you who are either raised outside of the Philippines or were raised around Luzon or maybe were never exposed to the Visayan people, you might notice that there are familiar words being spoken, but it's a different language...that's because they're speaking Cebuano, or Bisaya, in other terms. That's also why I learned it, because most of the time, you're actually either gonna encounter people who speak Tagalog or Bisaya, and you won't understand most things if you don't learn the three commonly used languages in the Philippines. In the Philippines, you speak Tagalog, English, then lastly, Bisaya. So...yeah." I chuckled.

"And lastly...Russian! My name is Ishijin Shiro, comrades! So...the reason why I learned Russian is sort of the same thing for the languages I mentioned. I learned it because I was interested in the culture and because I had to go on vacation with my mom on those places, but the other reason actually, and this also applied to Tagalog and Bisaya, is because I had to learn it for the sake of my operations."

"Yeah...there are times I had to do operations outside of Japan, and one of those countries is Russia, so in order to understand them and to be able to do operations in Russia, I needed to actually learn Russian...I'm gonna be honest, learning Russian was hell." I laughed.

"Yeah...Russian grammar is just SO different that sometimes, even now actually, I might be messing up my grammar in Russian, but Russian grammar is very very...hard. I mean, Tagalog grammar was very hard to learn too, but Russian grammar was hard on its own too..."

I cleared my throat before proceeding to go back to speaking Japanese.

"And so...that concludes my more fluent languages. Now...time to introduce myself in the other languages that I'm not as fluent in."

For Indonesian all the way to German, I just translated the sentence, "Hello! My name is Ishijin Shiro! And I'm from Japan! Nice to meet you!"

Once that was done, I did a really big "PHEW!" after that.

"So...before I go on to the next slide, I gotta mention that...I only learned the languages because it serves some sort of purpose to me. So if I wasn't interested in the culture, I didn't do operations in that country, or I never went there for vacation then...I would never have learned any of these languages." I laughed.

"And remember, German is my least fluent language. I only know how to greet myself, along with a couple common words in German. So I'm not actually able to speak in that language. I should mention though that I learned this because I thought I was gonna go to Germany with my mom when she mentioned Germany in a phone call with her friend one time."

"So I started learning German vocabulary, how to introduce yourself, and how the basic grammar worked in German, only to then ask her 'Mom, are we going to Germany soon? You mentioned that in a phone call.', and then she replied, 'No. I was actually calling a friend of mine that's in Germany'." I laughed a lot from it and even slammed my desk a bit.

"I have NEVER felt so betrayed in my life. I actually felt a bit heartbroken at that time...but hey? I mean, learning German was fun though."

There was another moment I felt so betrayed by my mom...but let's not mention that.

"So uh...now that we got that part done, let's go to the next slide!-" I said as I showed the next slide, and, like the 1st slide, I put some really YABAI crossed out stuff there.

It showed, "Likes: Hololive, Nice People, Nakiri Ayame, Rapping, Counter-Strike"

The crossed-out likes: Sex, porn, penis, boobies, NTR

"...Again? One of you pulled another prank on me?" I asked.

The comments started going like:


"Canceled RTA speedrun any%"

"Welp, Yagoo. You tried your best."

"Is this gonna get him in trouble, or...?"

"...Ugh, I swear to god, I'll punch one of you-anyway, let's continue on." I, once again, held in my laughter.

"So...first off, Hololive! Do I even need to explain this?" I chuckled.

"Why would you NOT love hololive? I mean, you get a lot of entertainment from everybody, you get to hear a lot of songs from them, and it's a good starting point for people getting into the Vtubing community. I mean, there's Nijisanji, and then there's also popular Vtubers like Kizuna Ai, but Hololive can be one of the first things people get exposed to at the start."

"Next, nice people. Self-explanatory, everybody! Who would love a person that's just so mean to you? I mean, just because I ate your ice cream doesn't mean you should get mad at me, right?" I said with a wink.

"That ice cream was mine, bitch." I said in English.

"Um...next is Nakiri Ayame! Yes! Now, as much as I'd love to talk about her...I can only say a few things." I giggled a lot.

"I really really really really love Ayame! If you were early enough to see the start of the stream, you must've seen the little clip I made at the start about 'The Nakiri Ayame Experience'. She's the first Hololiver I've seen, and she is my oshi." I smiled like hell behind the camera, but for the viewers, it might not have been obvious because my character wore a black mask like my real-life self.

"I'm gonna be honest, there is some truth behind the clip I made. If it wasn't for that recommended video, I actually would not be here streaming, let alone continue making music. I was in a really down state, everybody. So I gotta give HUUUUGE thanks to Ayame for reviving my soul and giving me happiness once more." I said.

"Oh yeah, don't mind the dislikes yet. I know what I'm saying is contradictory, but we'll get into the details later on after I tell all the likes. Next...rapping!"

"Yeah...I'm sure you guys can see it at the bottom of the slide, my favorite rappers. I'm a huge hiphop fan, whether it be old hiphop or new hiphop. I just love rhymes, punchlines, wordplay, SONGWRITING in general. I love it." I chuckled.

"You also must've seen it from clips in Hololive where I freestyled for them. I saw Kiara and especially Calli talk about my freestyling ability. Yes, it's true. I can freestyle rap, guys. But just wait until the end of the stream, okay? Be patient. It'll be worth the wait." I winked.

"So...you guys know I like nice people, I love Hololive AND Ayame, I'm a big hiphop head, and now...Counter-Strike...'cause why not?"

"Why would you NOT love a game most of us grew up with? Remember that time you could shoot through walls? Remember when most shooters had 100% accurate aim and you could aim anywhere in the body but in Counter-Strike, you had to stay still in order to do a headshot, which mattered a lot in the game? Yeah, I'm actually also quite good at playing the game. Just saying it though." I chuckled.

"Next, dislikes...hoowee, we got something to talk about here."

Dislikes: Stan Behavior, Toons (YuGiOh), Writer's Block, Women

Not much to say squarey bois, 'cause I had to separate a 9k chapter to two parts when I did this in Google Docs, so carry on reading the next chapter!

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