
Misogynistic Hololiver (A Hololive Fanfic)

"...This is my life now..." Ishijin Shiro. An ex-soldier. Single, broken-hearted twice, and finally got his heart shattered into pieces after his mom decided to break it by "betraying" him, and now he sits there, really doubting the opposite gender. "...Why did you have to do that, mom?!" However...though he's out of the military now, that closed door led to another open door. Streaming. Holostars' 13th member, a.k.a the Solo Debutant, will give blood, sweat, and tears to rise up to mainstream. But can he do it though? Knowing he's gonna be working alongside Hololive? An idol group consisting of girls? All he knows is that he's determined to be considered one of the greatest Vtubers in the scene. He wishes to be considered a GOAT. Btw, the drawing is not mine. It belongs to a guy named Laovaan that did a drawing tutorial. I also don't own Cover or Hololive. The only thing I own here is my OC, Ishijin Shiro.

MinecUwUberif · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Ch 10 - Happy Birthday, My Dear Wife!

I got up, put on some jogging pants, got my running waist pack filled with a small bottle of water, a small towel, a shirt, and I put on my socks and shoes.

"Okay...Let's not disturb the others as much as possible." I said to myself as I went out of my room, making my door make a slight creak, and I peeked my head out of the room.

"...Oh?" I said as I saw a few Hololivers in the lounge.

I went out, and closed the door. Afterwards, I looked at them in the lounge as I walked slowly, and they all looked at me.

"Oh, morning Shiro-kuuuun...!~~" Botan said as she held her mouth from yawning.

"E-E-Eh...? Oh, Shiro-kun, ohayou…" Lamy rubbed her eyes.

"Oh..? What are you doing so early this morning, Shiro-kun...?" Polka asked.

"Well, two reasons. One: I'm gonna exercise. Two: Because I'm gonna be a streamer soon, I gotta keep my routine consistent, so I'm just getting ideas here and there and thought that I'd like to see how this fits my routine." I said as I stretched my arms in advance.

"Oh, you're gonna exercise? That's new...!" Polka said.


"Oh yeah, did you know it's Nene's birthday today?" Aloe asked.

"Yup. Tomorrow is Miyabi's birthday, then a couple days after are the birthdays for the others like Miko." I said as I slowly turned my neck in a circle to warm it up.

"Are you gonna go now...? We're still gonna be here waiting for Nene to finally come here." Botan said.

"Yup. Just gotta do some warm-ups and stretching. Matter of fact, I think I need to do it outside just cause it's more appropriate to do it outside than to do it here. See ya girls-Wait...you're gonna wait here until around 7, right?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Probably. Why do you ask?" Botan asked.

"Well...are you really sure that Nene is gonna wake up at 7?"

"Well, funnily enough, she told us she alarmed her phone at 7." Botan laughed.

"Huh...really? Well then, I'll probably be back before 7 comes. Please wait for me here then."

"...Eh?" They all said.

"Just. Don't ask, please." I blushed slightly and groaned.

I finally went out of the building as the door opened when I got close to it, and then closed after I got outside.

"Alright..." I said as I stretched my legs, knees, feet, and then my hips. I also had to stretch my back by lying prone on the ground and stretching my upper back towards the sky.

Once my whole body was warmed up, I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, and when I breathed out, I lightly hopped left and right.

"Alright...time to go!" I said to myself as I started jogging towards the gate of the school.

'I know a park near the exit of the bridge, so when I finally get out, I'm gonna jog there, and I'm gonna jog for a good 7 loops. That park was also quite big, so I'll definitely be able to jog the same distance that I used to jog before.' I thought.

~March 02, 2021 6:59 AM~

~~Nene's POV~~

"Suya suya....suya suya...." I kept sleeping, snoring lightly, and I turned to my left.

"You guysh...shank you for sha preshentsh…" I mumbled.




"...DUN DUN DUN DUN. DUN. DUN DUN DUNDUDUN.~" I heard my alarm ring my 3rd BGM and I opened my eyes instantly.

"A-A-A-A-Huh..?" I turned around to check my phone.

I groaned a bit and flung my left arm to where I heard my phone from in such a flabby manner.

"Err...err…" I swiped right from the screen, and sighed.

"...Well, I guess it can't be helped...!" I giggled a bit and stretched my arms as much as I could.

"Hrrngh...! GARGH!...hah...welp, time to drink some water and get dressed up for my birthday and stuff." I said as I got my blanket out of the way and sat at the edge of my bed.

I got myself some water in my kitchen, then I took a shower, dressed up, and then went out of my room.

"Hmm hm hm-"

"Nene, you're finally awake!" I heard to my left.

"...Oh?" I said.

I saw a pink and yellow-haired succubus, and she waved at me.

"Happy birthday, Nenechi!" Aloe said.

"Ah, you guys waited for me? I'm so happy!" I said and smiled widely.

"Well, I'm just a part of what's coming up next. You'll be surprised as to what's down at the lounge!"

"Eh? Really? I bet it's just cake and you 5, and maybe a couple other Hololivers.~" I put on a smug face.

"Hehe. Well, you are correct about those 3 things, but wait until you see what's coming next...!" Aloe said as we called for the elevator.

~~Shiro's POV~~

"...Oh? It seems Aloe called for the elevator. Nene's up now." I said as I stood up, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Ready to greet her energetically, Shiro-kun?" Lamy asked.

"I don't know about 'energetically', honestly, but hey, I'm ready to greet her." I said as I looked at Lamy while putting my hands in my hoodie's pocket.

I'm currently wearing pants and an undershirt in preparation for mine and Subaru's "date", and a hoodie just so that I could eat breakfast with her.

We got close to the elevator, and then the crucial part came...greeting her as soon as the door opened.

"Say, you never told us why you wanted to greet her, Shiro-kun. Thought of trying to be more open?" Polka asked.

"Who knows? Maybe I'm just in a good mood today? Or maybe because Nene is my oshi? You'll finally know when she comes." I said.

"Hmm...sou ka." They said, looking back at the elevator. No further questions, which was a success.

We waited...and waited...and finally, the doors opened.

"So what's the surpri-" Nene was cut off when we finally greeted her.

"Happy birthday to you.~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday, dear Nene.~ Happy birthday to you!~" The other gen 5 members greeted her, and so did I.

I, however, kinda like other people would on some birthdays, would do it less energetically. I did clap along, and I did sing, but because of how I'm still relatively new, and still kinda having to get used to them, and also by the fact that I'm doing this for a fellow Hololive member that I simp for before I became her workmate, it'd make sense for me to be sorta shy in it.

"Yay! Thank you so much, guys!" Nene said, hugging Lamy and Botan.

"Group hug!" They said and giggled.

"...Oh? Morning Shiro-kun!" Nene said.

"Un." I said plainly.

"Say...why are you here? Did you just come here to only greet me?" Nene asked.

"Well...can you guys wait there for a bit?" I pointed at the couches in the living room.

"Oh...okay…" Nene said with her eyes widening a bit before going back to normal.

I then went inside my room, since it was just a few doors away. I closed the door, and then I looked for the gift under my bed.

I inhaled and exhaled through my lips loosely as I got the gift.

"Alright...just gonna give the gift...do some stuff here and there that might happen....and I guess I'll wait for Subaru in the living room...or lounge, as the 5th gen called it." I said as I got my gift for Nene out.

I opened the door, and checked the living room. I saw Nene and the others conversing and giggling a bit at one of the tables, seeing that her cake was set up, a couple other foods were set up, and even some gifts beside them. In a few seconds, they finally noticed my head peeking out from my door.

"Oh, Shiro-kun, what is it? Is it a gift for me? It better be a nice gift!" Nene said with a wide smile.

I chuckled.

"Well…" I said, holding the present near my chest, turned around, and closed the door.

"Hmm? What is it-CHOTTO MAT-EH?!" Nene said with a very wide smile and very wide eyes.

"...Eh?!" The other gen 5 members also stood up and saw what I had in my hands.

I jogged a bit to her, and then slowed down as I walked towards her when I got close.

"EH?! WAIT-IS THAT REALLY FOR ME, SHIRO-KUN?!" Nene asked as she put her hands on her face. She looked like she was about to jump around so much.

"Mhmm. Look, it's written on the card." I said as I handed the gift to her.

"Hmm...? EH?! LOOK, GUYS! IT'S LITERALLY WRITTEN ON THE CARD!" She laughed a lot and pointed with her index finger as she showed it to her genmates.

The card read: "From: Shirooo. To: Nene-chi

"Hmm? Eh, seriously, Shiro-kun?!" Polka said.

"Eh?! When did you get this? I didn't see you go out, actually." Lamy said.

"Still, thank you very much for getting her a present, Shiro-kun. Nene seems quite happy actually. I've never seen her this happy." Botan laughed.

"Ne, you're actually a kind guy, aren't you, Shiro-kun?~" Aloe teased and went close to me.

I blushed a bit and groaned.

"N-No. It's just that...-"

"Ne, Shiro-kun, why did you actually get me a present? I would've just been happy knowing you greeted me!" Nene said.

"Well...it's your birthday...I thought it'd be kinda cold of me to not give a present to a workmate of mine, and also, I guess you could say it's…" I looked away and scratched my head.

"...Cause you wanted to interact more with me...?!" Nene asked with a wide smile.

"N-Not really interact, but I guess...you know, a change of pace."

"Eh?~ Just say that you did it 'cause you wanted to be more open...!~ There's no harm in saying it!~" Nene said with a smug face.

I widened my eyes and blushed.

"N-N-No! If I was, I would've shown you what's behind my mask. Ain't no way in hell I'm gonna be open to you yet."

"But you said 'yet'.~"

I growled and held my nose bridge.

"I should nooot have given you that gift." I said.

"Well, nonetheless, I really do appreciate the gift, Shiro-kun! Guys, mind if I open this first?" She asked her genmates.

They nodded.

"It's your birthday. Do what you want!" Polka said.

"Okay...what do we have here...?" She ripped it open and saw what was inside.

"...Eh? A keychain-AND A SHIRT?!" Nene said as she got rid of the whole wrap and held the two objects.

"...GYOZA?!" Nene shouted and giggled.

"Eh? That's kinda funny...!" Botan laughed.

"..Ah, it's actually a bit bigger than my normal size!" Nene said as she grabbed the tag of it.

"Ah...chikusho (fuck). I'm sorry, Nene. I think I picked one size too big." I scratched my head.

"Nah nah, it's okay. I can just wear this as a home shirt! Besides, I know that you went through the trouble of getting me this, despite your…'misogynistic' claim." Nene giggled.

"Ne, how much was your budget?" Nene asked.

"Budget? I don't go with those. Though, it cost like...3,000 yen."

"...Eh?! That's a bit high, don't you think? I would've been fine if you just bought me a random shirt though!"

"Well, since you like gyoza, I thought that...you might like it if the shirt's printed design had that." I chuckled.

"Wait...is this what you bought yesterday?!" Nene asked.


"Eh?! You liar! You said it was pencils and whatever it was for writing!" Nene giggled.

"Sometimes, you just gotta lie in life." I chuckled and looked away.

"Well, since it's white, and there's a couple of foods here that could make it dirty, I'll just put this to the side. Again, thank you very much, Shiro-kun! I'll wear this at nighttime!" Nene said.

"Yeah." I nodded.

After I said that, I heard the elevator make a ding, and I looked to my left, seeing Subaru, Rushia, and Marine.

"Oh...? Ohayou, Shiro-kun…" Subaru rubbed her eyes.

"Ohayou...! Everybody!" Marine said as she waved at us.

"O-Ohayo-...!" Rushia yawned and covered her mouth.

"Yo." I said.

"Oh...? Ah, happy birthday, Nene-chi!" Subaru said in a sorta raspy morning voice. It didn't sound raspy as I thought it would, so she must've drank water or something. Nonetheless, I'm sure she took a few minutes before waking up.

"Ah, it's Nene-chi's birthday? Happy birthday!" Marine said.

"E-E-E-Eh? A-Ah, happy birthday too, Nene-chan!" Rushia said.

"Thank you, guys! Hey, look what Shiro-kun gave me as a present!" Nene said, showing her gyoza shirt and keychain like she was intentionally flexing it.

My wife is just casually flexing her husband's gifts. God-fucking-dammit, Nene!

"O-Oi! Why'd you-" I blushed and groaned while looking at Nene.

Subaru, Marine, and Rushia widened their eyes.

"Eh, Shiro-kun?!" Subaru said.

"Eh?! I was about to ask why Shiro-kun was here, but really?! He gave that to you?" Marine asked.

"Eh...? How kind of him…" Rushia said.

I looked away and put my hands in my pocket.

"O-Only cause it's Nene's birthday, okay...? Birthdays are very special occasions for every individual."

"Still, that's kind of you, Shiro-kun! I'm quite happy knowing that you decided to give her a present...!" Subaru said as she got close to me.

I chuckled and smiled.

"Yeah…" I said.

"Eh...? Shiro-kun, how much did that shirt cost?" Marine asked.

"Around 2,500."

Marine widened her eyes.

"What the-did you not have a budget in mind?! What happened to your money, omae?!" Marine asked.

"It's a present. I don't really give a shit." I said plainly while blinking twice.

"Jeez...you must have a lot of money then if you don't even care about the price." Marine scratched her head.

"Nah nah."

'For now, gotta keep my actual bank account a secret.' I sweat dropped.

"Still, 2,500 is quite a lot of money, Shiro. That may not be a lot in other fields, but for a shirt, you could've looked for an alternate version, you know?" Subaru said.

"I guess I was too lazy to find another one." I chuckled.

Translation: Like I said, I give no shits about the price.

I looked at Nene, putting the white shirt around her shoulder while humming happily, and I smiled underneath my mask.

'That's sooo Nene-like.' I thought to myself as I imagined the real-life Nene as the 2D Nene.

"Well, wanna have some coffee, Shiro-kun? Actually, I'm gonna have coffee and some bread for breakfast. You wanna have some too?" Subaru asked.

"Un. You have black coffee and some bread?" I asked her.


"Hey, Rushia, what would you like to have?" Marine asked.

"Um...I'll just have the usual. Cream coffee and some bread." Rushia said as she pulled a chair and sat on it.

"Subaru-senpai, please heat up the water." Marine said as she got some mugs from the counter.

"Un!" Subaru said.

"You guys share everything in the kitchen?" I asked Subaru.

"Un! That's why there's a big space here, because the Holohouse is made for all of us, you know?"

"Ah...well, in that case, I'll make myself at home." I said as I pulled a chair back.

More Hololivers got up, some HoloEN, some HoloID, and uh...as you can guess, being Nene's "husband" that gave her a gift that she loved to flex in front of everybody's faces, I started to give less fucks everytime she flexed it and I got questioned. In the end, a lot of us gathered here in the lounge.

Funnily enough, even Amelia's dog, Bubba, came running down the stairs. I actually never knew they kept pets here. That's nice, I guess. Another funny thing is that, because Bubba didn't know who I was, he went towards me. I turned towards him and intentionally manspread and let him sniff my balls.

I don't see what's weird letting a dog sniff your balls. Search it up on Google, fam. I mean, I had to quickly explain to Subaru and the others why I did that. Funny, but slightly troublesome.

Our coffee was already prepared, Marine and Rushia got theirs, the others also got theirs, others got milk or water, and me and Subaru sat in front of each other with our coffee. Hers was cream coffee with bread and peanut butter, and mine was just black coffee with no sugar and the same bread that me and Subaru ate.

"So...in a while, I'm gonna have to tour you around the school, huh...?" Subaru giggled.

"Un." I said as I used my left arm to raise the collar so that my mouth couldn't be seen when I sip my coffee, got my cup of coffee with my right arm underneath my hoodie, and I took a sip of my mug.

I suspected that I might have to eat breakfast with somebody, so when I arrived here after exercising in the park, doing all my exercises, then coming back here and went to take a shower, I wore a hoodie.

My left arm is still in the sleeve, but I got my right arm out of my sleeve so that whenever I needed to eat or drink, I raise my collar with my hood up, and I lower my mask with my right hand, then I do my thing and put the mask back on and lower my collar back to normal. Very weird, but that's what I have for now.

"You do look kinda weird in that, Shiro-kun." Subaru laughed.

I chuckled.

"Well, what other choice do I have? You told me that you wanted to talk to me, so here we are." I said.

"So...wanna talk about why you joined Hololive? C'mon, we talked about what we did yesterday, so now, I wanna know some other personal stuff! Get acquainted, you know?" She said.

"Well...the first Hololiver I watched was A-"

"Hey, Shiro! Can you come here for a bit?" I heard Calli near where Nene was.

"H-Hmm...?" I looked at Calli and got rid of my hood.

"Come on! Let's do something for Nene! She has a request!" She said in English.

"Ah, okay! Wait!" I said.

"Wait, Subaru. Gotta impress the birthday girl, apparently." I giggled a bit.

"Yup! Have fun there!" Subaru said.

I went towards Calli, and then looked at the Gen 5 and the HoloEN, along with a couple more Hololive members.

"What is it?" I asked in English.

"Nene-senpai apparently wants us to rap happy birthday to her!" Calli said.

"Un! Shiro-kun, can you do it?" Nene asked in Japanese.

"Well, what you expect from the V-rapper, Ishijin Shiro? The great, amazing, jaw-dropping rapper of the century...?" I said sarcastically.

They giggled a bit and I chuckled.

"Sure, I'll do one for the birthday girl." I said.

"Calli will go first!" Nene said.

"Calli-chan. Please...rap...happy birthday...!" Nene said.

"Ryoukai...!" Calli said and got some sort of notebook.

'Hmm...? Written, ey? It's not long either. I guess freestyling can work.' I thought.

"Ehem...." Calli said before she finally rapped.

"Happy birthday to you, Nene-senpai."

"Hope you'll have a great day. Put on a big smile."

"Devour the big cake. Shine with some essence."

"Hope you also like the food, and also our presents."

"This rap may be in eigo (English), but I hope you'll accept it."

"This was done in a rush, but nonetheless, I'll rap it."

"Let's overcome the challenges, and not go in the worst way."

"And once again, Nene-senpai. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Calli shouted in the end, and everybody screamed and Nene clapped.

"Thank you very much, Calli-chan...!" Nene said.

Nene then looked at me, which also cued the others to look at me.

"Your turn, Shiro-kun!" Nene said.

"Um...well, this'll be in English too, Nene, but I hope you'll also accept it like Calli's." I cleared my throat.

"...Wait, you're gonna wing it?" Calli asked.

"Yeah, didn't expect to write a rap. So I'll just wing it." I said.

I cleared my throat once more, and I got my right hand out.

"Happy birthday to you."

"Hope you'll have a great day too."

"I freestyled this rap for the girl who's-"

"Birthday is March 2."

"I hope you'll have a great day."

"Don't hold back eating that cake."

"Wish more happy things in your life."

"Be happy, my wife." (Everybody shrieked, and some laughed)

"Of course, we're not like that."

"We never did a one night stand."

"But nonetheless, I spit a wide verse."

"Hope you like that white shirt."

"Nene likes it? Sou da."

"It's a cute ass gyoza."

"Light this birthday like some butane…"

"Once again, happy birthday." (I clapped for each word I said)

Everybody then screamed and clapped.

"Wow, that was a good freestyle, actually." Calli said.

"Ah...well...let's just say it's practice." I chuckled.

I looked at Nene.

"How'd you like that?"

"I didn't understand a lot, but thank you...!" Nene said, and everybody laughed from her remarks.

"Yup. Once again, happy birthday, and I hope you'll enjoy the rest of your day, Nene." I said as I bowed and stood up.

"I'll be going back to Subaru, if you guys don't mind. See ya." I said as I jogged a bit towards Subaru.

"Bye, Shiro-kun! (Shiro!)" The ones near Nene said.

Subaru clapped a lot, and a couple others too near the dining tables, and I went back to my seat.

"Eh?! That was amazing, Shiro-kun!"

"Well, I'm sure I could've done better, honestly, but I had to do it on the spot, so I thought acapella was the better choice." I said, scratching my head.

"Still, you can freestyle? You didn't rehearse beforehand?" Subaru asked.

I nodded.

"Eh, that's amazing...! You really do rap at peak performance!" Subaru laughed.

I chuckled. "What can I say?"

"Hey, Shiro-kun. I finally made my coffee, so I can sit beside you!" Roberu said as he suddenly intervened and sat to my left.

"Oh? Ey, you're done." I giggled.

"Well, so you rapped for Nene-chan, huh?" Roberu blew on his coffee.

I nodded.

"Say, continuing on before we got interrupted, who inspired you to join Hololive, Shiro-kun?" Subaru asked.

"Hey, Subaru, mind if I sit beside you?" Ayame asked as she also suddenly intervened.

"Ah, sure! C'mon, sit beside me! Maybe you can get acquainted with Shiro-kun too!" Subaru said.

"A-Ah...yeah…" Ayame said, taking a sip of her milk.

"So...? Who was your first oshi?" Subaru asked and leaned closer to me.


My sight changed from Subaru to Ayame.

"The 1st Hololiver I watched and loved first was Ayame."

Ayame immediately spat out her milk like those in an anime, and me, Roberu, and Subaru immediately retracted.

"OI! THE MILK!" We shouted.

"Kah! Kuhagh! Kah!" Ayame pounded her chest with her right fist.

"Jesus, is it wrong for me to be honest about it-" I got cut off.

"THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM, YOU KNOW?!" Ayame shouted, blushing red as a tomato and got out of her chair.

"Ah, lemme go get a towel to-" I got cut off again.

"I'll do it myself!" Ayame said and pouted and I blinked twice while sweat dropping.

"O-Okay…" I said.

"Welp, good thing her milk didn't get inside my coffee. That would be bad." Roberu giggled nervously.

'If I'm honest though, Roberu, Ayame degenerates would love to taste that milk that Ayame just spat.' I deadpanned at him.

"Okay, Shiro-kun, guard my coffee for me. I'll go get a rug cause this milk's about to drop to the floor." Roberu said as he quickly got out before the milk really started to drop to the floor.

Ayame went to my side, and I quickly got out. She does not sound happy when I'm involved apparently.

'Sob. But I love you, Ayame-chan.' I sobbed in my thoughts.

Well, what can you do about it? Can't help your trust issues, Shiro.

She got up on Roberu's chair and knelt on it, and then wiped the table. I found it a bit cute, since I can't believe she's actually this short in real life. Roberu then came when Ayame was done, and he wiped the mess where the milk dropped down. After the whole table was clean, we went back to our original positions, and drank our coffee. Of course, I sipped mine in my own weird way.

"So...Ayame was your first oshi, huh? That's kinda weird. What did you like about her, exactly?" Subaru asked.

"Well…" I looked at Ayame and she jumped a bit.

She looked at me, and then we looked at each other in the eye. I couldn't tell if she was angry, or just intensely staring at me. Whatever the case, I felt tension in her stare.

Ayame looked back at her milk, and then drank it, making me sigh a bit in relief, and I looked at Subaru.

"I guess you could say she was extremely cute playing Minecraft."

Ayame almost did the same thing she did a while ago. Only a little bit of milk leaked out from her mouth, and she covered it with her right hand and put her left hand out. Subaru was ready to get a towel, and Roberu was just ready to go get a rug.

"....I'm fine…" She said after she gulped her milk down.

We sighed in relief, and Subaru and Roberu got back into their seats.

"Well, I guess that's enough talk since Ayame seems to keep on spitting milk everytime you say something about her." Subaru laughed.

"T-That's because of...some reasons…" Ayame said, looking away and drinking more of her milk.

"Well, anyway, why did you even think of joining Hololive?"

I blinked twice, and then shifted my stare from Subaru to Ayame, making her jump a bit.

"W-WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!" Ayame blushed and pouted.

"H-Hey! You're just one of the reasons, okay?!" I said.

"Eh?! Ayame again?!" Subaru said.

"I bet you, Subaru-chan. The next question's answer is Ayame-senpai again." Roberu laughed, and then I laughed, which also made Subaru laugh as well. Ayame just did a bit of a giggle, and continued drinking her milk.

"Well, the other reason was that...I saw that Hololive had a male group called 'Holostars'. I thought that I could just join them and be a Hololiver too if my Old Man could let me join."

"'Old Man'...?" Subaru asked.

"Oh, I don't think Yagoo told you guys." I chuckled.

"Basically, he's my father figure." I said.

"....EH?!" They said, even Ayame.

"Mhmm. I didn't grow up with a dad, so in place of that, he took care of me like I was his son."

"Eh...?! I didn't know that!" Subaru said.

"Y-You…" Ayame said.

"...Hmm?" I said.

'Surprising...Ayame finally got rid of that angry attitude and decided to talk with me...MY WAIFU IS FINALLY TALKING TO ME!~' My inner oji-san giggled sinisterly.

"You...never grew up with a dad...?"

I widened my eyes a bit and looked away.

"U-Un…" I said as I looked at my mug and tried to cover my face with my collar using my left hand.

"What about your mom, Shiro-kun?" Subaru asked as I held my mug.

I widened my eyes, and stopped for a bit.


"...Shiro-kun?" Subaru said.

"Shiro-kun, you recalling memories?" Roberu asked.

"...Yeah...my relationship with my mom is fine." I said as my eyes got shadowed by my hoodie and I got my mug with my right arm underneath my hoodie and took a final sip of my coffee.

"Well...I guess that's enough personal talk about my background. I'm done with my coffee. I'll just wait for you, Subaru." I said as I put my mask back on, and finally got my hood down, lowkey signaling anybody looking at me to tell them that I'm finally free and I don't have to have any restrictions on.

"A-Ah, yeah...!" Subaru said, drinking more coffee.

"Oh? So you and Subaru-senpai are gonna go around the school, huh?" Roberu chuckled.


I looked at Nene, conversing with the others, and everybody else doing their business.

'Hah...so this is the atmosphere of the Holohouse, huh? Heartwarming, and everybody just having a good time. How nice.' I smiled under my mask.

~~Rushia's POV~~

I looked at Nene conversing with her genmates as they were just eating the cake and Nene also getting a remote and looking at something on the TV that was hanging on a little protrusion from the ceiling that's located between the lounge and the kitchen.

'Man...it's nice to have that much love and attention...I'm jealous.' I thought to myself and smiled a bit bittersweetly.

'If only Marine did that to me though...'cause right now, the love she's giving is not the same as before, honestly.' I looked at my mug and clenched my hand a bit.

"Hey, Rushia." Marine said.

"H-Hmm...?" I asked her.

"I was messaging Pekora and the others, and they said that, since we're all free in the afternoon, we'd have lunch together and talk about some plans to do, like maybe go for Karaoke, arcade, go to a coffee shop, and you know, just do something fun outside. You think you're up for it?" Marine asked as she held my hand.

I smiled and giggled.

"Of course I'm down for anything you guys suggest! We're the 3rd gen, after all." I said.

Marine's eyes widened, and so did her smile.

"Yes! I'll text the others in our personal discord server...!" She said, texting really fast in her phone.

I giggled, looking at Marine.

'Well, I'll think about that later. I guess it would be nice to hang out with the others too. I love everybody, after all.' I thought.

~Meanwhile, an unknown girl in Entertainment Academy also woke up at the same time as Nene, but is not a Hololiver~

~~???'s POV~~

"E-Eurgh...." I groaned, hearing the buzzing of my alarm.

"S-Seriously...? I should not have stayed up looking at Hololive videos and such…" I giggled a bit but then went back to groaning as I got my phone.

"I know, shut up, alarm." I swiped up and my phone stopped vibrating and making sounds.

I put my phone on my stomach and sighed.

"...Welp, another day in school...!" I said as I got my blanket out of the way and got my feet up in the air to then move it down and let gravity do the work to let me sit up.

"Okay...! Time to start the whole day again, and do class...!" I said as I stretched, closed one eye, and yawned.

"Hu....up!" I said as I stood up and walked towards my bag to get my small water bottle.

I drank the water inside, and exhaled as the water refreshed my brain and also made my throat wetter.

"Now my throat is wet...!" I smiled, and giggled.

"That sounds so wrong without context...anyway, I guess I should start doing my thing, I guess…"

I got some leftover bentou that I had last night and heated it up for breakfast, brushed my teeth, took a shower, making sure every nook and cranny is washed, even my big chest, and also making sure that the shampoo is thoroughly applied all over my dark-purple hair. After combing my hair and drying it, and then dressing up, I opened my door and exhaled as I smelled a bit of the ocean breeze and also heard some waves clashing against the supports of this school while also seeing some students out in the open walking to their classrooms.

"Hey, you took quite a lot of time." I heard to my left.

I looked to my left, and saw 2 girls.

"A-Ah, sorry...! I just stayed up late at night watching some Hololive videos and stuff. Sorry...!" I put my hands together and closed both of my eyes while also making a face, letting my 2 new friends know that I do feel bad for letting them wait.

"Well, nonetheless, let's go! We don't wanna miss class, right?" My other friend said.

"Mhmm! Let's go...!" I said as I got my bag and walked along with them.

Little did I know though that when we finally got to the 1st floor and walked along the pathway towards our classrooms in the other buildings, something that me and my friends won in the arcade, which was a very cute little figure that was about as big as 2 inches, just fell out of my bag. I wouldn't notice this yet until we finally got into our classroom and searched inside my bag for my notebook and pen.

~~Shiro's POV~~

I was just waiting near the entrance of the Holohouse outside as I mumbled the 1st verse of my remix of Calli's "Could you please RIP?" song.

I wore a white undershirt, blue plaid short-sleeved shirt, black pants, white shoes, and also a golden necklace. I didn't really put on some cologne though. Obviously, I would go with my everyday color for my mask, which is black. I also brought a small gray sling bag.

"Killin' them like Krillin. In an instant, you're a goner...you barely stand a chance with a knife to a gunner. Like summer, every day that passes, I get hotter. You cannot take cover, Yagoo'll cop a damn brother."

"To my surprise, all your lives got a couple minutes 'till your death arrives, hella nice. Time to pop a bunch of bitche-" I stopped mumbling as I heard footsteps to my left.

I looked to my left to see a girl with blue shining eyes and short black hair, wearing a black short sleeve shoulderless top with blue denim shorts, black and white vans, a sling bag that had a wheat color, and to finish it off, she also smells...quite nice actually.

The fragrance was like smelling roses. Goddamn. Such a girly scent for a tomboy.

'She's fucking sexy, not gonna lie.' I thought to myself and blushed a bit.

"H-How do I look...?" Subaru asked while looking away and scratching her head.

"You're so beautiful." I blurted what was on my mind without thinking about it.

"E-Eh...?!" She looked at me with wide eyes and blushed a bit.

"A-Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to make it sound too weird, but like...you know, you're..."

I looked at her from the bottom to the top. Her shoes, her socks, her legs, her skin tone, her shorts and thigh gap, the gap moe that she has right now, her eyes, her hairstyle...it's perfect!

"You just look...really nice."

"R-Really? That's a relief..." She said before sighing with a smile.

"I'm guessing that's why you took quite a long time in your room?"

"Un! I was worried you might not like what I wore right now, but..."

She smiled and used her left finger to twirl that long hair strand on the left side of her face while looking away.

"I-It seems your reactions confirm that you do like it..." She blushed a bit.

"Y-Yeah..." I scratched my head.

"You know...you look good too." She said, blushing a bit more and facing her body towards her left more.

"T-Thanks...I guess." I said, looking away.

I sighed and looked at her.

"A-Anyway, are we about to go now and roam around the school so that you can show me every single building, and whatnot?" I asked.

"Ah-yeah! Let's go, Shiro-kun!" Subaru said.

So! What do you guys think of this chapter? No sex, no nothing fucked up. It's just pure wholesomeness! I mean, there might be some "questionable" parts in this chapter, but nonetheless, it involved Shiro giving Nene a gift for her birthday, and Shiro who's about to go on a "date" with Subaru!

Oh, and also....please look forward to the future chapters of this arc UwU. ESPECIALLY this girl that's named "???".

That'll be all, and Cube QB out!

MinecUwUberifcreators' thoughts